The three King Kongs all looked at Xi Yin in admiration.

To find Xu Yang's handsome tent so quickly?

It's so rare.

Of course, they carefully and seriously considered multiple locations; but in the end they agreed with Xi Yin's determination.

Xuyang's handsome tent is most likely to be on that short mountain.

Afterwards, the whole army set off, but the 7-strong army set off extremely quickly, marching towards the low mountain in a hurry.

Lin Fan admired Xu Yang even more for his ability to predict things like a god.

He deliberately sold a loophole, but it just made Xi Yin and others feel that they had to think hard before inferring it.

The army marched, and along the way, many killing formations made the God Slaughter Army look ashamed; there were even hundreds of small teams raiding and harassing along the way.

This made Xi Yin and the others firm in their speculation.

Xuyang's handsome tent must be on that dwarf mountain.

They want to go straight to Huanglong, besiege the low mountain, directly surround the low mountain with heavy troops, and force many troops scattered by Xuyang to return to help, and they wait for work with ease.

Lin Fan was really like a fire brigade, he was fighting everywhere, and in just two hours, tens of thousands of God Slayers died in Lin Fan's hands.

The three King Kongs chased and intercepted them, but they were still calmly killed by Lin Fan, discrediting the Three King Kongs.

Even Xi Yin and other leaders of the Divine Slaughter Army had a lot of complaints against the two of them.

Before contacting Lin Fan, they coaxed them one by one, blowing themselves into the sky, bluntly saying that the three King Kongs don't need to attack together, just any one of them can cut Lin Fan in front of the formation.

The results of it?

Three King Kong lost an arm, and now he is accepting the bandage with his teeth grinning in the temporary tent.

Er Jingang was blinded by an electric spear in one eye and became a one-eyed dragon.

The only King Kong who was still intact was about to cough up a mouthful of black blood at a word, and was obviously severely injured.

"One hour, the deity only gives you one hour to cultivate. After one hour, the whole army will attack. You must go all out to bulldoze that low mountain!"

Xi Yin looked at the three King Kongs coldly, and snorted coldly: "Because of the arrogance of the three of you, you have missed the opportunity to fight. If you can't do your best in this trip, you should be sentenced to death!"

Da Jingang was pale and dejected, but he didn't dare to argue.

"My lord, the enemy is constantly harassing us. Are we really not going to fight back?"

A general under his command opened his mouth, and Xi Yin said coldly: "The more anxious the enemy is to attack, the more Ding Zheng's deity guessed right, capture the thief first, and capture the king first. As long as they surround that short mountain, these attacking troops will naturally Come to the rescue, when the time comes, they will be wiped out."

Soon the army continued to march.

They surrounded the low mountain, and sure enough, on the low mountain, there was a banner of the hell army waving.

"Xuyang! You are nothing more than that, what kind of military master? Aren't you also besieged by this deity?"

Xi Yin grinned grimly, and commanded his soldiers to attack and kill.

But along the way, apart from endless killing formations, there was no one else.

There were heavy casualties, but it was finally an attack on the top of the mountain.

Let alone Xu Yang, there wasn't even a single ordinary soldier of the Hell Army.

Only on the most beautiful larch, hung a huge black banner, with the word 'idiot' embroidered with golden silk thread on the banner!

On the spot, Xi Yin almost vomited blood from anger.

But this is not the end!

Down the mountain, the hellhound roared, and the sound of war drums was deafening.

"My lord, we are surrounded!"

The Three King Kong's expression was terrified!


Xi Yin couldn't care less about vomiting blood, and pushed the three King Kong away, his soul swept down, his eyes closed in pain: "It's a trick! Xu Yang really lives up to his name!"

"My lord, we can only break out of the siege now, while the opponent is still a hundred-man squad."

Er Jingang's eyes sparkled with murderous intent.

Xi Yin's eyes kept changing!

"A team of a hundred people, there are a total of hundreds of people, and they only have 1 people. If they fight continuously, at most they will have [-] left!"

He kept calculating in his mind.

"My lord, there is the banner of the Heaven-Slashing Army flying across the sky, and the shouts of killing are loud in the distance!"

Suddenly there was bad news from another soldier.

"What? The Sky Slashing Army joins the battle?"

Xi Yin's expression changed drastically, and he asked hastily, "How many people are there?"

"I can't find out, but layers of soil are flying up, and the murderous aura is shocking. I'm afraid it's no less than [-]!"

The soldier who came to report spoke again.

"Break out!" Xi Yin said anxiously: "The four of us lead an army of [-] each, and the rest of the generals each lead [-] to break out separately. We must break out when Zhan Tian's army is besieging this mountain."

The three king vajras took the command, and the rest of the generals also set up their own soldiers and horses, and rushed like this like this.

At this time, Lin Fan and Xu Yang were together.

The so-called Zhantian Army's participation in the battle is a joke.

The so-called flying dust, murderous aura and shocking the sky, etc., are all false appearances, and they are nothing but Xu Yang's plan to deceive the sky and cross the sea.

Lin Fan just looked at Xuyang like this. At this time, Xuyang was so magnificent that Lin Fan even felt that if he was shaking the feather fan in his hand, he looked very much like the person in his world.

Xu Yang smiled and said, "What are you looking at?"

Lin Fan said: "Ma De, fortunately, you and I are brothers, otherwise it would be a headache to fight against you on the battlefield."

Xu Yang laughed and scolded: "Don't flatter, you hurry to the admiral's mansion, that fat admiral is about to bleed."

"Just kill it?" Lin Fan frowned.

"How could it be so easy for him to die?" Xu Yang's eyes turned cold, and he took out a kit: "Everything you need to do is on it, you go quickly."

"Brilliant plan?" Lin Fan smiled strangely, and then said worriedly: "Is it true that I don't need to be in charge here?"

"Hurry up, get out of here." Xu Yang waved his hand.

"Okay, be careful yourself." After Lin Fan finished speaking, he turned into golden light and went away.

Lin Fan left, of course he didn't see that Xi Yin's army was really divided into twenty troops to break through as Xu Yang said.

And looking at the direction in which these troops broke through, it was clearly the admiral's city.

Of course, they don't even know that the [-]-man army sent out by Xuyang can even chase down one or two thousand-man slaughtering gods.

What's more, they don't know that those hundred-man squads chasing and killing the God Slaughter Army will always meet in certain terrains that are difficult to defend but extremely conducive to attack.

And what's very interesting is that the total number of Hell Army squads at the time of the encounter will always be at least a thousand more than the God Slayer Army, which is basically a one-sided elimination battle.

Xu Yang chuckled: "Uncle Guo's mansion is destined to be cannon fodder for His Highness's military training. Since many years ago, His Majesty has been laying down this big banner, and he does not hesitate to raise tigers."

Thinking of this, Xu Yang smiled wryly and said, "What about me? Is it considered a sharp knife that His Majesty raised for you?"

He took two steps forward and muttered, "What the hell, I'm comfortable being your guy's knife, and you're my brother-in-law when you sleep."

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