Twin martial arts

Chapter 2373 Seeking the Starry Sky

Lin Fan's complex emotions just flashed by.

After all, they are irrelevant and even enemies, so there is no need for unnecessary emotions to last.

"Hehe, now, who can save you?" Lin Fan was very cold, he looked at Ren Aoxiang.

"Are you suicidal, or is this deity doing it?"

Yuzhu is even more domineering. With a wave of Yuzhu's sword, he just said it bluntly.

This battle is over, whether Ren Aoxiang chooses to commit suicide or continue to fight, it will not change his ending.

"Your Master"

Lin Fan whispered.

"That's between me and him." Yuzhu said, and sighed: "Please don't interfere."

"Okay." Lin Fan nodded: "His cultivation is no longer as good as yours, so it's not difficult for you to kill him."

Yuzhu nodded and rushed to another battlefield, which was in the depths of the universe. Hongzhu and Zhouzhu were still fighting with Yuzhu's master.

It has to be said that it is worthy of being Yuzhu's master, who is really powerful. Even under the attack of two masters, he can still fight back effectively, causing trauma to Zhouzhu and Hongzhu.

Of course, he himself was even more miserable, being killed bloody.

Lin Fan left, this was entrusted by Yuzhu, fearing that someone would take advantage of the chaos in the universe and someone would take advantage of it, so please ask him to go and sit in charge.

The Yuyu was indeed in chaos. Although Gu Chenyuan died, many of his subordinates who were resurrected by strange means were still wreaking havoc in the Yuyu.

Moreover, when those Yin soldiers who returned from hell just appeared in Yuyu, they caused a big commotion. Even Yuzhu's subordinates, who had experienced many battles, panicked because of these Yin soldiers.

If it weren't for Xiao Wu and Xiao Nuo sitting in the town, there would definitely be a big mess. Of course, after Gu Chenyuan's death, these rotten generals and others, the combat power was greatly reduced. At this time, Xiao Nuo and the little princess led an army without swords. Lead another army with Li Guang and Xiao Wu Ze to clear everything.

When Lin Fan returned to the other side of the world, Xiao Nuo and others had almost wiped out all the disturbances. Lin Fan just killed many rats who were fishing in troubled waters.

After everything calmed down, Lin Fan and others returned to Yuzhu's palace, waiting for Yuzhu's return in victory.

Of course, Empress Yu and the little princess were worried, but with Lin Fan's strong guarantee, they were relieved. Half a day later, Lord Yu returned, holding the remains of his master in both hands, and buried it in a beautiful place with beautiful mountains and rivers.

Regarding the enmity and resentment between him and his master, Yuzhu didn't want to say more, and Lin Fan didn't ask, everyone has their own privacy that they don't want to be known, if you ask too much, it will be annoying.

After three days of recuperation, Lin Fan began to heal Empress Yu and the two sons of the Lord.

This time the treatment took too long. It took more than two years to make up for the congenital deficiencies of Yuzhu's two sons. Of course, the poison on Yuhou's body was completely removed, and his appearance was restored to the original, radiant and beautiful. world.

At this time, on the mountain of God.

Lin Fan was buried in a pile of yellowed ancient books. He was looking for the starry sky mentioned by the envoy. Of course, the most important thing was to find the ancient road leading to the starry sky.

The envoy once said that day, the sea of ​​suffering, the other shore, the starry sky, and the three thousand great worlds, these are the four major stages that must be experienced after stepping into the sea of ​​suffering.

If you want to return to the world on the other side, you can only follow the inherent steps.

"Prehistoric ship"

Lin Fan whispered, he finally found a clue.

A long time ago, heroes from other worlds also came to this domain, and left behind a few words, there is a huge ship that will break through the boundary wall of the universe and pass across the sky. Only with the help of this ship can we reach the starry sky.

This made Lin Fan frown.

He always felt that the so-called prehistoric giant ship in these few words was the weird and ominous blood-stained giant ship that everyone in the world of heaven and man talked about.

Lin Fan really wanted to ask the envoy for confirmation, so when he walked out of the ancient book room and climbed to the top of the mountain, he saw the envoy lighting a lamp for the statue of the God of Medicine.

"Are you sure you want to leave?" the envoy said.

Lin Fan said: "Everything in this world has come to an end, besides, I feel restless after leaving the world of heaven and man for a long time."

The envoy lit up the magic lamp and looked back at Lin Fan: "Aren't you going to explore the forbidden lands and Jedi in the other side, as well as the vast no-man's land? Maybe you will find something, if you can get something from it , you will benefit for a lifetime.”

Lin Fan thought for a moment: "I'm not going, I just want to go home quickly."

"Hehe, I got it, then you go first, and you will be able to go to the starry sky soon." The envoy smiled, unfathomable: "That is a blood-stained ancient road, a chaotic and layered time and space."

"What do you mean?" Lin Fan asked.

"You'll know when you go." The envoy obviously didn't want to say anything more.

Lin Fan chuckled, since he has already decided to go, there is no need to pursue what will be encountered on the way forward: "Then, dare to ask the envoy, how long will it take for the giant ship leading to the starry sky to appear?"

"It will come when it comes."

Lin Fan turned his head and left.

Lin Fan felt that this envoy really had a split nerve. Sometimes he was as cold as ice and as domineering as an emperor, but most of the time, this envoy was really like a full-fledged magic stick, speaking incomprehensible words.

"The road to the starry sky is about to appear?"

Xiao Wu's eyes shone sharply.

In this world, it is impossible for him to find a suitable opponent.

It's just because, after Lin Fan and Yuzhu show their power, even if he deliberately provokes troubles, others will avoid fighting, and it is impossible to fight him.

Therefore, he desperately hopes to change to another place, and it is best to keep fighting and fighting.

Li Guang was also roaring, bluntly saying that he would become the emperor under the starry sky, and then he would enter the world of heaven and man.

"Don't underestimate it. From the words of the envoy, we can know that the starry sky is not a good place, it is a layered time and space, it doesn't seem like a real big world." Lin Fan warned.

Wu Jian raised his eyes: "In this way, we may be scattered under the starry sky and enter different time and space?"

Lin Fan nodded: "So, we must be careful. We must know that since ancient times, how many people have been able to return to the sea of ​​suffering?"

"Xiao Nuo, what about you? Do you want to follow Weifu to the starry sky, or stay here?" Lin Fan asked, "No matter what, Weifu will support you."

Xiao Nuo said: "Father will go first, and she and I will follow."

Pausing for a moment, Xiao Nuo said: "Empress Yu has just recovered, she is very attached, just wait for her."

"Nothing, I don't know when the giant ship will come."

Lin Fan smiled.

"Brother Lin, do you want to tell the people of the Heavenly Human Realm all over the world?" Wu Jian asked.

"Let me tell you, whether they are willing to go or whether they will die on the way, but the information should be told." Lin Fan said.

Soon, the giant ship leading to the starry sky will appear, and the news that Lin Fan summoned everyone to gather in Yuyu Imperial City will be known to the entire world on the other side.

Lin Fan sat cross-legged on Yuzhu's palace, his spirit spread all over the sea of ​​stars, making sure that he could catch the ship as soon as it appeared.

At this time, the blood-stained giant boat rowed across a long turbid river, and lay down through layers of time and space, rushing towards the other shore. It may arrive within three to five days. Of course, if there is an accident, it may not be known in ten or eight years.

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