This made Lin Fan overjoyed. It was an unintentional move. He felt that this method was feasible, so he gave it a try.

Lin Fan concocted it according to the law; he put away another starry sky quicksand that attacked him again. He was sure that this method was safe and he could go to save people. Of course, the main purpose was to destroy all the starry sky It is a great opportunity to take away all the quicksand.

"Emperor of Heaven, please have mercy, although we have offended, but the crime is not death."

The emperor spoke again, but there was greed blooming in his eyes, but it was hidden too deep, even if he was close at hand, he couldn't find the clue.

Just because he noticed something unusual, the disappearance of the two quicksands in the starry sky was too abrupt and strange, so he had some kind of guess.

"Okay, the deity can make a move." Lin Fan said, ignoring Li Guang who looked unhappy, which made the emperor happy.

"Of course, it's not without conditions. Those starry sky and quicksand deities want it. I hope that after saving everyone, no unpleasant things will happen." Lin Fan was very direct, his eyes gleaming, and he looked at the emperor, saying something ugly now. ahead.

The emperor's heart suddenly tightened!

That guess turned out to be true!

This terrifying quicksand that almost wiped out everyone, Lin Fan has the ability to subdue it!

"Of course." The emperor opened his mouth, and put his posture low enough, with a sneer, and said: "The emperor of heaven can save us regardless of the past. , there is no way to subdue it, the Emperor of Heaven is unpredictable, and only as powerful as the Emperor of Heaven is worthy of enjoying the heavenly things, how dare we ask for it?"

"That's good."

Lin Fan automatically blocked all kinds of flattering words from the emperor.

"Don't worry." The emperor patted his chest: "At that time, if anyone dares to jump out to make trouble, I won't be able to spare him. How can there be such an unrighteous person? Whoever dares to come out to make trouble at that time will not need to be respected. Immediately suppress it."

Lin Fan didn't want to talk anymore, and the golden road under his feet spread to the quicksand of the starry sky.

Yingying is shining, fairy energy is shining, and white mist is transpiring.

Ambilight is too wonderful, but when Lin Fan's rune eyes pierced the haze of light, a creepy scene happened——

The quicksand in the starry sky seals a group of emperors and holy towns in the middle, and the strange aura permeates, devouring the Dao fruits and vitality of all cultivators. Nutrients of quicksand.

Moreover, among them, there are more than a dozen ashes, which are clearly left by the saint who has been swallowed up, and even the whole body cannot be left behind.

"Listen, people inside, the Supreme Heavenly Emperor is willing to help me after my pleading more than once."

The emperor opened his mouth, and he stood behind Lin Fan with his hands down respectfully: "Of course, the Emperor of Heaven also has conditions. He can save you from death, but no one is allowed to compete for this quicksand in the starry sky, and it belongs to him."

Lin Fan's eyes flickered, and he stood proudly on the golden road.

"Pray for God's help"

"Lin Tiandi help, the so-called Tianbao, etc., we can't own, of course they should belong to the Tiandi."

"Heavenly materials and earthly treasures can be used by those who are capable, how dare they compete with the emperor of heaven?"

In the quicksand of the starry sky, there were all kinds of mournful wailing, all of them begging for help, showing that he did not dare to fight Lin Fan at all. Among them, Bubai was included. He screamed the most miserable and asked for help the most. sincere.

Lin Fan made a move, provoking the sky, as if provoking the sun, the moon and the stars, and took a lot of effort to lift up a dozen quicksands from the starry sky. Of course, he swallowed all these quicksands into the small world.

Lin Fan tried his best to drop ten meetings, and he was very direct and domineering. He wanted to open a passage from the outside to the inside in the most direct and most direct way, so that the people inside could get out of trouble and achieve the goal of saving people.

It seemed to be only Zhang Xu, but when Lin Fan really fell into it, he realized that it was just an illusion. In fact, between sand and sand, there is an infinite distance, just like the distance between galaxies.

Moreover, after he collected hundreds of quicksands in the starry sky, trouble came. Dozens of hundreds of quicksands buzzed over, each one as heavy as a real big star. Even Lin Fan felt that it was very difficult, if it wasn't for the World Tree to help him suppress, he wouldn't have dared to collect all the extravagant demands.

Finally, Lin Fan picked up flying sand in the starry sky that was not as big as a thumb, and he rescued No.1. This is a Lindi, and the torso from the waist down disappeared.

Lin Fan threw him out and continued to move forward. It took a long time, but the ending wasn't too bad. All the survivors were rescued.

But also at this time, the quicksand in the starry sky erupted, and the speed of the devouring speed was obviously increased many times, and the weak screams of dying made people's scalp numb.

"Lin Fan, can't you hurry up?"

Someone was scolding angrily, and he was extremely frightened. With anxiety and anger, he scolded Lin Fan for being too slow for causing more people to be robbed.

Because, an emperor less than a hundred meters in front of him was swallowed into a mummy, and with a bang, even the emperor's body was turned into ashes.

This made Lin Fan's eyes slightly cold.

He has no obligation to save people, and he has tried his best, but he was still scolded and so on.

Ben, he was only two quicksands away from this person, and he could save him in time, but Lin Fan turned around, and walked from the person who scolded him to the next person.

"Lin Fan, what are you doing? Didn't you see that this deity is suffering here?" He was roaring furiously, as the invisible devouring breath was eating away at his vitality and Dao fruit. Will soon die.

"Sorry, I have no obligation to save you."

Lin Fan was very cold.

The most important thing is that when this person reprimanded him, the sound of reprimand appeared one after another, reprimanding him for not being fast enough, blaming him for not doing his best, but busy subduing Tianbao.

This is very unpleasant.

"Ah Lin Fan, I was wrong, please"

This person opened his mouth, begging for mercy, but it was too late, he turned into ashes with a puff, completely dusted!

Lin Fan glanced over indifferently, with a cold smile: "Remember, the deity saved you out of mercy, just saying a few words, don't blame me for not saving you."

This sentence was so effective, all the scolding and shouting disappeared, and everyone was silenced.

Li Guang was grinning outside, praising Lin Fan for being domineering, worthy of being his brother, these people should be treated like this, and they should not show any face, otherwise they would open a dyeing room if they were given three points of sunshine.


The quicksand in the starry sky suddenly flowed, and there was a huge repulsive force between the sand and the sand. The air in it, the rules, etc., were all being driven out. Lin Fan had a feeling that he was going to be pushed out, that he was going to be driven out. .

If he hadn't also guarded himself with the Shenshen Bell and draped the map of mountains and rivers on his body, he would have been expelled absolutely, and it was impossible to stay where he was.

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