Twin martial arts

Chapter 2374 boarding and leaving

During this period of time, Yuyu was extremely noisy. Lin Fan thought that in the world on the other side, there were no more than three or two thousand cultivators from the celestial and human realms.

But at this time, he realized that he had really underestimated those people, and at least five thousand people from the celestial world came here.

They all looked up at Lin Fan sitting cross-legged in the sky.

The eyes are extremely complicated.

In the world of celestial beings; Lin Fan is an undisputed man of the hour, even the prince of the celestial-human race—Tong Tian, ​​he dares to do it openly!

Moreover, he has been fighting for the front until now, but he is still alive and well, and his cultivation level is getting higher and higher day by day.

They knew that if Lin Fan could really complete all the journeys and return to the Celestial Realm, then even the Celestial Race would not dare to bully him easily.

Even if Lin Fan returns to the Heavenly Human Realm first, the world will have his honor.

No one dares to underestimate a living emperor.

Especially, Lin Fan is still very young, how far will he grow in the future?Who would have guessed?

At this stage of growth, except for those who have mortal enemies with Lin Fan, no one is willing to provoke a heavenly emperor with infinite potential. Even if Lin Fan does offend occasionally, most of them will choose to forbear.

They even wondered if there would be a big change in the sky when Lin Fan returned to the world of heaven and man.

This is very likely.

At least, no one dares to underestimate the power behind Lin Fan. Haven't you seen that the Celestials and Humans are suppressing them with all their strength?

The Phoenix Clan, and the forces that should be renamed Sword Emperor Mountain at this time, as well as Pirate State and Li Guang who occupied Qingzhou by force, these forces are really too powerful.

However, many people are destined to lose sight of it.

At this moment, they are emotionally complicated, and their beloved is standing beside them.

A female cultivator found a lover in the other world who was worth entrusting her life to.

Of course, there are also male cultivators who have found their true love in this world and are willing to die of old age in the other world.

"Don't worry, I'm not leaving"

A man was whispering, and he looked at the beauty beside him with a smile: "For me, the so-called pinnacle of cultivation is not as good as spending time with you."

This is the most touching love story.

"Don't worry, I will treat you well, catch the stars and take the moon for you, and go through fire and water for you."

There are also male cultivators in the other world comforting their crying love.

Lin Fan's spirit permeates every corner of the star sea, so of course he can hear these words.

He was thinking, if it wasn't for some great hatred, he really wanted to find a quiet place, just live in seclusion with Qingcheng and Le Yao, and didn't want to pay attention to the troubles in this world.

He is also willing to dissipate this astonishing cultivation for Qingcheng and others, and put it under the collection of hermits under the eastern fence.

Lin Fan is really looking forward to, when all grievances and grievances are resolved, he can stay away from the troubles of the world. One house, one field, one cat and one dog are enough.

The world of mortals is not as good as the smile on her face.

Yuzhu came, just like Lin Fan, sitting cross-legged in the void: "Xiao Nuo is here, don't worry."

Lin Fan nodded.

Yuzhu frowned: "I know you have a big grudge."

Lin Fan didn't speak.

Yuzhu raised his head to look at the void, and said: "If one day, you can find the location of the celestial and human realm, and you can break through the wall of this realm, I will come with hundreds of millions of troops to help you pacify the celestial and human race."

Lin Fan smiled: "One day, I won't be polite, and I will ask you for help."

"Family, you don't need to talk about this. If Xiao Nuo and my naughty girl hadn't been engaged, I would have sworn brothers with you." Yuzhu said with a proud smile: "I don't know how many enemies I have in my life, but There are too few people who can become my brothers, and I look down on them."

Afterwards, his tone became low: "My last brother died in that battle."

Lin Fan was silent, of course he knew who the 'last brother' Yuzhu was talking about, he patted Yuzhu on the shoulder, and didn't say much or try to persuade him.

"You are very happy. You have brothers who will accompany you in life and death. They fought with you and fought in one world after another. You are much better than me." Yuzhu's tone was a little low, obviously thinking of those brothers he used to be.

Lin Fan said: "I don't have many brothers, but they can die for life. There are still a few people who don't know where. If you have the opportunity to get along with them, I'm sure you will be willing to be their brothers."

"I know, it must be very good to be your Lin Fan's brother." Yuzhu smiled.

Lin Fan also laughed, but then he frowned and thought deeply, saying: "The other side is too big, but there are too many masters, you have to be careful, in fact, a world only needs one master, otherwise it will be a disaster."

Lord Yu frowned.

Lin Fan said: "I didn't think that I might ask you for help one day, so I opened my mouth like this, but I was really worried."

Lin Fan expressed his inner worries: "You are too straightforward, you like to go straight, but you must know that it is easy to hide a spear and it is difficult to defend against it. At least I have killed many strong people whose cultivation base is many times higher than mine. , and more than once.

You are powerful in battle, but you don't know the way of alchemy. Even with all the means I left behind, but my deity is no longer, there is no guarantee that there will be no accidents. "

"I understand, I will consider your opinion." Yuzhu said, and then smiled bitterly: "Actually, I have never thought of unifying the world, but later"

"I also understand and understand." Lin Fan said.

Who has never aspired to the world?

Who has never climbed a mountain and asked the sky, who is in charge of the ups and downs in this world?

It's just that Yuzhu's two sons were missing later, and his wife could only live on. Those lofty ambitions were eventually wiped out in reality.

"If you think about it, Xiao Nuo and Xiao Wu are here to help you. Both of them have commanded thousands of troops and are rare handsome talents." Lin Fan said.

Yuzhu is still frowning.

"Boom!" A sound made the frowning Yuzhu suddenly terrified.

He sensed that the heart of heaven in this other world was trembling, the myriad ways were whining, and the entire other world was shaking!

"The boat is coming!"

"Is it the weirdness in the legend?"

Many celestial beings shouted in horror.

A huge ship brutally broke through the cosmic boundary wall where the other shore was located, and directly broke into the starry sky. It was at least ten thousand feet long, and there were various traces of terrifying battles on it, and brown blood stained the hull.

Lin Fan's pupils shrank sharply!

He has boarded this ship more than once, it is so similar, the aura is exactly the same.

"I'm leaving." Lin Fan looked at Yuzhu: "Does Xiao Wu need to stay?"

Yuzhu frowned, he was thinking and hesitating.

Lin Fan smiled and rose from the sky, flying towards the blood-stained ship first, Wu Jian and Li Guang followed naturally.

"Farewell, father."

Lin Nuo knelt on the ground, and the little princess also knelt on the ground together, very respectful.

"I'll be waiting for you in the starry sky." Lin Fan looked at Xiao Nuo and the little princess, and shot out a ray of divine light. It was a talisman ring, and within a space of at least a thousand square meters, it contained all kinds of magic rings that he could refine. out of the pill.

"Brother Lin, Xiao Wu stay and help me."

Yuzhu spoke, just as Lin Fan and Xiao Wu were about to board the boat.

Lin Fan smiled, and just glanced at Xiao Wu, Xiao Wu bid farewell to Lin Fan and flew back to the world on the other side.

"I'm waiting for Xiao Nuo and the others to bring you the great news of dominating the world." Lin Fan sent a voice transmission.

Everyone boarded, and the giant ship set off again, heading for an unknown place.

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