Twin martial arts

Chapter 2349 The Best Way

Lin Long's arrival was a great blessing to Lin Fan.

He is busy with removing poisons for Yuzhu and Yuhou, and there are many things that he can't do at all.

Now that Lin Long is here, there is no need to be distracted.

"How are you going to solve Yaozun's matter?" Yuzhu said, frowning: "His own cultivation base is not terrible, at least for me, he can almost be crushed to death with one finger, but the energy behind him scary."

"I know that every great alchemist will have an unimaginable appeal, and too many heroes are willing to die for it." Lin Fan said.

He himself is an extremely heaven-defying alchemist, and of course he understands the horror of an alchemist better.

"So, be cautious when dealing with Yao Zun." Yuzhu solemnly warned: "Over the years, I don't know how many old people owe him kindness, and I don't know how many rising stars have been rewarded at the critical moment of Taoism. The nourishment of his elixir, if we are too tough and direct, maybe"

It is normal for Yuzhu to have such concerns, but at least in Lin Fan's view, it is unnecessary.

"Just watch, it's very easy to deal with alchemists." Lin Fan said confidently.

Yuzhu's face changed slightly: "Don't be careless and contemptuous."

"It's okay, just watch." Lin Fan said.

Lin Long nodded, and disappeared from the room in a flash of lightning.

The whole world was looking for Lin Long, but after half a month, no one found any clues.

No one could have imagined that the little dragon king who bloody abused Yu Yu's No. [-] character was in Yuzhu's palace. Of course, no one in this world dared to search Yuzhu's palace wantonly, which was also the main reason.

But just today, the little dragon king that the whole world was looking for appeared on his own. On a certain mountain, he brutally killed the eighteen strong men who came to look for him, and the blood flowed like a river.

The eighteen powerhouses are not unknown people, they are all really strong, but their deaths are extremely miserable, and the bloody scene makes everyone terrified.

Moreover, after killing the eighteen strong men, the Little Dragon King didn't give up at all. He found all the tyrants who had made a lot of nonsense a while ago, and would find him out and kill them, and brutally killed them all, leaving no one left.

This eased the restless heart of the hero under heaven.

At this time, many strong men whose cultivation bases were only in the realm of emperors and emperors suddenly realized that what they crazily said they wanted to kill was a heavenly emperor!

At least, with Lin Fan's Liezi in front, this is a top powerhouse who can easily leave the hands of the master.

"Little Dragon King, just kowtow to the deity from a hundred thousand miles away, maybe you can die easier."

Yao Zun spoke forcefully, he was sitting in the Mo clan of Zhou Yu.

"What are you? You are just a low-level alchemist, and you dare to call yourself Yaozun?"

These are Lin Long's words, which are very powerful. After slaughtering a certain ethnic group forcefully, they speak out in the sea of ​​corpses and blood.

This ethnic group was confirmed by Yuzhu, and it was the force buried in Yuyu by Yu Erye, who was eliminated by Lin Long.

Lin Long's words made the world suddenly lose their voices!

Looking at the entire other side, who dares to comment on Yaozun on the road to alchemy?

No way, I don't have that qualification.

What is Yaozun's real name?

long forgotten.

Yao Zun is just the honorary title given to him by everyone. It is conceivable that he does have the ability to defy the sky on the way of alchemy.

But at this time, someone bluntly said that Yao Zun was just a low-level alchemist.

This sentence makes people laugh while being stunned!

It's really a frog in a well, not knowing the vastness of the river.

Even if the Little Dragon King outside this domain has achieved the throne of Heavenly Emperor, he is not qualified to say such a thing, and he has no idea what it was like when Yao Zun swept the alchemy of the world and rode the world.

At that time, the top ethnic groups invited each other and made great promises, just to get him to sit in the clan.

At that time, when the lords were vying for the throne and fighting for supremacy in the world, I don't know how many heroes with aspirations in the world were willing to share the land they got at that time, just to ask for Yao Zun's assistance.


Yao Zun only had two disdainful sneers, which could be regarded as retaliation for Lin Long's sarcastic words.

The world is a sensation.

It's because Lin Long no longer hides, and just walks in the world on the other side like this. No matter what interception, ambushes, etc., he pushes past him, and no one can stop his progress.

At this time, he was in a certain important city in Hongyu, stepped up the most luxurious restaurant in the city, pointed at the world, who would dare to fight?

As a result, of course, there were hundreds of dead bodies in this restaurant again.

Lin Long crazily killed hundreds of enemies, drank three thousand gods and drunkenly, and used his drunkenness to speak wildly. The so-called Yao Zun and the so-called Alchemy Dao ruled the roost, etc. It was completely because there were no tigers and monkeys in the mountains to dominate. Yao Zun should be lucky, he was not born in this world Otherwise, there would be no chance for Yao Zun to show up, and it would become the most gorgeous green leaf, supporting his red flower even more delicately.

The heroes are shocked!

Some people even went to Yuyu to ask Lin Fan for proof, and directly asked whether Lin Fan, the great enemy, the Little Dragon King, was really proficient in the way of alchemy, and whether the other side of the other side - the world of heaven and man, had achieved great fame in the way of alchemy. .

Lin Fan sighed, and smiled wryly in front of the heroes.

Frankly speaking, although Little Dragon King is only the same age as him, he is truly invincible in alchemy in the world of alchemy. Many senior figures in the world of alchemy are all ashamed in front of him, and the previous generation of alchemy kings in the world of celestial beings were killed by him in the alchemy battle. end!

It's spooky!

It turns out that the Little Dragon King is not the so-called frog in the well, nor is he talking wildly with wine, but he really has the real ability to become the king in another realm of alchemy.

Gradually, the taste changed.

At least, after getting proof from Lin Fan that the Little Dragon King was indeed proficient in alchemy, the number of people who ambushed and killed Lin Long dropped many times.

Moreover, some people have forgotten why Yao Zun aimed at the little dragon king who just came to this world, but believed that Yao Zun had an ambition to fight in his heart after knowing that Lin Long's alchemy was invincible.

In fact, they are also looking forward to it, eager to see the duel between the invincible Alchemy masters in the two worlds.

Of course, not in terms of cultivation.

Everyone in the world knows that Yao Zun is no match for brutal killings with combat power.

Sure enough, Yao Zun did not disappoint, he pointed at Lin Long, Dan Dou!

And take the inheritance and life of several bodies as the bet!

"Little Dragon King, do you dare to take it?"

A confident shout shocked the world.

"The emperor took it, and, you can prepare the coffin first, so that no one will collect the corpse."

This is Lin Long's return.

In Yuzhu Palace.

Master Yu rushed over: "Why did things evolve to this point? Could it be that you reassured me that you already have a method?"

Lin Fan looked at Yuzhu in surprise: "The most thorough way to defeat an alchemist is naturally to defeat him in alchemy, isn't that right?"

"Indeed!" Yuzhu said, but he couldn't change the anxiety in his eyes: "But do you know how defiant Yao Zun is? How much do you know about his abilities? What if he loses?"

"Losing?" Lin Fan smiled strangely: "I won't lose."

Yuzhu frowned deeply: "Well, no matter what, this matter started because of me. If I really lose, I will kill it at worst."

Lin Fan chuckled: "Did you forget that what I got was the complete inheritance of the God of Medicine?"

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