The voice was very flat, like a person talking and whispering in his sleep.

But it shook the entire other side, and all spirits could feel the killing intent suppressed under this flat voice, which was too strong.


A bright brilliance shot out from Xiao Nuo's eyes, he stood up suddenly, and looked hundreds of millions of miles away.

In fact, Xiao Nuo is not the only one who is watching, all the most powerful people in this world are watching at the source of the sound, and they saw——

An immortal figure, whose whole body is shining like gold, slowly floats up from a high mountain. He sits cross-legged, with his eyes closed, and his hair is crystal clear. Inhale into the body through the nostrils, you are in harmony with the sky, and you are on the way to surpass all paths.

Yuzhu is horrified.

He just thought that it was not easy for Hengsheng to become emperor, and he was not too optimistic, and he didn't even think that Lin Fan could become emperor in his heart.

But at this time, a heavenly emperor was born, and from then on, few people in this world can restrain his growth; unless he is in a situation of mortal death, or is buried with him by a top emperor, of course, if he is one of the emperors The strong one may also be beheaded.

But these are full of uncertainties. At the realm of the Emperor of Heaven, one transcends ten thousand ways, transcends the five elements, and has an extremely keen perception of all crises, so it is impossible to fall into the worst danger.

"I seem to have seen the rise of a legend." Yuzhu's expression was complicated.

In the end, he only valued Xiao Nuo's talent and so on, but because he was against the sky, he didn't forcefully stop Xiao Nuo from interacting with the little princess.

But for Lin Fan, who was very likely to form a family with him, he was very calm and slightly looked down.

Who is he?

Yuzhu, the strongest of the four domain lords, is theoretically the strongest in the other side except for the angel.

What about Colin Fan?

A mere constant saint.

He looked at Lin Fan with an attitude of overlooking, which made sense.

But now, he really can't, dare not.

Looking at the infinite sea of ​​universe, no one can underestimate and overlook a heavenly emperor, even if it is a god, it needs to be dignified and cautious.

"Hehe, if he can survive this calamity, I will personally invite him to come to Yuyu as a guest." Yuzhu said with a smile.

"Daddy, what do you want to do?" The little princess was very vigilant, and her shrewd eyes were rolling uneasily.

"Hmph, what can I do? This kid has already lived in the Princess Mansion for so long, what else can I do? Can't I meet my in-laws in advance?" Yuzhu feigned anger.

But it did make the little princess excited and extremely happy, while Xiao Nuo raised her eyebrows slightly, panicking for no reason.

"Hey, what is he going to do?" Master Yu frowned.

Just because, at this time, the golden figure sitting cross-legged raised his palms and forcibly tore apart the three ferocious dragons. His eyes looked towards the wilderness, and he actually brought a monstrous catastrophe away in one step. .

"What is he going to do?"

"Oh my god! How dare this kid do this! Aren't you afraid of being robbed by the emperor?"

"Damn it, this is the Heavenly Emperor's Tribulation that is many times more terrifying than the Emperor's Tribulation, but he is so relaxed and freehand. The mountain-like thunderbolt of the world-destroying bombardment on his body can only make him tremble slightly!"

The above voices came from various terrifying forbidden places, or from various ethnic groups and forces, all of which were full of horror and trembling.

Lin Fan must be in the strongest state of his life right now, with crystal-clear hair, a slender and powerful body, with every move he can make the sky burst, and with a long drink, he will surely be able to roar down the galaxy in the nine heavens.

Heavenly Emperor Jie is really terrifying. Jieyun covers the entire sky, and there are ruthless and cold eyes everywhere in this robbery cloud, like the merciless gaze of a god, and such characters are not allowed to appear in the world.

But Lin Fan had no fear at all, he was still driving the whole robbery cloud to move, and the thunder dragons that fell down from time to time were all picked up by him with the body of the emperor of heaven, and he did not resist at all.

"It's awe-inspiring, even if it is this emperor, it is impossible to have such a powerful body." Yuzhu said sincerely: "Your father is really strong, much stronger than the emperor who was a thousand years ago. I tried to overestimate him, but unexpectedly, I still underestimated him.”

Pride appeared in Xiao Nuo's eyes.

Yuzhu looked at Xiao Nuo and said, "But what is he going to do at this time?"

"Go and try to exterminate the Desolate Race." Xiao Nuo said.

"What?" Yuzhu was terrified, his scalp was numb.

A terrifying beam of light shot out from his eyes, and he looked at Lin Fan who was walking with his hands behind his back under the robbery cloud.

Suddenly, all spirits in the whole world were terrified and trembling.

It's because Lin Fan held the sky with one hand, and his golden palm actually covered the entire sky, blocking all the clouds of calamity, while his right hand shook his fingers from time to time, and from time to time there were dragon-like movements from between his fingers. Lightning shot through the air.

There were continuous screams.

This is the people of the Desolate Race being robbed.

No matter whether it is an emperor or a saint, they can't hold on to the power of a finger, and they all died on the way to escape. Only people at the level of emperors can last a little longer, but it's useless, and they will die tragically in the end.

"he made it."

Someone whispered in horror.

Today I will become the emperor of heaven, and I will kill the desolate people along the way.

This is not talking, nor is it his arrogant words, but it is actually happening. Even the most powerful can perceive it. It is only five short steps, but at least tens of thousands of people from the Desolate Race have died.


The desolate owner came, stepped over from the desolate area, and blocked the road that Lin Fan must pass.

"You are really strong, not weaker than the heavenly emperor who fell thousands of years ago in this world." The Lord of the Desolate actually spoke like this, nodding and sighing, complimenting from the heart.

How could he have imagined that this little ant, which was not long ago, had grown to this point in an instant, and he had to treat it seriously.

"So?" Lin Fan sneered.

"Junior, so what if you become the Emperor of Heaven? This deity can still suppress and kill you." The desolate master's eyes blazed, and the fierce power permeated the entire other shore.

Moreover, at this time, the Desolate Lord was pressing towards Lin Fan, and the Desolate Spear hovered beside him and clanked.

"Really? Then you come!"

Lin Fan mocked, and withdrew the big golden hand that blocked Jieyun.


The thunder rolled like it wanted to destroy the world, and in the cloud of calamity, there were hundreds of rules and orders transformed into heavenly dragons roaring.


Tianlong swooped down and grabbed Lin Fan's Tianling Gai, intending to kill him directly.

Horror appeared in the eyes of the Desolate Lord, and he quickly avoided hundreds of millions of feet.

This is Lin Fan's Great Tribulation of the Heavenly Emperor, but if his breath gets involved in it, there will definitely be a catastrophe, and a corresponding catastrophe will come.

To be honest, he really didn't have the courage and confidence to survive the catastrophe that almost killed him.

"Hehe, you are old, you really can't do it anymore, you already have awe and timidity in your heart."

Lin Fan laughed lightly, and roared like a tiger, his hands were like iron tongs, his left hand grabbed the ferocious Tianlong's head, and his right hand clamped the tail of Tianlong, directly tearing him alive under the catastrophe.

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