Twin martial arts

Chapter 2055 22 Encounters

On the second day, the atmosphere in the entire Mozun City was boiling like never before.

Because, today will be the final decisive battle, this is the final ranking battle.

Will Zhantian Army and Tushen Army continue to maintain their previous rankings, or will there be a change between the second and third?

And Wuhou Army, who has been ranked fourth for several decades, is it expected to climb a ranking this time?

Or in other words, there will be a black horse that rides the dust, tramples all the legions under its feet and reaches the top.

greatly awaited.

Four legions, two-to-two duel, the winner will fight the next game, and those who lock in two victories in advance can advance temporarily. After the other team wins two games in a row, they will have a decisive battle and kill the second No.3, and, The two legions that lost two games in a row came out fourth and fifth.

The rules are simple, but brutal.

The draw begins.

Everyone held their breath, and the needle drop could be heard here.

Just because everyone could smell the terrifying smell of gunpowder smoke in the air, the two legions of Wuhou Army and Tushen Army belonged to the same family, and the Hell Army and Tianzhan Army also belonged to the same family.

Fight against each other!

Before the lottery is successful, one can feel the terrifying oppression of the murderous intent of tens of thousands of people between the sky and the earth, and half of the sky is covered with dark clouds.

But the result of the lottery was too surprising and speechless!

Wuhou Army and Tushen Army draw the same number of different color tags.

The hell army and the sky-slashing army are the same.

Everyone has strange eyes.

So, how will these four teams choose?

Soon, Wuhou Jun expressed his attitude and directly conceded without playing.

Tu Shenjun, lock a victory in advance!

As for the Hell Army and the Zhantian Army, they fought a real battle with real swords and guns, but as long as they are not blind, they can see that the two legions on the battlefield have a lot of hands, and they have no intention of killing at all. At that time, on the battlefield of 2 people, there was not a single drop of blood.

Princess Jue announced the draw.

No one can tell.

Huang Yulong smiled grimly, his eyes were gloomy, he stared at Lin Fan and Xu Yang, his pupils were blood red, and he did not hide his murderous intent.

His God-Slaying Army had already won a game first, no matter what, the God-Slaying Army had already secured the second and third positions in advance!

And in his opinion, in this round of lottery, it is best to meet the Zhantian Army, kill the Zhantian Army in one fell swoop, let the Zhantian Army become the bottom existence, and compete with Wuhou Army for the fifth place!

Of course, if you meet the hell army, that would be the best, kill them all, and in the final decisive battle afterwards, it is also a very good choice to make the sky-slashing army a joke.

Soon, the results of the lottery appeared.

This time, there was no dramatic picture.

Wuhou Army - Hell Army.

Tushenjun—Slaying the Heavenly Army.

The first to play is the hell army.

"A Nu, if you can't do something, just admit defeat, this ranking in the seventh world, don't worry about it." Lin Fan said with a dignified expression.

Marquis Wu's army has monopolized the fourth position for a long time. Who dares to underestimate the fact that they dare to fight against the Zhantian army without losing any obvious disadvantage?

"Don't worry, my lord." Anu grinned. He put on his armor for the first time, and urged the four-headed dog to walk towards the battlefield. Behind him was the silent hell army like a ghost soldier.

Wu Chang looks very elegant, like a Confucian general, but the weapon in his hand is extremely intimidating, it turned out to be a huge mace, looked at Anu, glanced calmly, raised the mace, The voice was sonorous and powerful: "Put on armor!"

Armors collide, soldiers shine.

There are tens of thousands of people wearing armor, and there is no extra sound, revealing the impressiveness of this army from every detail.

Uncle Guo has been here since yesterday, but now he showed his figure, standing directly in front of the Tushen Army.

When he came, it was just a back view, but the whole Tushen army was very different. It seemed that with the arrival of the emperor, it injected a breath of energy into this already invincible army.

Lin Fan's eyes were cold, and there was murderous intent in his eyes. His eyes were like an ax clanging and slashing forward. Uncle Guo turned his head slightly, his cold eyes were like a knife from the sky. When the two eyes collided, it was like thunder on the ground.

Lin Fan let out a muffled snort, and his face turned pale for a moment. Just as Uncle Guo was about to make another move, a slender finger stretched out from behind Lin Fan, and with a slight swipe in the void, ripples suddenly appeared.

Uncle Guo's pupils shrank slightly, he snorted coldly and didn't make another move, but looked at Lin Fan indifferently: "If you don't investigate for a while, you, an ant, will stir up boundless storms."

Lin Fan said coldly: "It's a pity that those storms can't beat you to death."

"With these chickens and dogs?" Guojiu sneered, and said: "Or, do you think that becoming a great sage has the right to shout in front of this emperor?"

After finishing speaking, Uncle Guo smiled silently, and said: "Even if Zhantian opens the back door for you and brings out [-] hellhounds, it's useless. In today's battle, this emperor will make all [-] legions die."

"We'll wait and see." Lin Fan said flatly.

Anu, on the other hand, laughed, pointed the long knife at the uncle, and shouted: "Old dog, just keep your eyes open!"

Uncle Guo's face suddenly turned cold, but before the emperor's prestige rose, he was suppressed by a heavy cold snort, and his face turned slightly pale.


Anu roared!

The ground shook, and ten thousand legions roared out.

Wu Chang tapped his toes to the ground, and immediately jumped ten feet, and with just one stick, he killed twenty hell soldiers!

Lin Fan's eyes turned cold, and he also flew up, with his toes on the shoulder of a certain hell soldier. This hell soldier was sent out of the battlefield by a gust of wind.

With the heavy halberd out, he flew across and stopped in front of Wuchang.

It's because Wuchang is obviously not the so-called initial state of Lindi, but a strong man who has reached a higher level and almost touched the peak of Lindi.

Lin Fan suddenly entered the arena, and the Hell Army still has 1 people fighting on the battlefield. Even if the uncle's face is cold, he still can't say anything. He acts within the rules. Even if he wants to say something, Princess Jue will definitely ignore it. .

"Lin Fan!" Wu Chang's eyes sparkled.

Lin Fan narrowed his eyes, he casually inserted the hem of his battle robe into the jade belt, half-closed his eyes: "Little Marquis Wu, there is still time to retreat!"

Wu Chang laughed wildly: "I have wanted to fight you for a long time! Everyone in the world says that the great sage can rule the roost in the holy realm, and all the saints in the world worship together. I don't think so."

"Really?" Lin Fan raised the heavy halberd upside down and stepped forward.

Beside him, the army rushed to kill.

On Wuchang's side, there was also a sprint that screamed and killed.

However, this battlefield seems to be cut into two battlefields, there are no soldiers within [-] meters of Lin Fan and Wuchang.

dong dong dong.

The momentum of the two of them rose, and the red-stained sand rose into the sky.

"Lin Fan, I will let you know today that the so-called great sage and the so-called legend have no right to shout in front of this sage!" Wu Chang roared, his toes were firmly nailed to the ground, and he kicked out, killing the whole person At 80 meters, a mud dragon spun like a gun at the tip of his toes and shot straight at Lin Fan's chest.

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