In fact, Lin Fan broke into the camp, killed many company camps, and killed many generals under the command of the uncle's mansion. It is impossible to hide such things.

The entire Seventh Session was full of excitement, saying that Lin Fan was an unfamiliar white-eyed wolf.

You know, the kindness of Mozun father and daughter to Lin Fan made everyone jealous and envious; but even so, Lin Fan still wanted to break into the camp, kill many soldiers, and want to escape back to the world of heaven and man.

This is a mortal sin, a capital crime, and there is no forgiveness for it.

Therefore, that night, there were too many heroic figures who were qualified to play, and all of them played, asking Mozun to kill Lin Fan.

Of course, so many performers did not necessarily have enmity with Lin Fan.

It was just because they felt that Lin Fan was dead, and there must be nothing wrong with him playing now.

In comparison, the Uncle's Mansion's attack was the latest. Of course, the Uncle's Mansion's attack was really extraordinary; in just half an hour, 30 God Slayer Army surrounded Lin Fan's entire Admiral's City.

But it was only besieging but not attacking, but the 30 army, a veritable crowd of people, looked from the top of the city, it was full of black heads.

The God-slaying army also brought many siege weapons that only appeared during the Great War between the Two Worlds. They were arrows for killing immortals and god-slaying bows and crossbows.

Lin Fan's eyes were cold; if Princess Jue hadn't come to the top of the city at the end, it is estimated that the God Slaying Army would not be able to wait, and directly started the most bloody and cruel city massacre battle.

morning meeting.

As soon as Lin Fan stepped in, there was a lot of verbal and verbal criticism immediately. Every one of them was usually mighty and serious, but now their saliva was flying, all pointing at Lin Fan.

According to them, if this Lin Fan is not killed, it will not be enough for the common people to be angry, and if he is not executed, it will not be enough to comfort the heroic spirits, etc.

Lin Fan looked at it coldly, and stood calmly behind Xu Yang.

The Mozun arrived with extremely cold eyes.

This kind of look made the group of people feel more at ease. Sure enough, Lin Fan is doomed today. Didn't he see His Majesty Mozun's murderous look?

Everyone knelt down, and the Demon Venerable let everyone fall flat.

Afterwards, big figures came out one by one, pointing out Lin Fan's unforgivable crime, bluntly saying that Lin Fan's body needs to be dismembered, and Lin Fan's soul should be thrown into the nineteenth floor of the abyss, so that Lin Fan can never be restored.

"Dismember the corpse forever?" Mozun murmured, but his eyes were even colder. He looked at Uncle Guo: "Tell me, what happened yesterday."

Uncle Guo said in a very sad tone: "Your Majesty, yesterday Lin Fan bravely broke into the camp, beheaded thirty generals in a row, killed seven thousand God Slayer Army guarding the passage, and even thousands of people lost their combat power permanently."


Although it has been known for a long time that Lin Fan's combat strength is not bad, and the Tushen army suffered heavy losses yesterday, but no one thought that the damage would be so severe.

Therefore, everyone gasped in shock and looked at Lin Fan with cold eyes.

"Lin Fan! Damn you, those are all heroes of the border guards, and they all died tragically at your hands!"

An old man with a gray beard trembled, his fingertips pointing at Lin Fan were trembling, and he seemed to be crying, as if extremely angry and sad.

But in fact, the entire seventh session knows that this old man is clearly a speculator, and has suggested more than once that the Tushen army guards the passage between the two worlds, which is a big hidden danger.

And more than once I have advised that the God Slayer Army should be disarmed and returned to the fields, or the Demon Lord directly ordered to throw the God Slayer Army into the abyss. The 80 God Slayer Army is too powerful, and at least 50 people need to die in the abyss to make the Seventh Realm more peaceful .

At this time, after listening to the Xu family's report from the uncle of the country, they immediately launched a rebellion, saying with certainty that those thousands of people were too miserable and not worth it. In the end, it was speculation, and he thought he understood the heart of the demon.

When Lin Fan heard the old man's accusation, he just laughed it off; even he was familiar with the old man's temperament.

"What kind of expression do you have? Doesn't matter? It's thousands of human lives, and the evidence of the crime is burning, don't you dare to deny it?"

Lin Fan turned his head directly. This kind of person should be invisible, otherwise it will be very disgusting.

"His Majesty!"

After the old man glared at Lin Fan fiercely, Langsheng spoke, and really burst into tears, knelt on the ground with a thud, and said hoarsely: "Your Majesty, this heinous crime of Lin Fan is unforgivable, if your majesty does not kill him , the old man crashed to death in this hall."

After finishing speaking, he actually slammed into the Panlongzhu. Of course, this was a double spring that had been discussed a long time ago. He was stopped by someone just as he made a move, but he refused to let go; Determination, but acting is too fake.

Mozun glanced coldly, and fixed his eyes on Uncle Guo's face: "Then according to Uncle Guo's wishes, how should we deal with this matter?"

Uncle Guo narrowed his eyes: "To appease the families of the fallen soldiers, kill the culprit Lin Fan and his troops who participated in the rebellion. Only in this way can the people's hearts be reassured and their opinions settled."

"Reassure the people, fix the people's will?" Mo Zun repeated, and his eyes were cold, he squinted at Xuyang.

Xu Yang coughed lightly, took a step forward, and said, "Dare to ask Uncle Guo, can you confirm that the person who broke into the camp yesterday was Dudu Lin?"

Uncle Guo narrowed his eyes slightly, and said with a light smile: "Xuyang, I know you have always been on good terms with this rebellious cub and white-eyed wolf, but you'd better not get involved in this matter, otherwise I'm afraid Zhantian will not be able to protect you."

He threatened, and said: "I have so many eyes in the Slaughter God Army, can I still admit my mistake? I am sure, and dare to use the head of the project as a guarantee. It is the butcher Lin Fan who committed the heinous blood crime yesterday."

"Really?" Xu Yang rubbed his nose and said, "But last night, Lin Fan and I were asking my father about the confusion in cultivation. What's going on?"

Uncle Guo's eyes changed slightly.

The entire hall was silent for a moment.

The old man who said just now that if the Mozun didn't execute Lin Fan, he would hit him to death in this hall, now he didn't care about acting, he shrunk his neck fiercely, looked at his nose, nose and heart, and tried his best to lower himself presence.

Moreover, at this time, he scolded himself as an idiot in his heart, why didn't he just wait and act.

"Xuyang." Uncle Guo scolded angrily, "Are you trying to defend and testify for criminals?"

"Uncle Guo, please don't scare the kid, I'm too timid." Xu Yang sneered, and said: "I'm just telling the truth."

Uncle Guo's eyes were cold——


Suddenly, the Mozun let out a roar, making the entire hall very quiet. The Mozun's eyes were cold and cold, and he looked at the uncle Guo with ruthless eyes: "I can testify to what happened yesterday, because yesterday Zhantian General is In my great hall, Xu Yang, Lin Fan and Jue'er, under my instruction, asked Zhan Tian about his practice until the early morning."

The faces of the heroes turned white instantly!

This matter has become a big deal!

Since the Demon Venerable testified, it is guaranteed that this matter is true, even if it is not true.

But wait for others, those memorials

Will he be labeled as the uncle of the country from now on?

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