Twin martial arts

Chapter 2028 All alchemists from all over the world come to vote

That is a 20-year lifespan, which is too precious; it is not a problem for these emperors to exchange what they have hidden all their lives, even if they are asked to exchange it with emperor-level secret techniques, these people will never hesitate.

Wang Xiong smiled wryly, he came all the way to repay the kindness, but this kindness can't be repaid no matter what, but the more he owes, the more he owes.

All the emperors' eyes were burning, and they all stared at the yellowed sides in Lin Fan's hands, so excited and excited.

But the emperor, who had already swallowed the life-killing pill to make up for his short lifespan, changed his face drastically, and asked anxiously: "Dare to ask the governor, is there any conflict between this pill and the life-killing pill?"

Lin Fan shook his head, and said bluntly, although the effects of the two elixirs are the same, they have nothing to do with each other. After swallowing, the longevity can be superimposed.


A group of people gasped.

That is to say, they came to this admiral's mansion this time, and they gained a lot, and they can get 25 years of life!

"Captain, how to trade this pill? Can [-] servants be exchanged for one?"

An emperor asked urgently, his eyes flickering with murderous intent.

If it can be exchanged with war servants, they will rob some big clans by force, and they can't control the extra bone mountains in their hands.

When the emperor opened his mouth, many eyes focused on Lin Fan. Lin Fan smiled wryly and said, "I don't own this place. As for whether elder brother is willing to exchange with the seniors, that's up to him. The younger generation just concentrates on alchemy."

Afterwards, the eyes of the emperors flashed.

Xu Yang was many times more difficult to deal with than Lin Fan.

"What are you looking at?" Xu Yang squinted at a group of emperors, regardless of their status, he didn't bother to be polite.

"Major General, may I ask what price does it cost to have this pill?"

You Dijun spoke with a shy face.

More than 20 years, more than 9000 suns and moons, is a very long period of time. Maybe the cultivation level can be improved to a higher level. At that time, the life expectancy will increase by tens of thousands of years. This is not impossible, so, who would not yearn for it?

Xu Yang frowned, then laughed, and stretched out a slap: "Five years."

The emperor's eyes narrowed slightly, with a trace of coldness and ferocity: "Is the major general wanting us to lose our freedom and serve you for five years?"

"Yes." Xu Yang was not polite, and directly stated the purpose: "Serve for five years, and give you the elixir. After five years, you can leave or stay at will."

An emperor sneered, and when he was about to speak, Xu Yang pointed at his eyebrows and sneered, "Old man, think about it first, it's not that the general is begging to give you the pill, but you are begging me, clear?"

The emperor's face suddenly became gloomy.

Xu Yang sneered, still pointed at the emperor, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, you are no longer destined for this pill, not only for these 20 years of pills, but also for the life-killing pill, please go."

A group of emperors were all stunned and their hearts trembled!

No one dared to speak too much, and no one dared to rely on the emperor's cultivation base to show off here.

Xu Yang snorted coldly, and he walked towards the backyard, only light words came: "This general is impatient, and the world knows it, so I only give you three hours to wait, after three hours, those who are willing to serve for five years Stay, don't force if you don't want to, please go."


Lin Fan couldn't laugh or cry: "You will cut off my big business."

Xu Yang snorted coldly: "That is, you want to make false claims with these people. There is no need. You must know that behind you is the General's Mansion."

Lin Fan said: "It's the first time I've seen this side of you, and I've been swearing all over the place."

Xu Yang said: "If you grew up in the military battalion, you would know that it is normal to speak vulgarly in the army. If you are eloquent, who will pay attention to you?"

Lin Fan stretched his waist and didn't get entangled in this problem, but Xu Yang suddenly strangled his neck and smiled cheaply: "Others don't care about this elixir, but I want thirty."

"Thirty?" Lin Fan rolled his eyes: "Do you think this is Chinese cabbage? Ten at most."

Xu Yang smiled awkwardly, as if he also felt that his [-] pieces were too big to open his mouth. He wrenched his fingers to count, with a bitter face: "Those old immortals who fought against the world with their father are really dying. Ten or so pieces are not enough."

Lin Fan continued to roll his eyes, got up, and walked towards Dan Fang: "Fifteen pills, bring your own medicinal materials."

The admiral's mansion made a big move to recruit alchemists from all over the world with the recently shocking life-threatening alchemy formula as a reward.

The entire Seventh Realm Pill Realm is boiling!

In ancient times, the way of alchemy was brilliant, and alchemists were admired by people, far more respected than practitioners of the same level; even in this world, it is still the same.

But in fact, alchemy is withering, and few respected great alchemists are born. The main reason is that the inheritance of alchemy has declined.

For example, in ancient times, there were too many methods that could prolong the life of the emperor, but none of them could last in this world.

Can still become a swan song.

At this time, another life-killing pill appeared!

This is simply a grand event in the alchemy world.

Of course, it doesn't mean that you can refine medicine pills if you have the pills, but you definitely can't without the pills.

Therefore, the alchemists all over the world were boiling and flocked to the Admiral's Mansion.

Even the alchemists supported by many big clans couldn't bear it anymore, and would rather pay a high price to go. Among them, the life-killing alchemy formula is naturally the most important reason, but the number one alchemist in the world on Lin Fan's head The name also has a strong appeal.

Meng Ke was temporarily appointed as the head of the alchemy hall to welcome alchemists from all over the world, but few people disrespected Meng Ke. After all, what Meng Ke said, the number three in the world still can't escape, and this Meng Ke called himself Lin Fan Dantong , but who really dares to see him as a simple Dantong?


The emperors had complex expressions, and they all bent down in front of Xu Yang. This action meant that they agreed to Xu Yang's conditions.

Use five years of self-ownership in exchange for 20 years of life.

In fact, this condition is profitable no matter what, as long as these emperors lose their damn face, everyone will be happy.

And it was only at this time that Lin Fan really felt at ease. Only then did he have the confidence to fight against that lofty mansion.

At least it is no longer one-sided. When the uncle's house wanted to shoot him to death, it was no longer so easy.

Seven emperors, nine emperors, the emperor is the least, only five, but Lin Fan already felt that this is enough, this is only the first batch, if he wants, he can recruit again.

What's more, Lin Fan felt regretful that he had to leave the Seventh Realm after all, otherwise, he dared to guarantee that no one of these emperors would want to leave after five years.

It's just because he has too many life-prolonging medicines in his hands, 20 years is just a small test, and there are many pills that can prolong life for a hundred years.

The alchemy hall has begun to take shape, and [-] brave men have successfully tamed the mount. It shouldn't be too late to return to the world of heaven and man.

Of course, Lin Fan felt that he needed to successfully cross the border in the seventh realm to become a constant saint, and then he would have the confidence to return to the heavenly and human realm.

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