Twin martial arts

Chapter 2060 Killing the Emperor and Yulong

"My God!"

There is a beautiful fairy-like character with red lips and hands, completely disregarding her own image, just because it is too scary!

Lin Fan actually killed Uncle Guo's branded phantom!

This is a shocking event.

It means that the uncle of the country, who had only one defeat in the past, lost again, and, moreover, he lost to a talented person who had practiced Taoism for less than 200 years!

"Go against the sky!"

"Great Sage, is this the Great Sage? Even Uncle Guo couldn't suppress it when he was young, and was killed instead!"

Everyone's expressions were shocked, and their hearts were shocked.

Everyone is watching Uncle Guo!

At this moment, he could no longer pretend to be that kind of expert, with a gloomy face and gnashing of teeth!

He has lost his reputation.

The most important thing is that he knows that the so-called only seven points of his strength is actually a lie. This phantom body is the trump card he prepared for today, just to kill Lin Fan, so at least he has nine points of his strength when he came to the emperor. level of combat power.

But he was still beheaded by Lin Fan.

In the same big realm, he would lose to Lin Fan!

This is solid, even if he doesn't admit it, it won't work, he is really not an opponent.

Lin Fan licked his lips, he turned to look at Uncle Guo: "You, you can't."

Flames burst out from Uncle Guo's eyes, and the seven orifices were spraying mist. He wanted to say something, but he heard Lin Fan chuckle: "Don't worry, just watch me kill him."

Under Lin Fan's finger, Huang Yulong was trapped and killed by the third body.

Uncle Guo's expression changed drastically!


Lin Fan attacked and killed Huang Yulong together with San Shishen!

The Divine Slayer Knife has been ruthlessly shattered, and there are cracks all over the Divine Slaughter Armor!

Lin Fan summoned the third body, which is equivalent to the legendary four great saints encircling, even an emperor can barely fight, let alone an imperial dragon?

The screams never stopped!

Huang Yulong is still in good condition at this time, this is of course only on the surface, when the spirit he invited was punished, and the God-slaying armor and God-slaying knife were only holy weapons, his fate was already doomed.

The corners of the mouth were red, and blood was seeping from the eye sockets.

"Admit defeat!" Uncle Guo roared angrily!

He made Huang Yulong admit defeat.

It was because he knew that if the battle continued, the two armies would win or lose, but his last remaining son would be beaten to death by Lin Fan.

"Tu Shenjun admits" Huang Yulong opened his mouth unwillingly, but he couldn't complete a sentence at all, so he was killed by Lin Fan's golden iron fist on his chest and abdomen, causing him to curl up like a prawn coughing up blood and fly back!


A whip leg from the past body hit Huang Yulong's heart, and with a bang, Huang Yulong flew to the west, and was swept away by the future body for a thousand years, cutting off a thousand years of life.

This is sandbags!

It has to be said that God of War Kai is indeed against the sky. After being tortured by the four great saints, he has not completely exploded until now.

"I admit it" Huang Yulong screamed.

But the ending was still the same, Lin Fan slammed it down with the tail of the halberd, and blocked the words he hadn't finished speaking.

"Ah!" Uncle Guo wailed.

"What are you screaming for? Fighting on the battlefield; casualties are normal, you have to mourn!"

Lin Fan's eyes were gloomy, showing no mercy at all. The heavy halberd that hit Huang Yulong so hard that he couldn't speak just now smashed it hard again, causing Huang Yulong's teeth to explode.

"I think"

Still only two short syllables!

This is a Yuquan punched by Shishen, and it was blasted to death in his chest!

The god-slaying armor shattered with a bang!

"Princess! Your Royal Highness! The dog has already surrendered, and it will be over soon. The Tushen Army lost, lost?!" Uncle Guo yelled in a shrill and panicked voice.

Princess Jue frowned: "Uncle Guo, I have never heard the words of admitting defeat."

After finishing speaking, Princess Jue deliberately glanced around: "Who are you waiting to hear the words of admitting defeat? Come and listen to this palace!"

Who dares?


No one dares!

"Veteran admit defeat! Veteran surrenders on behalf of Tu Shenjun!" Uncle Guo said hoarsely.

"Uncle Guo, even if you have an honorable status, you are not a leader on the battlefield, and you cannot represent them." Princess Jue looked serious, and said: "Furthermore, the emperor did not agree to this martial arts performance. You have been begging, and after your father agreed, you also said that no matter who lives or dies in martial arts, you are not allowed to be held accountable, why is this happening now? Don’t you think it is a bit unreasonable?"

At this moment, Uncle Guo's body seemed to be bent down.

Everyone looked at Uncle Guo with pity.

There was even a hint of sarcasm.

What is the source of this martial arts performance?

Who doesn't know about the entire seventh session?

In the final analysis, it was just that the uncle of the country wanted Yang Wei, wanted to kill the hell army directly, and sent Xu Yang and Lin Fan to the west by the way.

And with such thorough preparations, taking advantage of the loopholes in the rules, even the God-slaying Knife and God-slaying Armor were sent out.

That is Sima Zhao's heart, and everyone knows it!

It's just that things didn't go as expected, Lin Fan was too strong, far beyond ordinary people's imagination, he killed everything and suppressed the contemporary.

At this time, his uncle's mansion has lost, and the only heir of his uncle's mansion is about to die, so he wants to admit defeat?

Where is such a good thing?

It means that your country's uncle's house can kill others, but you are not allowed to kill your country's uncle's house?

Uncle Guo just watched Huang Yulong being blown up in the sky by the four people alive, and even the soul did not escape even a little bit.

It's not that he doesn't want to move, it's not that he doesn't want to violently kill people!

It's just that, above the sky, there has always been a lock of energy that still makes him tremble even until now. It's just that the big eunuch next to Princess Jue has been looking at him with a smile, but the Zhantian Dao has been floating all the time. Invisible to others, but he happens to be visible in the corner.

To kill the Emperor Yulong, Lin Fan laughed wildly, refreshing!

He doesn't feel any cruelty!

It is an enemy, no matter how cruel it is, it is not cruel.

Falling down to the sky, merging with the rising sun, fighting against the dragon!

With the two of them working together, how could this shit God Slayer Army be an opponent?

Ceylon was beheaded by Xu Yang, who had been holding back his anger for a long time.

After the [-] Slaughtering God Army collapsed when the fighting spirit dragon was killed, they really didn't have much power to fight back, and they were also killed to the point of losing their armor and armor, and it was impossible for them to even admit defeat.

The army of hell wins again!

This is the only team that has won two games in a row, securing the top three in advance!

"Thank you Uncle Guo for giving me such a good opportunity to show my face." Lin Fan smiled, and he wiped off the blood on his cheeks.

Xu Yang also grinned: "Very cool."

Uncle Guo didn't speak for a long time.

After that, he didn't speak until——

"The army of hell can have two rounds of bye, waiting for the final decisive battle." Princess Jue said, and the battle was settled. Then she looked at Uncle Guo and said, "Uncle Guo, can your God Slayer Army still participate in the battle?"

Uncle Guo raised his head, with a hint of ferocity on his face: "Fight, why not fight? How can we not fight?"

"Okay, let's draw lots." Princess Jue chuckled.

Today, I want to make the uncle's mansion bleed!

The draw begins.

However, I don't know if it was God's will to trick people, the lottery drawn by the uncle of the country directly won Zhan Tianjun!

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