Twin martial arts

Chapter 2359 Fighting With Anger

Lin Fan didn't continue to say anything.

Just because, this is a knot, and, if you are not the person involved, you will never be able to feel the helplessness and discomfort in other people's hearts.

Of course, Lin Fan would not believe Lin Long's words at all. The so-called proper method cannot appear in this matter at all.

"I don't know what to say, but I will understand whatever you want." Lin Fan patted Lin Long on the shoulder lightly.

"Ok, I know."

Lin Long nodded.

"Where's the little dragon king? Come out and fight."

At this time, Yao Zun's voice exploded; it came from outside the starry sky, but it shook the entire other shore, the whole world rumbled, echoing endlessly, filled with a frightening chill.

He unexpectedly appeared at this time, Ben has been hiding behind people, only the ruthless eyes pay attention to the shocking Dan Dou.


Lin Long smiled, but it was extremely cold, killing intent almost flowed out from his pupils and nostrils like running water.

Lin Fan also smiled.

He knew that something big was about to happen, and that Yao Zun, who had always been used to hiding behind the scenes and acting as the mastermind behind the scenes, would be miserable.

At this moment, Lin Long was furious. This Yao Zun would definitely be tortured by blood, and it would definitely be miserable. All the prestige and so on were destined to dissipate into dust today, and they would all disappear.

In the starry sky, Yao Zun stands proudly, beside him is a huge medicine cauldron like a mountain, it is so extraordinary, there are all kinds of rays of light gushing from the mouth of the cauldron, many big stars are attracted, revolving around the medicine cauldron, Become a foil and background.

With his hands behind his back, he was looking down on the heroes, like a high-ranking king accepting the worship of his subjects.

It has to be said that Yao Zun is indeed famous throughout the ages. When Sanjiang fought Lin Longdan, although there were also giants from the emperor's realm, those who really stood at the top of the pyramid on the other side did not pay much attention at all.

Only when the scourge of heaven came, Zhou Lord and Hong Lord came with a wisp of avatar.

However, when Yao Zun's roar shocked the world, almost all the top-ranked people in the other world came.

They all want to pay respects to this great thing that has been respected by alchemy in the other world ten thousand years ago.

"Yao Zun, I haven't seen you in ten thousand years, you are still in high spirits, and the years have not stained you, it is commendable."

There was an old immortal who was about to lose all his teeth, smiling, showing his yellow teeth.

Yao Zun glanced at him, and said with a smile: "I know all kinds of life-prolonging medicines, the so-called power of time, etc., which cannot be used on my body for at least 3 years."

Everyone who came here was amazed.

Yao Zun already has a lifespan of 3 years, but at this time he actually said bluntly that within [-] years, he will not show any signs of aging, and the so-called power of time will disappear on him.

How can this not be enviable?

Of course, what is even more frightening is his invincible alchemy.

"I haven't seen you for a long time, Your Majesty is planning to declare his strong return with the life of a Heavenly Emperor."

The Emperor is whispering.

He is the emperor, and when he walks the world on weekdays, he can make all races bow down to him, but at this time, under this starry sky, he really cannot be ranked, and there are many people who are stronger than him.

"That heavenly emperor is also considered extraordinary. He was able to suppress and kill Sanjiang, and he actually refined the seven-layered Danyun pill, which shows that his alchemy is very good." Lord Zhou said, solemnly and solemnly: "And, his battle The strength may not be weaker than Lin Fan, and he will kill the emperors."

"Then what's the matter?" Yao Zun laughed: "I don't compete with him in combat strength, and it's not impossible for me to refine the so-called seven-layer pill cloud, and I have already swallowed many of them."

This made people look sideways, the Seventh Layer Pill Cloud Divine Pill actually appeared in Yao Zun's hands more than one or two, it was too shocking.

In fact, many people in the emperor's realm even felt that their own knowledge was too shallow. The so-called Danyun God Pill is actually not so rare.

"This battle between dragons and tigers is very likely to push the alchemy world of the other world to another peak. It is worth looking forward to, and it is enough to be recorded in ancient history." An emperor said sincerely.

"Hmph! You think too highly of him, he's just a clown. From his fight with Sanjiang Pill, this deity has seen his reality. He is indeed very strong, but his strength is limited. If he is not the deity's opponent, he will be suppressed by me in all directions. "Yao Zun's arrogance is indescribable.

He pointed to Jiang Shan and said bluntly, "Besides, if the deity can't completely torture him in every step of alchemy, then the deity has lost."

"Yao Zun's demeanor is still the same, as described in the Taoism, I am invincible and has a great spirit." Even Hong Zhu said this, he had a taste of Yao Zun's former demeanor.

I thought that after ten thousand years passed, Yao Zun would restrain his sharpness a little after sitting and watching the vicissitudes of the mulberry sea after years of ups and downs.

The result was not like that at all, he was still powerful and boundless, as fierce and invincible as when he was once criss-crossing the alchemy world.

"Are you going to torture the deity?"

Lin Long came, turned into a real dragon and charged from the other side. The dragon tail was still above the world on the other side, but the dragon's head had already reached here.

"Hehe, I just want to torture you." Yao Zun chuckled, he had no fear at all, because when Lin Long appeared, five emperors stopped in front of Yao Zun with cold eyes, obviously guarding against Lin Long Suddenly under the dead hand.

"Ha ha."

The handsome dragon that was crowded with Hoshino let out a sneer and turned into a handsome man: "Come on, wait for you to come and finish the torture. Of course, before that, you and I will make the rules."

"Rules?" Yao Zun smiled contemptuously: "I always like to be direct and straightforward."

"Tell me." Lin Long spread his hands.

"One comparison for tempering, one comparison for condensing pills, and one comparison for pregnant pills."

"How to compare?"

Lin Long raised his eyes slightly.

The alchemy method mentioned by Yao Zun is the most cruel and dangerous.

Decompose the three major steps of alchemy, and each step must be compared.

"Hey." Yao Zun smiled cruelly: "In the three competitions of alchemy, you lose one time and one sword."

There was an uproar!

This is too exciting, and soon you can see the emperor's blood flying up, and the emperor's body is cut by the ruthless sky knife.

Moreover, they admire Yao Zun even more.

This is to fully implement his own words. If he wants to torture the little dragon king completely, he will have to suffer a slash from the sky knife once if he loses. Maybe someone will fall without waiting for the end of alchemy.

"You, dare?" Yao Zun raised his brows, provocative enough.


Lin Long smiled sinisterly.

Soon, the vow was made and was recognized by Heaven, which meant that this alchemy fight was recognized by Heaven and Earth, and no one could deny it. Liezi, who was directly slashed and killed by Heaven's scourge, was still ahead.

"You wait to die, the knife is said to be very sharp that day, even if you cut off your hands and feet, you will not feel it, enjoy it." Yao Zun smiled ferociously and cruelly.

Lin Long glanced at him.

Dan Dou began.

However, Lin Long was a little more serious this time, and took out a pill furnace.

Surprisingly, it was the big cauldron of the Yao clan.

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