"This is the treasure my father gave me, not inferior to Huang Qiang." The little princess said.

Xiao Nuo slightly raised his eyebrows: "Think clearly, you know what it means if you cut it out with a sword."

The little princess blinked: "It means we are a couple."

After she finished speaking, her eyes lit up: "Could it be that you want to separate yourself now? My mother warns you that during this period of time, you will live and board in the princess mansion, and your reputation will be messed up by you. Abandon, keep me from killing you."

Xiao Nuo was tongue-tied several times.

He really wanted to say, I do eat and live in the Princess Mansion, but I'm separated from you by three courtyards, and I always pay attention to the security of men and women, but you, on the contrary, sneaked into my room more than once late at night.

But in the end, Xiao Nuo smiled and stretched out her hand, and the little princess smiled like a flower.

In the sky, there is a sword that has been shining for thousands of years, facing the sky, pointing at the direction of the barren land, and the sword energy turns into nine ferocious sky dragons roaring.

This scene shocked the whole world!

Could it be that Tianyu is going to use force against Huangyu?


The whole world trembled violently, and a black long spear flew across the sky, rising into the sky in the mansion of the Desolate clan.

It was like two masters confronting each other in the air, and all spirits trembled. If one shot and one sword started to fight, maybe the adjacent continents would sink and turn into bright fireworks in the pitch-black star field.

"What do you mean, Fellow Daoist? Are you going to start a big war?"

On the pitch-black spear, Huangzhu's eyes were solemn, and his pupils spanned hundreds of millions of miles.

"A big fight is a big fight. Auntie, I'm afraid of you? You bullshit desolate master, my father is still Yuzhu."

All spirits trembled, making the world terrified, worrying that a great war to destroy the world would happen.

As a result, an arrogant female voice sounded, standing on one of the sword-like dragons, she was not timid at all, and cursed everywhere.

This was so shocking that everyone was confused.

The desolate owner's eyes are slightly cold, who is he?

Lord of the wasteland.

Strictly speaking, the parents of this female doll are of the same generation.

On weekdays, who would dare to disrespect him?

But at this time, he was being scolded.

The most important thing is that this little princess is too rascal. Of course, she doesn't have the ability to talk to him hundreds of millions of miles away, but with the help of the treasure, she can spread her voice between heaven and earth.

"What do you look at? Do you think you can scare your aunt? If you have the guts, do it! The old man, the majestic master of a domain, has the face to personally deal with a cultivator who is not as old as you; the most shameful thing is , you haven’t killed him yet, you’ve lost all our face on the other side.”

The little princess is really ruthless, just speak so bluntly.

"Fellow Daoist, don't blame me, it's my deity who can't discipline me well."

Yuzhu came, and he was elegant and refined, which made people feel good at a glance.

When he appeared, he first glanced at the little princess, then looked at Lin Nuo who was floating in mid-air, and sighed slightly.

The Desolate Lord was silent.

How can he be?

No one in the whole world knows that this Yuzhu is not afraid of heaven and earth, and even the envoy who has already stood in the realm of the gods dares to fight.

But she was afraid of her wife.

Of course, in Yuzhu's words, it's not fear at all, but respect.

And this little princess is Empress Yu's darling, her most beloved baby.

In a word-

Among Yuyu, Yuzhu is the biggest.

But in Yuzhu's home.

The little princess is greater than the queen, and the queen is greater than the master.

If he dared to do anything to the little princess, Yuzhu would kill someone.

However, he was really half a chip behind Yuzhu.

"Father, what are you talking about? Could it be that I'm wrong?" The little princess was not forgiving, she acted like a baby, she was wronged, and wrinkled Xiao Qiong's nose.

"Why don't you apologize to your Uncle Huangzhu soon?" Yuzhu said majesticly.

"No!" The little princess was very strong, and snorted coldly: "It's fine if I want to apologize to him, unless he promises me a condition."

Yuzhu rascal smiled and said: "Brother Huang, don't blame me, my little girl has been spoiled by me, if she is disrespectful, I will apologize."

