Twin martial arts

Chapter 2345 Master Yu's Spiritual Awareness

"it is good!"

"it is good!"

"it is good!"

Yuzhu was having a carnival. When he knew that his life was safe, he was not obviously happy, but when he heard that his wife was saved, he was laughing, beaming with joy, and hugged Lin Fan's shoulder fiercely, bluntly saying that in the past ten thousand years, countless He is the happiest today.

"Thank you very much, you can save Zhuojing, I owe you my life, and I can pay you at any time!" There were tears in Yuzhu's eyes.

For tens of thousands of years, he was in self-blame, and often thought deeply, whether it was right or wrong when he used his spirit to denounce Fang Qiu, wanted to conquer a vast territory, swallowed mountains and rivers with anger, and waved hundreds of millions of soldiers to surrender.

At this moment, he was happy.

"It's all one family." Lin Fan smiled, Yuzhu took a deep look at Lin Fan, and didn't say much.

Yuzhu left. Of course, he was secretly collecting all kinds of medicines that Lin Fan needed. It was very secret, and only he and Lin Fan knew about the whole other side.

Yuzhu is indeed invincible in power, but the various medicines that Lin Fan needs are too precious and rare, so even with the power of Yuzhu, it took a whole three months to barely prepare them.

And in the past three months, Erye Yu's request for medicine from Yaozun was obviously more urgent.

All of this seemed to prove that something was about to happen, which gave Lin Fan a sense of urgency.

In Lin Fan's room.

The pill fire is raging, it is Lin Fan's big handwriting, it turns all the ways into fire, and condenses the rules into a furnace.

"You are too stupid to be prepared. All the deadly poisons come from your own mother."

When Lin Fan was refining alchemy, he was explaining why Yuzhu clearly had no contact with the so-called great medicine, etc., and why there was still a source of life-and-death crisis.


Yuzhu's face was indifferent: "Every time I give Yi Lian a big medicine, I need to help her laugh at the medicine with my own hands. It turns out that it is to kill his own brother."

"Actually, you should be glad that your mother-in-law was poisoned by the water of the eclipse of the moon, and her bone marrow and blood flowed with poison, otherwise she would have died long ago." Lin Fan rested for a while.

The reason is that the divine pill recorded in the Mysterious Medicine Book is really too difficult to refine. Even if he has reached the realm of the emperor at this time, he can't do it overnight. It will take at least half a year to refine the poisonous pill. For a long time, there are many steps, too complicated, even if it is wrong, it will fail.

And these medicinal materials are not easy to come by, some key medicinal materials are only obtained by excavating ancient tombs, and they will never be obtained again.

One of the most important medicines is the spiritual plant used by Erye Yu to frame and kill Lin Fan.

"Before you completely clean up your toxins, you must be careful not to let him notice that something is wrong, otherwise he will jump over the wall in a hurry and a catastrophe will happen." Lin Fan solemnly urged.

"Don't worry, I can bear it." Yuzhu said sadly.

"It's just that I feel sorry for Yi Lian, who still has to endure those sufferings." Yuzhu became even more sinister when he thought of this.

"Since we have taken precautions and everything is acting, it will be easier. At least my mother-in-law has seen the light. Don't you think she has become more cheerful during this period of time?" Lin Fan said with a smile: "Take me a word, Let her rest assured that after clearing the eclipse water on her body, her appearance will definitely be restored."

At this time, in a certain ancient tomb.

Second Master Yu was sitting on a chair made of a skeleton frame, his face was cold: "I always feel that Lin Fan will spoil big things, so I have to try to kill him."

"Hmph, it's just a Heavenly Emperor, it's nothing to worry about using strange powers to fight against the Desolate Lord."

This voice came from the sarcophagus, and under the dark tomb, it made people feel creepy, like an old ghost with tens of thousands of years grinning grinningly.

"You worry too much. The deity was hiding in the shadow of the space at that time. I witnessed him taking down another Zhu Lingzhi plant. His life will not be long."

The person who spoke had fluttering white hair and a fairy-like demeanor, but at this moment, his face was cloudy like a ghost: "Hehe, don't worry, as long as there are about seven more months, Yuzhu will be poisoned into the soul, and the gods will be poisoned." Can't save him, then"

He is Gu Yaozun.

Second Master Yu's brows tightened: "During this period, Yu Wudi and Lin Fan often get together and fall asleep on their feet, which really makes me flustered."

"Well, since you speak like that, let him die."

Yao Zun opened his mouth and gave a token, on which there were two ferocious poisonous dragons mating, as if they might pounce on the token at any time and take people's lives.

"Let the medicine servant walk with you, so as to mobilize the great hidden danger of the conflict lurking in Lin Fan's body, and just shock him to death, and you can catch him." Yao Zun said, casually.

"it is good."

Master Yu's eyes lit up.

"Hmph, remember our agreement. After Yuzhu's death, the Yuyu domain will be divided equally, and then the power of one domain will be condensed to go to the other three domains." In the sarcophagus, the voice like a ghost sounded again, and laughed fiercely: "Yu Wudi , Do you really think you have won? You are strong and invincible, but so what? You will only lose in the end.”

Lin Fan finally completed the second stage of alchemy, carefully packed the extracted medicinal liquid essence, and handed it to Yuzhu for safekeeping.

Walking out of the room, he hadn't seen the sun for nearly two months, and at this moment he was breathing greedily.

"Emperor Lin Tiandi has been diligent in cultivation, which makes us ashamed."

Second Master Yu came, with a shameful smile: "The title of Supreme Heavenly Emperor can only be deserved by a world-class man like Brother Lin."

"Second Master, why do you have to make fun of me?" Lin Fan smiled.

Second Master Yu laughed: "This is a sincere compliment."

Lin Fan was noncommittal, Second Master Yu continued: "The subordinate group invites you and me to a banquet, I wonder if Brother Lin is interested?"

A stern look flashed in Lin Fan's eyes.

He was careful enough, why did Second Master Yu still notice it?

Lin Fan's heart became solemn, and he threw away all the contempt and so on.

Knowing that this second master Yu is also very extraordinary, he has some kind of innate spiritual sense, and he is telling the danger.

At this time, he was following his deep perception, wanting to kill him as a potential danger.

"Second Master invites you, how dare you not attend the appointment?" Lin Fan laughed, and said again: "But wait for me to tell Yu Lord, otherwise he will talk to me at night"

Before he could finish speaking, Second Master Yu smiled: "Don't worry, I've already told him."

Lin Fan narrowed his eyes.

So impatient?

Afterwards, the two of them drove the Shenhong to fly to the westernmost part of the universe.

But at this time, Lin Long had already struggled to cross the sea of ​​suffering, crossed the sea of ​​suffering, passed the isolated island, and broke through the gate of the sea of ​​suffering.

Lin Fan and him, even across a galaxy, can echo and perceive each other, so they naturally know what happened to Lin Fan.

Lin Fan also explained that it was inconvenient for him to take action under certain circumstances at this time, so he asked him to come quickly.

Lin Long's shape is like electricity, and he travels in an instant, rushing to the world on the other side with the wind and electricity.

Ahead is a rare prehistoric forbidden zone in the universe. Of course, after Yuzhu ruled the universe, the creatures in the forbidden zone came out to make trouble, so this forbidden zone has been leveled out.

"The person walking in the sky is Lin Fan, Emperor Lin?"

Just as Lin Fan glanced at the restricted area below which was still exuding an immortal aura, someone spoke and looked up at the sky with a bright smile.

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