Twin martial arts

Chapter 2115 I have been here before

Before the emperor died, no one knew why he kept laughing, but from the insane and sarcastic laughter, one could definitely hear that his thoughts were too complicated before he died.

"Huh, there's another little earthworm?" The demon lord frowned, and he raised his hand; it was so casual, but when he retracted his raised palm, there was actually a little dragon between his fingers.

This is a real dragon, the bloodline is too pure.

"It turned out to be you?" Xiao Nuo's eyes were full of cold light, and his murderous intent had no limit.

He recognized who the 'little earthworm' in the mouth of this Demon King was.

This is an elder of the Dragon Clan. He had met him on the battlefield and was trusted by Lin Long. However, he did not expect that this was a traitor who would attack them bloody and viciously today.

The elder struggled, his dragon eyes were full of fear.

In this world, besides who, how could there be such a powerful person?

Who is he?

Emperor of the Dragon Clan.

But it turned out to be like a bedbug, being caught between two fingers, unable to even move.

"Traitor?" Mozun whispered, slightly exerting force with his two fingers, the law of destruction burst out between the fingers, and the chaotic air filled the air. With a bang, the emperor fell directly.

This scene shocked everyone, and it was even more terrifying than the one who killed the emperor with a single glance.

"I beg Grandpa to help, save Uncle Li Guang." Xiaoxi said.

The Mozun smiled.

In fact, for this kind of matter, Xiaoxi might not need to speak up, and everything has been resolved long ago.

"You wait here, my family needs to have a good talk."

When Mozun spoke, even with the most kind voice, it still made everyone obedient and did not dare to say a word.

In the space world that was temporarily opened up.

"Your name is Xiao Nuo, right?" Demon Venerable looked at Xiao Nuo dotingly: "Very good, you are really good, I, Lin Zhen, am proud of your father and son."

Xiao Nuo has complicated eyes.

The word "Grandpa" is very close, but the title "Grandpa" is too far away from him.

Of course, Lin Zhen was not without resentment in his heart.

He really wanted to ask, since you are so invincible and you are one of the two highest mountains in the world, why don't you ask about the lower realm?

In that bloody war, in that bloody battle, where so many respectable and eloquent heroes died heroically, where were you at that time?

"Xiao Nuo, you have to know that the higher your cultivation base, the more rules you have to abide by. When your cultivation base reaches the level of Grandpa, you will know more awe and helplessness." Demon Venerable's eyes were complicated, He sighed: "If I had intervened in the affairs of the lower world at that time, not only would the king be wreaking havoc, but the world would collapse."

Xiao Nuo frowned and didn't answer.

"Xiao Nuo, don't be rude." Qingluan scolded lightly.

Mozun smiled and said: "It's nothing, this kid must have resentment in his heart."

He looked at Qingluan with satisfaction: "That kid's vision is hard to get, and I'm not much worse than his old man."

Qingluan's pretty face blushed.

Mozun laughed: "It's a pity that kid is too careless, he is not as good as me in this point, I have wronged you."

Qingluan smiled and said, "He deserves it."

"That's a good sentence, he deserves it." Demon Venerable praised.

Getting along between two people, in the final analysis, is it worth a few words.

"Xiaoxi." The Demon Lord looked at his grandson and granddaughter, no matter how he looked at them, he couldn't see enough, and finally he sighed, the father and son had burdened too much, and even the family reunion was still so far away, nowhere in sight.

He took out so many treasures, even with the power of a very poor family, I am afraid that they would not be able to collect them.

Mozun also bluntly said that this was considered a meeting ceremony, and apologized to Qingluan that he did not attend when they got married.

"Okay; I'm going back, my old friend is about to wake up."

Mozun's eyes turned cold.

"Grandpa, is father okay?"

Xiao Nuo asked.

"A person like your father will be fine wherever he is." Mozun turned around and laughed.

But this simple sentence represents a kind of pride; recognition of his own son.

The Demon Venerable left. At this time, he was in front of the passage between the two worlds. The Demon Venerable, who had already stepped half a step into the passage, suddenly withdrew his footsteps and murmured: "We must let him know that I have been here."

Then he smiled again: "Although he knows I'm here."

Raising his hand, he punched Kong Wuxi, turned around and entered the passage, and said with a headache: "This kid doesn't know how to be safe?"

At the end of autumn in the first year of Tianshen, a catastrophe descended on the 32 domains, and the clan protection array that the Celestials and Humans had not opened for hundreds of thousands of years was half destroyed, with more than 10 casualties. The human race will be wiped out.

This is just an event recorded in the history books, but how many people in the world know that this is just a random punch.

Chose Longying.

Lin Fan is too strong, he has killed thirty generals with blood, blood flowed for three hundred miles, and even broke through ninety battalions.

At this time, there were less than a thousand soldiers left behind Lin Fan, and the front was just a dark camp, like a black dragon, straddling the front.

"Tsk tsk, Lin Fan, you are asking for death!"

The general who strangled the dragon battalion grinned grimly.

Lin Fan dared to break into the camp, no one could save him.

"Don't resist."

Lin Fan opened his mouth with sharp eyes.

Even if there are a bunch of gods standing in front of him today, he doesn't care, he must kill them.

He intends to take these surviving soldiers into his small world and rush to kill the enemy alone.

But at this moment, the strong wind was blowing violently, it seemed to be a strong wind, the strong wind was like a sword, and it turned out that everyone couldn't open their eyes.

A strong wind blew past, and when the wind cleared, Lin Fan had disappeared.

Only the pawns and generals in the Longying camp seemed to disappear out of thin air inconceivably, just like Lin Fan who had never been before, the empty front.

If it wasn't for the bloody smell that filled the place, and the remains of those who died were still lying in the blood, then everyone might think that they just had the same nightmare.

Of course, it was Mozun who made the move.

Now he has a headache.

Breaking into the dragon camp is a serious crime, even if he is the demon king, the ruler of the seventh world, he cannot ignore the rules he made.

"Forget it, it still gives Jue'er a headache." Mozun laughed.

When Lin Fan woke up, he was already in the Princess Mansion.

"Brother, don't worry, your family in the world of heaven and man is well." Princess Jue spoke solemnly and seriously.

Lin Fan narrowed his eyes and looked at Princess Jue with cold eyes.

"My brother dares to rest assured; my younger sister dare not lie to my brother about this kind of thing." Princess Jue promised.

Lin Fan felt slightly relieved; of course he would not ask Princess Jue why she knew about the world of heaven and man.

The two worlds are hostile, so it is quite normal to plant some eyeliner on the hostile forces.

Princess Jue smiled wryly: "But now, the question we need to think about is how to deal with the accountability of the uncle's mansion."

Lin Fan said: "Break into the camp is a death penalty, I know that."

"Nonsense, I already have a solution, maybe I can bite off a piece of meat from the uncle's mansion, but I need your cooperation." Princess Jue said.

Lin Fan's eyes were slightly cold: "As long as it can make the uncle's mansion lose a lot of meat, it's a trivial matter to cooperate."

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