Desolate Lord suppressed all murderous intentions in his heart, forced a smile: "You are welcome, fellow daoist, you are just a junior."

"Who cares about your magnanimity? What a villain, a hypocrite, if it weren't for my father being stronger than you, would you wish to kill me now?" The little princess sneered, and said: "This princess is here to say, if you don't want me Take action, just because you people from the Desolate Race can kill that foreigner, this princess will kowtow three times from here, and kowtow all the way to your door."

Yuzhu's face changed: "My daughter is messing around!"

"I didn't mess around." The little princess was extremely stubborn.

The Lord of Desolation laughed: "Brother Yu, don't worry, I won't take it seriously."

Afterwards, his figure faded away, the jet-black long spear also disappeared, and the spear glow covering the whole world also disappeared.

Yes, among the Desolate race.

"All people above the level of the emperor are all shot, and Lin Fan must be killed, and the momentum must be huge." Huangzhu's face is lunar.

He wouldn't be so stupid as to really believe that after he, a member of the Desolate Race, beheaded Lin Fan, the dignified little princess of Yuyu would really come back in three steps.

However, it does not prevent him from saving some of his face in this way.

Yu Yu.

"Girl, come with me." Master Yu said, looked at Xiao Nuo, wrinkled his eyes slightly, and sighed: "You also come with me."

In the princess mansion.

"Some things, I can make you mess around, but there are some things, I can't tolerate your messing around." Yuzhu was rare and stern, and directly explained the reason: "The attitude of the envoy towards people outside the territory is inexplicable. The outsiders will be wiped out, and your actions today will make our Yuyu a target of public criticism."

The little princess pouted.

Yu Lord sighed, looked at Xiao Nuo, and said: "I really appreciate you. If you are from this world, even if you don't have the slightest background, but since my daughter likes you, even if the whole world opposes it, I will help you." You, but, you are outsiders."

Xiao Nuo was silent, and stood up after a while: "I will take her away, even if the whole world objects."

Yuzhu smiled, but was very cold: "What if I block it?"

Xiao Nuo frowned: "You can't stop it."

"Hehehaha" Yuzhu laughed, and the whole princess mansion trembled with laughter: "This deity is the master of a domain, and he is only half a step away from becoming Linshen. Do you think this deity can't stop you?"

Xiao Nuo smiled lightly: "You are [-] years old, and I am only a little over a hundred years old. You may be able to stop me for ten years, or a hundred years, but one day, you will not be able to stop me."

Yuzhu's smile slowly subsided, and his eyes were full of appreciation.

"Is that your father?" Yuzhu said.

Xiao Nuo nodded without denying it.

Yuzhu chuckled: "The tiger father has no dogs."

Xiao Nuo didn't say much, Yuzhu said: "It's not that simple to be my son-in-law, at least some troubles can only be solved by yourself, and I will not interfere with your father's affairs, after all, I am the leader of this world." people."

"No, the Desolate Lord must die, and it shouldn't take long, at least before we leave this world." Xiao Nuo said confidently.

Yuzhu shook his head and laughed.

He really wanted to say, although your father is Hengsheng, since ancient times, it has been difficult and dangerous for Hengsheng to become emperor, at least there are many statues in this other shore.

Hengsheng, who is less than two hundred years old, has not taken a single step in his life, so he cannot be called emperor.

And even after proclaiming himself emperor, there is still a long way to go if he wants to kill the Desolate Lord.

But at this moment, the avenue was booming, rain was falling from the sky, and endless celestial aura sprinkled from the clouds, and the entire world on the other side was filled with celestial aura.

Yuzhu suddenly got up!

"Someone proclaims himself emperor!"

No matter in which world, someone proclaims himself emperor, makes great wishes, and overcomes the calamity of emperor, all of which are extremely important events.

"Today I can become the Emperor of Heaven and kill all the people of the Huang tribe along the way."

Along with the rumble of the avenue, there were plain words.

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