Twin martial arts

Chapter 2096 Admiral Fat Dragon

Admiral city.

The sound of the wind is roaring.

The martial law was completely enforced, and the entire admiral city was panicked.

It's just because, at some point, a group of terrifying bandits appeared in this territory. Stealing from the rich and helping the poor is their banner.

And, really strictly did.

As long as those powerful families who oppress the people, are rich and unkind, or have second-generation ancestors who do evil in their families, they will die miserably.

He was killed by this group of bandits, half of all his property was taken away, and the other half was distributed to the oppressed people.

In this way, this gangster won the hearts of the people.

Unfortunately, it is a group of people who are domineering.

At this time, in the admiral's mansion, there was a group of patriarchs from aristocratic families who came to ask the admiral Feilong to send an army to suppress it.

Admiral Feilong, but in fact, everyone calls him Fat Dragon.

He was born as a general, but since he was promoted to admiral by the uncle of the country, he has been slowly corrupted, and now he weighs at least five or six hundred catties.

"Everyone, be quiet." Fat Long squeezed on the admiral's throne. The wide throne could fit four or five Lin Fans, but he was just big enough to sit on it.

Below, the heads of many noisy forces all looked at Admiral Feilong.

The admiral said: "The governor has sent troops to kill the bandits. I believe that there will be good news in a short time."

Heads of various forces feel at ease slightly.

A leader of the faction tentatively said: "Captain, if the troops are insufficient, we can help."

The leaders of the other forces also spoke.

It was because the Admiral's Mansion had not only dispatched troops once or twice, but all the soldiers dispatched in the end were wiped out by those gangsters.

They no longer believe in the strength of the Admiral's Mansion.

"Hmph!" Fat Dragon's eyes narrowed, and he said sharply: "It's just a bandit, you can rest assured, it will take three days or two days, and we will definitely wipe out the roots."

A leader frowned: "Captain; it's a matter of family and life, so don't joke about it."

Fei Long said: "Don't worry, nothing will go wrong this time."

The eyes of many leaders below are gloomy.

Didn't you say it was safe that time?

They even asked us for military pay many times because of the chaos.

The results of it?

Wasn't Mao unable to use it that time?

Feilong squinted his eyes: "Don't worry, everyone, this time the expedition to suppress the bandits is not from the admiral's mansion, but from the admiral's mansion."

"It's the governor."

At this moment, a clear voice sounded.

The clear and clear sound that suddenly appeared in the hall made Zhu Xiong tremble with fear!

It's because they are the heads of great powers, and when they come to the Admiral's Mansion, of course there will be strong people following them, all of which are all around the Admiral's Mansion.

But the person who made the sound was able to not disturb the many strong men guarding in secret.

This is terrifying.

"Who dares to break into my admiral's mansion?" Fei Long sternly shouted.

Lin Fan appeared and looked at Fei Long with a smile that was not a smile: "The governor is so forgetful, didn't you rush to ask for help from the governor three hundred miles away? After receiving the letter from the governor, the governor did not stop, and brought [-] hell troops to come to help, why? ? Seeing that the bandits are about to calm down, have you forgotten who this governor is?"

"Hell army?"

The head of the powerful force's eyes were fixed, and he suddenly said in horror: "Are you the butcher Lin Fan?"

"Lin Fan?"

"My God, it turned out that the hell army under the butcher's command came to suppress the bandits, and this time it will definitely be a success!"

"Nonsense! The Hell Army is the newly-promoted second army in the world. With them, mere bandits are worthless!"

Many big forces are excited and smiling.

Fat Dragon had a solemn expression and gloomy eyes. He looked at Lin Fan, but he heard Lin Fan chuckle: "Does the Flying Dragon Commander have something to discuss with this Governor?"

Fat Dragon narrowed his eyes and said with a smile, "Indeed."

Then, he looked down at the many leaders and asked them to retreat temporarily.

Soon, there were only Lin Fan and Fei Long in this hall.

"Lin Fan, you are so bold, you dare to enter my admiral's mansion single-handedly, aren't you afraid that you won't be able to come and go?"

Lin Fan curled his lips: "You mean that the emperor you enshrined in your mansion wants to keep the governor?"

Fat Dragon's face changed slightly.

Since Lin Fan dared to speak like this, it proved that the emperor sent by the uncle's mansion was absolutely powerless to take care of him.

"By the way, I advise you not to think about doing it." Lin Fan's eyes were slightly cold: "You have to know that the realm of sage is useless to me."

Feilong narrowed his eyes slightly, and said with a sneer, "Tell me, why are you here?"

Lin Fan said appreciatively: "As expected of the governor, he knew how to negotiate the terms so quickly."

"Say something quickly." Fei Long sneered and said, "It seems that Mr. Xiyin is about to wipe out your hell army, so you want to take action from this governor, and threaten Mr. Xiyin with his life, so that Mr. Keep it?"

Lin Fan looked like an idiot.

"You think too much. In the final analysis, I am just a domestic slave of the uncle's mansion, and my life is worthless in the uncle's mansion." Fat Long looked at death as if it were home.

Lin Fan was not teasing the fat-headed governor anymore, and said directly: "This deity comes here, but there are only two requests."

"Tell me." Fei Long drank tea on his own, confident.

"First, you write a distress letter in your own voice asking for help from the governor."

Feilong sneered.

Lin Fan didn't care, and raised his second finger: "Second, you need to write a report, which will be sent to Mozun Palace from now on. You just need to write clearly. This time, the Hell Army did their best to suppress the bandits, causing heavy casualties. , the gangsters can be as brutal as they want."

Feilong sneered even more: "Bandits? Isn't it your hell army?"

Lin Fan shook his head and laughed and said, "Feilong, it seems that you won't die if you don't see the Yellow River."

Fat Long stood up slowly, with a mocking expression on his face: "You can kill me, but you can't threaten me."

"I can't figure it out. The uncle Guo's mansion regards you as an old dog. He came to your mansion when Huang Yulong was still alive, and because he took a fancy to your [-]-year-old young daughter, he kidnapped you at night. What happened? ?

There is also the eldest son of the uncle's mansion who was beheaded by me in the world of heaven and man, just because he took a fancy to you as a wife, so what happened?

Are you a man?

How can you bear so many insults? "

Feilong's eyes hurt.

Lin Fan shrugged: "Well, I know, it's your wife and daughter who are under the watchful eye of others. This is also the usual method of the uncle of the country. The emperor said it was your strong support, but it is better to say that it is hanging on your shoulders." The knife on the top of your head, if you are obedient, your family will have no worries, if you are disobedient, you will kill all 130 members of your family at any time."

Feilong didn't speak.

Lin Fan said: "I'll kill him for you."

"Depending on you?" Fat Dragon sneered.

"I can't, I can't kill the emperor for the time being, but what about Wang Xiong? Can you kill him?" Lin Fan stretched his waist, and said: "Of course, you will think that my hell army has been defeated, and the deity will accompany you." you.

In at least two hours, the God Slaying Army led by Xi Yin will come to your Admiral City without armor and armor. At that time, you will know who will win and who will lose.

At that time, I hope to see your choice; of course, you must die, but I can guarantee that as long as it is your heir who has not done evil things, he will definitely be able to live. "

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