Twin martial arts

Chapter 2056 Wuchang was defeated and Wuhou's army fell

Little Wuhou Wuchang is indeed extraordinary, with the mud dragon on his toes, it seems that the air of the earth has been drawn, and the dragon's veins have been pulled, following him to kill the enemy.

Lin Fan snorted coldly, not retreating an inch, his palms were slowly pressed down, and the mud dragon gun above Wuchang's toes collapsed inch by inch, which made Wuchang's face change slightly.

Although it was just his simple blow, it was still the attacking power of Emperor Lin, but Lin Fan responded so easily and simply.


He had already attacked and killed Lin Fan, and the mace in his hand danced wildly, smashing into the void, Lin Fan curled up his two fingers to block the mace, and flicked with one finger.


With just a flick of the finger, Wuchang fell back more than ten steps.

"You are not my opponent." Lin Fan was very calm, as if explaining a truth of heaven and earth to others.

"I don't believe that the Great Sage is really invincible."

Wu Chang roared furiously, he raised his arms fiercely, and slammed down suddenly, there were golden waves smashing into the sky, layer upon layer.

This terrifies many people.

Because, it's just Marquis Wu's fame technique, Big Waves Washing Sands, which belongs to the emperor-level secret technique.

The lethality is very strong, even in the emperor-level secret arts, it is difficult to meet opponents.

Uncle Guo nodded, expressing approval.

For him, Lin Fan will face Wuchang in the next game, which is the result he is happy to see.

Marquis Wu, that's a madman, but also a fool.

Of course, he is also a master of calf protection.

The most important thing is that Marquis Wu has only one son, Wuchang.

If Lin Fan killed Wuchang, then unless Mozun trapped Lin Fan in Mozun Palace every day, Lin Fan would die.

Endless Wang Yang trapped and killed Lin Fan in just an instant, waves as high as the sky were everywhere, and invisible fields guarded him, making it difficult for him to move forward.

But how could such attacking power be able to stop him?

It's just three punches, the fist print runs through the golden wave, and a dark passage appears. Lin Fan walks out, pointing at Wuchang with the heavy halberd in his hand: "I'll let you strike three times."

Wuchang was furious!

In the beginning, some people always compared Xu Yang with him, thinking that among the heirs of generals, there are only a few who can defeat Xu Yang, and he is one of them.

However, after time passed, he became the bleakest stubborn stone, while the rising sun was high above like the sun, shining in fear.

At this time, another Lin Fan appeared, so invincible, he could really rule the holy land.


He roared and charged, the lethality shocked all the heroes, worthy of the title of Marquis Wu, but he still looked so pale in front of Lin Fan when he tried his best to strike.

Like a mayfly shaking a tree.

After three blows, Lin Fan unleashed his halberd, and with just one halberd, Wuchang was crucified on the battlefield.

Flying back, he didn't seem to have participated in the battle of the hell army.

Lin Fan sat back to his original position, raised his empty hand, and the heavy halberd jumped into his palm.

Uncle Guo chuckled. He looked at Wuchang who was lying on the ground with blood gurgling from the big hole in his chest. His eyes were calm, and he felt in his heart that Wuchang's death was worthwhile.

But how could Lin Fan really kill Wuchang?

As Wuchang choked on blood and trembled like a corpse, Uncle Guo's face suddenly became gloomy!

"Let you down." Lin Fan looked at Uncle Guo and sneered, "Causing misfortune to the east, killing people with a knife? Old guy, I've already lost all your tricks."

Uncle Guo stared at Lin Fan gloomily.

Xu Yang laughed: "Uncle Guo, don't worry about Wuchang's death, the bigger surprise is yet to come."

Uncle Guo's face suddenly changed!

Sure enough, it was a surprise.

Great surprise!

I saw that the hell army had killed Wuhou's army to the point of throwing away their helmets and armor.

