Everyone was stunned by Lin Fan's arrogance, and unconsciously looked at Uncle Guo who was standing outside the battlefield with his hands behind his back.

But what surprised them was that Uncle Guo didn't have any anger, his expression was calm and calm, and they smiled bitterly.

This is the demeanor that uncle Guo should have.

After all, in this seventh world, there are really existences under one person and above hundreds of millions of people.

If he is angry and resentful because of a junior's words, he will appear to have a small belly, this kind of expression is normal, it looks like a master, and a big belly can tolerate it!

But in fact——

Uncle Guo is scolding his mother in his heart!

If it weren't for the rules and status not allowing it, he would really like to go into battle and kill Lin Fan to pieces.

"How powerful is this branded phantom with you?"

Unexpectedly, Lin Fan didn't give up, and turned to look at Uncle Guo, asking.

Uncle Guo's face was slightly turbulent, and he said coldly: "Seven points."

Lin Fan's eyes lit up: "That's what makes it interesting."

In a word, Uncle Guo was almost ruined, and he almost pretended not to be there. He finally held back and sneered: "Seven points of combat power, it's not like you and other ants can fight; you will die."

"Really?" Lin Fan's eyes were strange: "If I kill him, doesn't it prove that you can be killed by me if you are not an emperor?"

Everyone's eyes are also strange.

Lin Fan's words are too reasonable.

If Guojiu's phantom body was really beheaded, wouldn't that prove that if Guojiu was not an emperor, and even one or two small realms taller than Lin Fan, he would be crushed by Lin Fan?


Huang Yulong's sudden roar broke everyone's deep thinking!

With Lin Fan's past body, Chi Zhutian fought wildly with him, and the battle was too fierce.

Lin Fan glanced at the battlefield below, his eyes froze, he grabbed the Thunder Scepter in his hand, and clicked it out.


A shocking bolt of lightning struck from above the scepter, shining golden in the sky, and the Thunder Snake danced wildly.

The phantom grasped it with one hand, and in his hand was the Slaughtering God Knife, which was pointed in the air and slanted in the air. He cut out with one knife, with the knife's aura criss-crossing, and the cold light shone!

The lightning was cut by the knife light until it disappeared.


The phantom body is too violent, very weird, it is clearly a phantom body branded long ago, but it is shining with various laws and methods; various runes dance wildly.

It is the way, it is order, and it is one of the thousands of rules controlled by the uncle of the country, but it blooms in the hands of phantom.

There are thousands of murderous intentions, all kinds of differences, those avenue runes and order chains, like soldiers in the hands of gods and demons, leaning towards Lin Fan like this.

Lin Fan has no fear, he wants to cut off this phantom body, he has a great hatred for the uncle in his heart, and once ordered him to be cut open alive, although it didn't really happen, but at that time, a kind of extreme shame, let him at this moment Thinking about it is still frightening.

Walking with the Thunder Scepter, Lin Fan has suspected more than once that the Thunder Scepter is the ultimate weapon. Of course, he can't make full use of it, but the Scepter itself is immortal, as if it can last forever.

Lin Fan is like a king in thunder at this moment, and many catastrophes are moved with his scepter, such as five-element thunder, thick soil thunder, sky-killing thunder, etc., as if commanded by his arms, the front is submerged, and the body is imaginary. The order and dao patterns from the attack were completely wiped out.


Suddenly, in the obliterated dao pattern and order, a switch blade flew out, so abrupt and fast, Lin Fan had just captured the trajectory, and the switch knife had already bound his head!


The knife cut down fiercely.

A group of people screamed, and many of them could not bear to close their eyes.

Did the battle end so abruptly?

It is said that the uncle of the country and the catastrophe learned about this technique, and the killing move created from a certain gate knife in the catastrophe is said to be able to kill gods!


Lin Fan's head was cut off as expected, but no blood flew up. He temporarily hid in the lightning calamity, chopped off his headless body, smashed the knife into pieces, the head flew back, and a fire phoenix flew up from the scar. , Healed in an instant.

"Very extraordinary." Lin Fan commented.

If he hadn't already become a great sage and had the Immortal Phoenix Sutra, he would definitely be in big trouble.

Uncle Guo's eyes are lunar calendar!

This move failed to kill Lin Fan, which was beyond his expectation.

The phantom came with a knife, wanting to fight in close quarters, but Lin Fan held a scepter in one hand and a fist in the other, and stepped forward, the two fought fiercely.

The clanging sound was endless and deafening.

This scene shocked everyone.

It can be seen that Lin Fan seldom defended, and most of the attacks were resisted by his body, while his iron fist kept blasting and killing the phantom body.

Everyone must be horrified by the greatness of the great sage's flesh. Before, they only heard the rumors but not the truth. Today they finally got a glimpse of the great sage.


Suddenly, the phantom body that was fighting Lin Fan at close quarters unexpectedly burst out sky fire from between its brows. It was red at first and then turned into pitch black, like a transformation between sky fire and underworld fire, flooding the sky and earth, and killing Lin Fan. To be buried in it, Lin Fan must be directly incinerated into black charcoal.


Lin Fan shook his fist, and a golden fist smashed out of the black flames. It hit the phantom body fiercely, piercing its chest. Lin Fan's invincible iron fist appeared behind the phantom body.

Moreover, the sky thunder world erupted, and the black sea of ​​flames in the sky turned into ashes. Instead, the golden sea of ​​thunder covered the sky and the earth. In the sea of ​​thunder, various war beasts that evolved from thunder roared.

The battle between the two made everyone dazzled and frightened.

Wonderful techniques emerge one after another, and the murderous intent is unlimited.


Just when Lin Fan was holding the scepter and was about to take advantage of the situation to completely kill the phantom body, a mountain unexpectedly fell from the sky!

The mountain suppressed Lin Fan, and Lin Fan saw it with the eyes of a rune. It turned out to be just a rune.

I don't know how many people who came to watch the battle and were of the same generation as the uncle of the country, after seeing this mountain, there were nostalgia and ripples in their eyes. This is a technique that has almost suppressed an era and made many of the same generation despair.


Lin Fan's scepter pointed to the sky, and when he struck and killed the suppressed mountain, thunder sprang up. The mountain seemed to be trapped by thunder chains, and it was covered with golden chains.


The mountain is broken.

But something even more horrifying and terrifying happened. Every piece of the shattered mountain turned into a mountain, forming a continuous mountain range, and suppressed Lin Fan together.

The gravity was too terrifying, even though he was thousands of feet away from Lin Fan, it still made his back bend, as if he was holding the blue sky all day long.


Lin Fan roared, and a figure rushed out of his body. It was the same as him, but the breath was completely different. It was the future body!

In the future, he rushed to the sky and knocked out a big hole in the continuous mountain range.

Uncle Guo's face is gloomy!

He knew that Lin Fan was going to die, but he never thought that this mere Lin Fan would be able to fight him for so long; what he wanted was to crush him!

"Kill again!"

Lin Fan roared again, and a figure rushed out of his body again, this is the current body!

And the past body that had killed Huang Yulong to the point that he was powerless to fight back also turned around in an instant!

Lin Fan himself and his third body violently attacked and killed together, and in the shocking explosion, killed the phantom body into powder all over the sky!

Cut the phantom body into.

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