Twin martial arts

Chapter 2330 Origin of the Other Side

"Do gods have an end of life? Will they die of old age naturally?" Lin Fan asked, his heart trembling.

What do you want to cultivate?

Naturally, every ascetic has a different conclusion, but at least Lin Fan believes that the vast majority of ascetics are seeking longevity and proving the way of eternal life.

In fact, he had already come to a certain conclusion, and he has said bluntly more than once that even gods will die, and there is no eternity in this world.

But at this time, he still asked; if he didn't get a definite answer, he would be very unwilling!

If even gods, the peak of cultivation, cannot live forever, and cannot live the same life as the heaven and the earth, then in this world, is there really the legendary eternity?

The envoy smiled and said, "Don't you have an answer in your heart?"

The envoy is like a wise man, watching a urchin's whimsical and unconstrained pursuit and explaining carefully.

"But where is the corpse?"

Lin Fan opened his mouth.

Suddenly, he remembered many past events.

For example, the half of his body that was integrated into his body and buried under the moon slope, and, as if seen in a trance, the scorching sun that fell in the lower realm, was only a half of his body.

This is what he saw with his own eyes, could it be a god corpse?

"Who can see the god's corpse?" The envoy shook his head and said, "Even the so-called god's bones buried in the sacred mountain are nothing more than a speck of dust."

Soon, Lin Fan knew what the so-called dust was in the mouth of the envoy.

Those are the gorgeous stars or the vast sea, across the shrine, through the box as dark as night, there are stars shining out, or there are waves surging into the sky.

Lin Fan was shocked and couldn't understand.

Because, the envoy bluntly said, the god bones buried in these shrines are really only one-hundredth of a billionth of the dead gods, maybe it is the very fine waste skin that fell off, or a splashed drop Remnants of blood, or residue splashed from a bone.

But under Lin Fan's perception, the so-called "dust" in this shrine is really as vast as the sea of ​​stars, and there is no end to see.

"What do you think is a god?" The envoy held an eternal lamp in his hand at this time, illuminating the burial pit under the sacred mountain, and he led Lin Fan to go out.

"A person who is extremely powerful." Lin Fan said.

The envoy nodded and smiled, obviously appreciating Lin Fan's cognition: "Yes, gods are just a general term for people who have reached a certain level of cultivation, and gods are also divided into strengths and weaknesses."

Lin Fan raised his eyebrows slightly.

After thinking for a moment, Lin Fan asked: "Dare to ask seniors who claim to be envoys of gods, then, which god are you worshiping? Is it the god of medicine?"

The envoy laughed dumbly: "No, I am enshrining the only remaining innate creature in the entire universe."

Lin Fan frowned.

The envoy was meaningful: "One day you will know who he is."

After exiting the Shenshen Pit, continue upward along the winding mountain road. The beauty along the way is amazing. Every time you look at it, it is a complete view that will never be repeated, which is amazing.

"You progressed too fast, causing some things to surface early." The envoy sighed.

Lin Fan glanced at the envoy.

The envoy said, "Can you play chess?"

Lin Fan nodded.

The God Envoy said: "I don't know where you are on this huge chessboard that involves nine heavens and ten places, and is related to the ups and downs of the era, but at least at this moment, I feel that you are just a pawn, and many big puzzles and layouts are in place. Showing a corner because of you."

Lin Fan's eyes became colder.

From the beginning of his cultivation, he has always had this feeling, as if there is an invisible big hand behind him, manipulating his destiny, and then until he became a constant saint, that feeling has diminished a lot, until now When he became the Emperor of Heaven, he thought he had gotten rid of his fate, but now listening to this envoy, the so-called getting rid of fate, etc., is like a joke.

"What layout, what involves the nine heavens and ten earths, the ups and downs of the era, etc. have nothing to do with me." Lin Fan sneered, and said: "To me, cultivating the Tao is just a means, a sharp weapon for protection. If anyone dares to manipulate my destiny, Whoever dares to dominate my life, regardless of whether he is a god or a god, will be killed together!"

The envoy smiled, in an incomprehensible way, and said: "Who among the billions of living beings in this world is not a piece in the game? Even those creatures who call themselves heaven are just pawns in the hands of those few people. Three thousand worlds, so many sacred things, can be manipulated by them at will, let alone you and me."

"Those people?" Lin Fan raised his brows, "Is it the god of thunder, the god of medicine, or the god of time and space? If they really dare to manipulate my fate, they will naturally settle the case when they meet again."

"Well, I won't argue with you about these things." The envoy shook his head, and looked at Lin Fan with pity.

Everyone will think that they are the masters of their own destiny, but often, when you struggle and fight to the end, you have to bow your head in front of the damn fate; the so-called fate is just a hateful old man who is good at making fun of people. It's a struggle, the happier he is.

Continue to go up, and finally reach the top of the mountain. The top of the mountain is extremely vast, and there is only one majestic bronze statue standing. .

At this time, the phantom of the Tongtiandingding that just flew up was held in the hands of this god statue.

"The medicine god."

Lin Fan sighed, he saluted very respectfully, at least the God of Medicine really had a great favor for him, the Mystery Code of Medicine helped him overcome many difficulties and dangers, and saved many fatal disasters including himself.

"He flew from outside the sky two epochs ago. Since then, all spirits in the world on the other side have been enlightened, and the sun and the moon have risen." On the lamp in front of the statue to make it brighter.

However, under the strong wind, on the vast mountain top, under the majestic bronze statue, an orange lamp flickered forever, which seemed strange no matter how you looked at it.

"This world was not created by the God of Medicine?" Lin Fan was really surprised. From the wooden dowel on the creature that claimed to be native to the tiankeng, and from this god statue, Lin Fan had According to the preliminary judgment, the world on the other side was created by the God of Medicine.

The envoy shook his head: "This is the chaotic land opened up by the innate being. He wanted to evolve into a complete and healthy world, but he died halfway. The God of Medicine just followed him to enlighten all spirits."

Lin Fan was even more curious about who the innate lifeform was, but it was obvious that the envoy had no intention of revealing it, and Lin Fan did not force it.

"Yellow Spring, the Sea of ​​Bitterness, the Other Shore, the Starry Sky, and the Three Thousand Confused Worlds." The envoy looked at Lin Fan and sighed, "You will have a hard time on this journey, but you can't get rid of these big puzzles. If you get rid of your loved ones at the last level In addition, there are still people who can pass by, I will shoot and kill them all."

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