Strictly speaking, when Xiao Wuhou was stopped by Lin Fan, this Wuhou army was like an arrow without an arrow, and its lethality was greatly reduced.

But the Hell Army was the opposite. Lin Fan entered the battlefield, which suddenly increased the morale of the entire Hell Army.

One after another, even if the overall combat power of the Wuhou Army is slightly stronger than the Hell Army, it will lose.

"How is it possible?" Huang Yulong's eyes widened in disbelief!

Just because the great situation is not here.

If the Wuhou Army eliminated the Hell Army, then he, Huang Yulong, could sacrifice the Wuhou Army and fight fiercely with the Zhantian Army. In the end, he reaped the benefits and sat firmly on the throne of the Second Army.

But with the death of the Marquis Wu army, he actually had to bear the siege of the Hell Army and the Zhantian Army.

None of this counts, the most important thing is that the Marquis Wu Army lost and the Hell Army qualified, which means that the bet that the steward was worried about yesterday has really changed a little bit!

"Come, come, let's kill one."

Yanlong grinned grinningly. He strode forward and pointed directly at Tushenjun.

They have long held their breath.

And it has been held back for hundreds of years!

He is obviously stronger than Tushenjun, but under the instruction of the general, every time they meet, they know that they will win and they have to pretend to be defeated.

Today, the name is corrected!

"Yanlong." Xu Yang frowned.

His lips twitched, transmitting sound.

Yanlong roared and stared at Xuyang angrily.

Xu Yang was anxious about sound transmission again.

Yanlong slammed his fist hard on the ground, bleeding from his pupils.

"Xuyang, what are you doing?" Lin Fan frowned.

Xu Yang chuckled: "Brothers, there is no difference between the second and third."

Lin Fan frowned.

He probably guessed what Xuyang's voice transmission was, and sighed: "You know, I don't care about these rankings."

"I don't care either." Xu Yang laughed: "But I know, you want to kill him."

Of course, the last sentence is a sound transmission.

Lin Fan's eyes suddenly turned cold.

Xu Yang said again: "Besides, there is still a battle between the Heaven Zhan Army and the Hell Army. Second and third, there must be a fight."

"Okay." Lin Fan's eyes lit up.

Indeed, he personally led the hell army, and first leveled the god-slaying army.

Then the Divine Slayer Army can't win consecutively, and they need another round of fighting.

At that time, it was the competition between the Marquis Wu Army, the God Slayer Army, the Sky Slashing Army, and the Bone Dread Army, while the Hell Army could advance and wait for the final battle.

Eyes narrowed slightly.

Regarding the Zhantian Army, Lin Fan never doubted that they would be able to fight to the final decisive battle.

It's just that this God Slayer Army has suffered a lot today.

Tushen army and Zhantian army met again on this battlefield. These two legions have been fighting each other for hundreds of years, and it started before Xu Yang and his group were even born.

At this time, it is natural that the enemy is extremely jealous when they meet.

This battle, of course, attracts attention, and everyone is watching whether the Zhantian Army can counterattack, move forward, and become the second in the world.

The battle begins!

But the ending was disappointing.

It's just that the battle was the same as before, even though the Zhantian Army 'did their best', they were still a little behind the Tushen Army, so they lost!

Of course, even Uncle Guo didn't see that although the Zhantian Army was defeated in this battle, there were only a few hundred people who died, but apart from these hundred people, the Zhantian Army retained their complete combat power.

However, although only a few dozen people were killed in the Tushen Army, more than two hundred were seriously injured, and almost everyone else was wounded, and their combat strength was greatly reduced.

"Hahaha Xuyang, your general's mansion is not as good as our country's uncle's mansion after all!" Huang Yulong laughed wildly.

Xu Yang just pouted contemptuously.

At this moment, Lin Fan got up, first saluted Princess Jue, and then said slowly: "According to the rules, the Hell Army is the only army in the field with a tie and a winning streak. Do they have the right to choose?"

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