The desolate master's eyes were gloomy: "If it wasn't for you, why did the two of them die tragically on the spot? Looking around the sky and the earth, how many people can hide from this deity and kill two emperors in an instant?"

Yuzhu sneered: "It's up to you, I don't bother to argue, if you think it was killed by me, then it was killed by me, you can do whatever you want."

These words are so strong and boundless that there is no step left for Huangzhu to go down.

The desolate master's eyes are gradually gloomy, seeing that a more terrifying catastrophe will appear, but at this time, the envoy of the gods comes forward and bluntly says that it is he who made the move, because the two emperors committed some taboos and almost caused trouble. In a catastrophe, he had to act.

Moreover, let this matter stop here, and no fights are allowed within 300 million miles of the tiankeng. This is his rule. No matter which clan dares to violate this order, he will call on the gods to summon all the heroes of the world to punish him.

Although these words made Huangzhu's face even uglier, it was because he didn't dare to say more when the envoy killed the two emperors.

But it was still a step up. Of course, no one had any objections to the envoy's order.

Lin Fan narrowed his eyes, and he looked at the envoy. He was sure that the envoy must have seen those things clearly, and his memory had not been erased, otherwise it would have been impossible for him to issue such an order.

He opened his mouth, wanting to ask, but the envoy was one step ahead of him, and smiled at him: "Lin Fan, would you like to go to the holy mountain with me? I am yearning for a foreign land."

Lin Fan raised his eyebrows slightly: "Okay."

But Lin Fan didn't know how much sensation this simple invitation had caused in this world.

It should be noted that Mount Kailash is a forbidden area.

Even on the bright side, it is unlikely that Yuzhu, the strongest other than the envoy, wants to go to the holy mountain, and he needs to report and request many years in advance.

Moreover, the four masters of the world are only lucky enough to be summoned by the envoys when they have secured their territories.

But at this time, the envoy of God is actively inviting an outsider.

"You can go too, it may allow you to find your true self." The envoy looked at Xiao Nuo again.

Lin Fan frowned: "No, he doesn't need to go."

He was conflicted.

Moreover, at this time, I am very afraid of the envoy.

It seems that this envoy knows too many things, at least in this sentence, a lot of information is revealed, at least he must know that Xiao Nuo's origin is very extraordinary.

"I'm just me, no matter what the previous life was, I only respect this life." Xiao Nuo said, refusing to accept it with a smile.

The envoy shook his head, but did not force it.

"Please wait for a while, I need to settle my brother properly." Lin Fan said.

The envoy smiled and said, "Don't worry, they are fine, if they are, I will take action."

Lin Fan was determined!

God's envoy's words are more effective than any life-saving hole cards, even better than Yuzhu's inseparable protection.

A divine light appeared at the feet of the envoy, and he invited Lin Fan to ride with him. After Lin Fan expressed his gratitude, he stepped on the divine light and went away in an instant.

This scene once again shocked the world on the other side.

Who is the angel?

Messenger of God.

In the world on the other side, his words are the supreme will, and everyone needs to obey it.

And, who can share the divine light with the envoy?

Throughout the past and present, there is only Lin Fan alone.

Of course, this is the reason why they were really afraid of the envoys, so they didn't dare to investigate, otherwise, if they saw that the supreme envoy in their hearts stood on the divine light, and was two statures shorter than Lin Fan, they probably would Will be scared to death by myself.

"Is this the holy mountain?"

Lin Fan was amazed, he really won the great fortune of heaven and earth, and this place took all the good fortune of the world on the other side. This is really not nonsense, but, this sacred mountain looks like a nirvana fire phoenix entrenched, which is very particular.

This kind of terrain may not be found anywhere else in the universe. It was chased by many gods in prehistoric times, and it is not uncommon for them to fight for such nirvana.

The ancients believed that if you can be buried here when your life is about to rest, you will be able to seize a good fortune and be reborn one day.

Of course, there are also ancient gods who disdain, thinking that even if they can really regenerate, they will no longer be their former self.

"It's amazing, this mountain already has flesh and blood. This is the spirit of mountains and rivers. If the soul fire is ignited, this mountain can achieve Taoism overnight, and it can go straight to at least the emperor's realm, and its combat power should be able to traverse the emperor's realm. Heavenly support, amazing."

Lin Fan praised again and again.

The envoy just smiled: "The sky has changed. It is impossible to have so-called innate beings in this world. Even if there were, they are almost dead."

"Are you familiar with the whole ancient history? Can you talk to me more?" Lin Fan asked.

At this time, they were already walking on the path between the mountains.

Winding all the way up, you can see all kinds of rare and exotic grasses, and there are also various prehistoric creatures that have disappeared elsewhere, such as dragon turtles crawling very slowly on the stone steps, and finally fell into the pond. The phoenix chicken itself is very small, but its tail is a foot long, and it is so gorgeous that it holds its proud head up, pecking at the thousands of years of blood soul grass and fruit.

Moreover, after entering the range of this mountain, there is a peaceful and peaceful atmosphere, and there is an invisible celestial glow slowly nourishing the body. This kind of atmosphere has never been felt by Lin Fan in other places. Perhaps this is why this place The fundamental reason why so many extinct creatures can still exist.

"I don't really understand much. A lot of the truth is isolated in the fault line of history." The envoy said. Paleontology with a name.

"Why did the battle of gods happen?"

Lin Fan asked, he stopped, turned around, and looked at the envoy.

The envoy frowned slightly: "How much do you know?"

Lin Fan shook his head: "Basically I don't understand, I only know that God Wars have appeared more than once. I used to think that the reason why God Wars broke out was that a group of gods had different ideas and took different paths, so it was just a battle of spirits. You have to prove yourself The path under your feet is right.

But after going through many things, I know it can't be that simple. There are too many blood-stained giant ships, sky-stealers, reincarnations, and creatures that claim to be heaven. "

Lin Fan smiled wryly: "I even saw a deity in a Jedi that was suspected to be the great god of time and space, laying down some kind of vital divine pattern on the upper reaches of the long river of time, but in the end, I couldn't receive it in its entirety."

"Hey, things have their own determinants. Even the great god of time and space is said to be the ruler of time and space, but in fact, anyone who can really interfere with the past and the present will have to pay a price." The envoy sighed, and said: "On this sacred mountain, at least Seven or eight divine bones were buried, all because of strong interference in the past, present, and future."

Lin Fan was terrified!

This sacred mountain is peaceful, like a fairyland in the prehistoric legends, but there are so many sacred bones buried under it, it is unimaginable.

He was silent for a long time, looking at the envoy: "Are all the ancient gods really gone? For example, the god of medicine and the god of thunder."

This is the question he wants to ask the most, because the karma between these two ancient gods and him is too great.

"Who knows?" The envoy shook his head and laughed: "There is a god standing three feet above his head. If he is not dead, he is in our hearts. If he is dead, he should be buried in the void before history."

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