Twin martial arts

Chapter 2360 Two-pronged approach

This is Yao Zun.

Before knowing the real alchemy level of the opponent, Lin Long will not be careless and will attack with all his strength.

"Boy, let you die in peace. This venerable master is the Seizing Heaven Creation Pill, which can seize the sky and allow those who are on the summit of the Emperor to directly ascend to the Emperor's Realm." Yao Zun was proud.

He wasn't afraid at all that Lin Long would adjust his methods to deal with the pill he had refined. This kind of self-confidence was indescribable.

Of course, Yao Zun introduced the elixir he will refine, which shocked the crowd!

Let Emperor Lin directly ascend to the Emperor Realm!

It's horrible and scary.

Compared with the so-called Emperor Pill, etc., I don't know how many times more precious it is.

It should be known that there are at most dozens of 30 proclaimed emperors in the world. I don’t know how many evildoers have ridden under the emperor’s realm, and as a result, they are trapped under the emperor’s level for life, and they cannot comprehend the wonderful realm of the emperor until they die.

But at this time, all he needs is this so-called Duotian Fortune Pill, and he can be called the emperor, so that he can stand high above, overlook the mountains and rivers, sit in one side, and become the king and hegemony.

Who doesn't want it?

Who wouldn't want to?

In particular, those saints who were watching from the outermost periphery became even more excited, causing a great commotion, their eyes burning hot, as if they were about to ignite the void.

Lin Long raised his eyebrows slightly.

Seizing Heaven Fortune Pill.

This elixir is recorded in the Mysterious Medicine Book, but the evaluation is extremely low, because this medicine is very vicious and overbearing.

Indeed, it can be swallowed and let Emperor Lin proclaim himself emperor.

But only having the fighting power and morality of an emperor, but it is true that you can't have the long lifespan of an emperor's character, and it will greatly reduce the lifespan you should have enjoyed.

For example, when you were Emperor Lin, you were supposed to live for 8000 years, but after you swallowed the Duotian Good Fortune Pill, you could only have a lifespan of at most 4000 years, which was cut by more than half.

"This is poison pill." Lin Long said.

These words made Yao Zun's eyes turn cold.

He didn't expect that Lin Long would already know the big flaw of this pill just by saying the name of the pill.

"Indeed." He didn't deny it either, but then, with a smirk: "But what's the matter? This kind of elixir is hard to find in the sky and on the earth, and I can guarantee that there is only one person inside and outside the universe. out."

"This pill is useless." Lin Long continued to speak.

"A elixir can make Emperor Lin a saint, but you claim it's useless?"

Emperor Lin was scolding angrily, his eyes were full of anger.

Lin Long's words, of course, made a group of Emperor Lin who was eager to get this pill furious. If it weren't for the scruples about the gap in cultivation, the scruples would have rushed forward and beheaded Lin Long.

Lin Fan squinted: "After swallowing this elixir, you can indeed become emperor, but your original lifespan will be reduced by at least half, and it is impossible to have a chance to break through the world in this lifetime. Isn't this elixir a poisonous elixir? ?”

Everyone changes color!

When it comes to Shouyuan, no one is nervous and afraid.

"What you said is indeed true, but you still can't conceal the demeanor of this pill." Yao Zun mocked: "Some Lindi will never be destined for the emperor's realm in his entire life, but this pill can fulfill his ultimate dream, and some of them will die in time. There are not many Lindi who will be demanding."

He smiled: "Believe it or not, if the deity bluntly said that he could bestow this pill at this time, there would be at least a thousand emperors kneeling at the deity's feet begging."


There is an emperor sighing.

They have all experienced the difficulties and dangers of breaking the mirror.

Of course, I know the temptation of this pill to the cultivator.

"Indeed, if you are lucky enough to see another level of elegance, what if your lifespan plummets?" A very old Lindi smiled wryly.

"I heard that Daoxi is dead, and there are barbarians outside the territory? Have you never heard of this?"

Someone is mocking.

Lin Long didn't say much.

Everyone has their own aspirations, and we can't force them to come.

Of course, the name of the elixir that Yao Zun blew up made Lin Long sigh. The elixir he was going to refine was just a life-extending pill, which could prolong the life of the emperor for thousands of years, but to be precise, it was really worse than this. Heaven's Creation Pill is half-raised.

Of course, with his superb alchemy methods, he can still beat Yao Zun by a narrow margin.

But since it is a narrow victory, there are naturally risks.

Had to change the target.

What he refined was still the divine elixir that would allow Emperor Lin to proclaim himself the emperor—the Emperor elixir.

The name is very common, but its efficacy is comparable to Duotian Haohua Pill, and the side effects are much smaller.

Although it will still deprive the swallower of his lifespan, it is not so ruthless.

There is no way, in this world, any gains and losses are equal, and no free pie will appear in the hands of people.

What you gain is what you lose.

It is impossible to have no side effects at all, not even the God of Medicine can do it.

But in the starry sky, when the intense alchemy will begin, Lin Fan in the lower realm is still doing great things.

Thoroughly remove the poison for Yuzhu.

Because, in this alchemy fight, Yao Zun is absolutely doomed.

And if there were still people hiding behind Yao Zun, they would definitely attack before Yao Zun died to achieve their goal.

Yao Zun is very important, because he is the one who subdues many big poisons, and with the character of Yao Zun, he will definitely not allow his methods to be known by others.

Therefore, only Yao Zun knew how to close the net and how to make Yuzhu die.

This forced Lin Fan to change his plan. Originally, he planned to completely remove Yuzhu's poison in half a year, but now, he couldn't wait.

This is a pitch-black pool, and there are all kinds of horrible poisons in it, densely squirming on this pitch-black pool, it makes people feel dizzy just looking at it.

There are many poisons in it, even if the emperor is touched, the flesh will definitely rot.

"Yuzhu, swallow the pill first and then enter the sink." Lin Fan said.

All the hosts by the pool felt their scalps go numb.

Even if it was him, he would keep a respectful distance from the poisons on the top of this pool, and it would be extremely troublesome to touch them.

"it is good."

But in the end, Yuzhu still nodded.

His body shook, and the clothes on his body were torn apart. In an instant, he had swallowed the elixir and jumped into the black pool.

This made Lin Fan slightly admire.

It is worthy of being able to go this far. This kind of decisiveness is amazing, and there is not much hesitation and hesitation.

His face was serious and dignified.

This method of removing poison was too dangerous, he wanted to use a milder method, but time did not allow it.


Lin Fan raised his hands and roared angrily.


All kinds of flames are burning around the pool. These are the most intense flames in the world that can only be received by the poor master, including the real fire of Samadhi, the fire of divine beasts, etc. At this time, all kinds of flames are burning. This dark pool was built by Lin Fan inside the God-Sacred Clock, so it will definitely be roasted to nothingness and be discovered by outsiders.

Roasted by the flames, the pitch-black pool was boiled in an instant, and all kinds of peristaltic poisons in it burrowed towards Yuzhu, who had the lowest temperature in the boiling water.

It is the nature of creatures without intelligence to pierce Yuzhu's skin and enter his flesh and blood to survive, and it cannot be changed at all.

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