Twin martial arts

Chapter 2346 The Deathly Medicine Servant

Lin Fan sneered inwardly.

Because, at this time, Second Master Yu pretended to be angry: "Who dares to block the way of this deity and Lin Tiandi?"

Below, the man with a bright and gorgeous smile chuckled: "I know the power of the second master, of course I don't dare to offend, but I am very dissatisfied with the word Tiandi and want to ask for advice."

Lin Fan raised his eyebrows slightly.

"What a dare, this is the in-law of my Yu Clan. How could a cat or a dog be able to challenge it? Step aside quickly, don't wait for Second Master to get angry." Second Master Yu sneered.

Lin Fan just folded his arms and watched them act.

"Brother Lin, you don't need to worry about it. There are too many idiots in this world who dream of becoming famous overnight and stepping on other people's blood corpses." Second Master Yu turned his head and looked at Lin Fan with sincerity.

Lin Fan was surprised and stunned and said: "Why should I care about it? If there are such waste materials, I have seen eight hundred if not one thousand. Don't worry, I have the right to bark at that time."

Second Master Yu was taken aback for a while.

He put himself in another place, if he encountered something like Lin Fan, when he knew that the challenger was far inferior to him, he would slap him and kill him cleanly and thoroughly.

"Good spirit."

He was bitter in his heart, but he was still flattering.

The most important thing is that he feels that this kind of appearance is not good.

Mostly his responsibility.

It was because he believed that to become a Heavenly Emperor must be a lack of softness in his eyes. Based on the domineering and evil spirit of the Heavenly Emperor who fell thousands of years ago in this other world, he speculated on Lin Fan's disposition.

"Did you hear that? Get out of here quickly, don't block the way."

Second Master Yu scolded angrily. In fact, he had been winking at Lin Fan with his back, meaning to quickly think of a way to provoke Lin Fan and make Lin Fan act quickly.

The token given by Yao Zun was very strange, it needed Lin Fan's killing intent to activate it, and only then could he harvest Lin Fan's life.

"Bullshit Heavenly Emperor, who has earned his reputation, has the guts to fight your grandfather, and he can crush you to death with one hand behind his back." The medicine servant spoke with sarcasm and mockery.

Lin Fan almost laughed.

This kind of words almost made him think that time went back to the time when he was still fighting for supremacy with the Renma brothers in Dalin County when he was young.

Because, after he grew up, he hadn't heard such idiot provocative words for more than a hundred years.

In fact, not only Lin Fan almost laughed, but even Second Master Yu secretly called the medicine servant an idiot in his heart.

"The second master is very interested in hearing these ants and dogs bark?" Lin Fan looked at the second master Yu suspiciously, and said, "I really don't know what kind of waste basket it is to get together with this kind of garbage. It's a waste of air while alive, and a waste of air after death." The land should all die clean and thoroughly."

Master Yu's face was slightly cold.

He squinted at Lin Fan.

Because, it always felt like Lin Fan knew about it, and he was cursing himself at the corner.

But seeing Lin Fan's serious face, he didn't look like it at all, so he could only smile apologetically.

"Second Master, do you think that the person who can teach this kind of trash must be a bigger trash?" Lin Fan squinted at Second Master Yu.

Master Yu's expression changed.

He dared not answer such words.

Gu Yaozun is really evil, killing people without blood, using all-powerful means, and letting out some invisible dust from his fingers can make people die without a place to bury them.

If he agrees with Lin Fan's words and is passed on to Yao Zun by the Yao servant, even if he does not die, he will suffer some very unpleasant tortures.

He can only apologize.

"Lin Fan, what are you talking too much about? There's something about getting out and fighting, grandpa, I can really give you two hands and two feet."

The medicine servant originally wanted to provoke Lin Fan, but in the end Lin Fan was calm, but he himself got angry first, gnashing his teeth somewhere.

I have to say that he was really stupid staying in that ancient tomb. Although he was a hundred years old, he was not intellectually different from people in his teens in the secular world.

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