Master Yu raised his eyebrows slightly.

Suddenly remembered all kinds of strange things about Lin Fan.

As well as the imprint that I showed him that day, I immediately felt relieved, but still sighed, and said: "But Yao Zun is not far behind, if he can get to this point, the inheritance he got should not be too much. It will be bad."

"It's okay." Lin Fan said confidently: "You don't have to worry about Dan Dou, just act well and make sure that your brother doesn't find out before you get rid of all the toxins."

Yuzhu left, but he still made a lot of preparations, such as secretly ordering many emperor figures who were absolutely loyal to him to go to the Dandou area - Quzhou.

Quzhou, it's terrible, in this state, there are many giants sleeping, even the giant that almost occupied the entire wasteland at this time, that is, that day, it spewed out the fairy sword, ready to kill Lin Fan The old bastards are all from this state.

The reason for choosing this state is Yuzhu's proposal, because he is independent in the world of the other side, and does not belong to any of the four domains, which is relatively fair.

After three days of Dan Dou, Lin Fan is hurrying up to refine the liquid medicine. He cannot delay the big event of pulling out the poison for Yuzhu because of such a trivial matter as Dan Dou.

Of course, if this kind of words are known by others, they will call him mad. No one can underestimate Yao Zun like this. Since his debut, no one who has competed with him in the way of alchemy has been able to see the empress of Dan Dou The sun on the second day died in front of his pill furnace.

At this time Quzhou.

Naturally, someone will prepare for the alchemy site. The location is Qushan, which is the highest mountain in Quzhou.

A group of saints are running around. Only people of this level can roam around Qushan wantonly. Even kings cannot climb to the highest peak.

The crowd is dense and shoulder to shoulder.

I don't know how many thousands of people flocked to Quzhou, all of them wanted to come to watch this battle, and they didn't want to miss it.

This is really tempting and worth looking forward to.

One is the invincible overlord of alchemy in the other side of the starry sky, and the other is the recognized No. 1 alchemy in the world on the other side. Who will win and who will lose, and who will not pay attention?

Even if the envoys arrived early, even the four masters would set up seats on the mountain in advance, so that they would not miss even a moment of the wonderful moment of this alchemy fight.

Of course, around this alchemy, all kinds of so-called capable people and masters have all appeared. , I feel that the theoretical knowledge is too rich.

Of course, whether it is the proof or the so-called Liezi, they are all expounding one sentence, that is, the little dragon king must lose, and there is no chance of winning at all.

"Yao Zun's skills are as good as the sky, let me admire him, how can someone from a mere foreign land be able to fight against him?"

An old man sighed somewhere, he was wearing a yellowed green shirt, his white eyebrows were resting on his chest, he looked like a fairy, at this moment, his eyes showed memories and so on.

"Master Sanjiang, it is said that you were once defeated by Yao Zun, is this true or not?"

Someone asked, with respect, etc., seeking to verify a secret.

Sanjiang smiled wryly: "Indeed, after repeated battles and defeats, Yao Zun is indeed against the sky, and his alchemy skills are superb, and I am far behind."

This made people even more shocked by Yao Zun's horror.

This Master Sanjiang is very great, he has been respecting the Bian Dan world together with Yao Zun for many years.

Moreover, Yao Zun has been dormant for tens of thousands of years, while Master Sanjiang has been walking around the world, so his reputation has not fallen, and he even gradually surpassed Yao Zun.

But at this time, he personally admitted that he had been defeated by Yao Zun more than once.

"Master, why should you be humble? Thousands of years have passed, and no one has stood still, like the wheel of history rolling forward?" Emperor Youyi smiled: "And, I dare to judge, since the master has reached the top of Qushan today, and he is frank. The defeat in the past should be a chance of winning, and he wants to compete with Yao Zun."

Sanjiang chuckled, and nodded: "Emperor Meng Li is indeed right, he does have this plan, and he has already communicated with Yao Zun."


Everyone's eyes widened when they became interested.

Originally, I thought that this so-called alchemy fight was just a simple battle between outsiders and Yao Zun, but I really didn't expect that a great god like Sanjiang would be involved, and with the help of this alchemy fight, I would solve the problem. The grievances and grievances from long ago, it is necessary to correct who is the number one alchemist on the other side.

It was unexpected, and of course everyone was excited, feeling that it was worth it this time.

After the comments of the masters and Zhuanjia, the people who were not interested in the alchemy fight laughed again and looked forward to it.

"Master Yaozun, can you agree to the alchemy of the master?" Emperor Meng Li asked.

Sanjiang smiled wryly: "I did agree, but he said bluntly that if I want to fight him, I must first prove myself, how much progress I have made in the past ten thousand years, and whether it is worth his shot."

Everyone raised their eyebrows.

This Yao Zun is really arrogant to the point of boundlessness. It is estimated that in the alchemy world of the other world, the only one who dares to speak to Master Sanjiang like this is Yao Zun.

"Hey, it's too difficult. The heroes of the alchemy world on the other side are withered, and who is worthy of the master's shot? How can the master prove himself? It seems that this alchemy feast will be played out for countless years." Emperor Meng Li sighed. .

"Hehe, there really isn't one on the other side, but isn't there a madman fighting Yaozun?" Someone sneered.

Sanjiang's eyes brightened: "Indeed."

The light in his eyes became brighter, and he suddenly clapped his hands and applauded: "Great kindness! First use alchemy to quickly kill the madmen in foreign lands, and I invite Zhan Yaozun!"

"it is good!"

Everyone applauded loudly, only thinking that this method is too normal and reasonable.

Left and right, the little dragon king was just playing soy sauce, the highlight of this alchemy fight was the battle between Sanjiang and Yaozun.

Moreover, many people think that only in this way can the mortal Little Dragon King play a little role, otherwise his death is like dry grass and can only be turned into useless sludge.

Of course Lin Fan heard the news, he just laughed it off and devoted himself to the process of extracting the medicinal solution.

Master Sanjiang's disciples spoke forcefully. If Lin Long wanted to challenge Yao Zun, he had to pass their master—Sanjiang's test first, otherwise he would be unfit and unworthy.

Yao Zun also spoke out at the right time, bluntly saying that no matter how strong the little dragon king is in the so-called world of heaven and man, to him, he is just a nobody, a clown.

If you want to fight him, you need to defeat his former defeat first, otherwise, what qualifications do you Little Dragon King have to fight me?

This statement may seem arrogant, but it does make sense.

If you can't even defeat someone else's defeated general, then why should you fight against his true self?


There is only one character, which was typed out from the flood area. It was a big character made up of various terrifying rules and orders. It suddenly appeared in the sky above the flood area, and then it was like a golden thundercloud pushing across the Shizhou area, approaching Quzhou forcefully. The mountain made the entire mountain rumble, and endless boulders rolled down, as if they were about to collapse.

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