Twin martial arts

Chapter 2027 Singing Double Reed

"My lord, you are seeking skin from a tiger." Anu was terrified.

That is a group of emperors, without the strength to be suppressed, how can they be sent by them?

I'm not afraid that these people agree on the surface, but after swallowing the pill to prolong their life, they turn their heads and deny them?

"Seeking skin with a tiger?" Lin Fan chuckled and said, "What if Xu Yang came forward to do this business?"

Anu's pupils shrank.

"Don't worry, I have my own plan for this matter, and I still need to think about it." Lin Fan stretched himself.

At dawn on the second day, Lin Fan looked at more and more emperors with a wry smile, and said, "Forgive me, seniors, it is indeed too difficult for me to refine a large amount of pills by myself."

The faces of the emperors changed slightly.

That day, the emperor who was riding a prisoner bull said: "Captain, don't say that the elixir is no longer available, it will make people very disappointed."

The rest of the emperors also agreed.

Lin Fan quickly explained, saying: "The fate of the emperor is to go against the sky. Every time you refine a batch of pills, it takes a lot of effort and effort, and you have to resist the scourge of heaven, so it is difficult, and the medicinal materials are extremely difficult to collect."

Wang Xiong frowned, and said: "Captain, since that's the case, then simply don't refine it."

The emperors glared at Wang Xiong, who was standing and talking without back pain. Looking at his posture, if this Wang Xiong dared to encourage Lin Fan not to refine the elixir, he would directly drag him out to fight.

Lin Fan smiled wryly and said: "I have already boasted about Haikou, how can I disappoint you seniors, but I am indeed not enough manpower."

The emperors lowered their eyebrows.

In fact, they have also considered that this kind of elixir is indeed against the sky, and it is obviously unrealistic for Lin Fan to refine it in batches in a short period of time.

"How about the governor wanting to come down?" a Dijun asked.

Lin Fan said solemnly: "I would like to summon alchemists from all over the world. As long as they work in the hands of this governor for five years, they can get a single prescription or choose another prescription, but it can be guaranteed that the prescription will absolutely defy the sky."

"That might be a way." The emperor stroked his beard and smiled.

Wang Xiong's face changed slightly, and he said: "Then if these alchemists are only here for the alchemy formula?"

Lin Fan snorted coldly, and said: "The way of alchemy is the most important inheritance, and the method of free inheritance, but dare to deceive me, the free method will make their life worse than death."

Wang Xiong nodded slightly.

"Boy, you say that, but you need to use us?" Youdi said, squinting at Lin Fan.

Lin Fan said: "Seniors have great magical powers, and it is even more solemn to use the mouths of seniors to tell alchemists all over the world."

Everyone was smiling at Lin Fan's flattery.

While the emperors were smiling, Lin Fan said: "Of course, the younger generation is very light-hearted and has no roots in the seventh world, so it is too laborious to collect those medicinal materials, and I am afraid that someone will hinder them. Therefore, the younger generation will list the medicinal materials. , I also hope that all the seniors will help, and all the expenses will be borne by the Admiral's House."

"Hmph, it's just a mere medicinal material, the emperor pays for it himself." At that moment, the emperor snorted coldly, and he directly slid across the talisman ring with one finger, and suddenly tens of thousands of medicinal materials over 10 years old were like flowing water They piled up into a hill, and said angrily: "All these are given to you."

The rest of the emperors followed suit, and soon, the entire Admiral's Mansion smelled of medicinal materials, and the entire Admiral's City was filled with the pungent medicinal smell.

But Lin Fan and Meng Ke swallowed their mouths when they saw it, it was incredible, the medicinal materials that the emperor treasured all his life, how heaven-defying is that?

What's more, with dozens of emperors here, one can imagine how precious these piles of medicine mountains are.

Even Xu Yang, who was about to come out to sing the oboe with Lin Fan, clicked his tongue. This almost caught up with the collection of medicinal materials in the entire General's Mansion.

He felt that it was stupid for him to collect medicinal materials in a stupid way. He should have mobilized the army long ago to directly encircle and suppress those evil emperors. It is simply killing an emperor, which is more useful than collecting several cities.

When Xu Yang appeared, the faces of all the emperors changed slightly.

This man's status is too high, he is the best candidate for the next generation of generals, and he is the top person in the entire seventh session.

"Lin Fan; come, come, show me if the yellowing prescription in my hand is really useful." Xu Yang said.

This is the double spring that Lin Fan and Xu Yang discussed.

Lin Fan pretended to smile bitterly, and said, "Can't you wait?"

Xu Yang said: "It's slippery."

Lin Fan had no choice but to say, "Then hurry up."

Xu Yang threw a piece of yellowed paper, Lin Fan finished it with a big grin, then looked at it, and soon exclaimed: "Xu Yang, where did you get this side?"

Xu Yang grinned and said: "The last time I followed my father to kill an emperor who didn't know what to do, I got it from him. Why, this side is amazing?"

Lin Fan said: "It's not only amazing, it's against the sky, it's even more against the sky than taking your life!"

"What?" Xu Yang also pretended to be surprised, and rushed forward in three steps at a time.

The actions of the two of them made the emperors turn their ears and listen carefully.

Especially regarding the Death Pill, this group of emperors who are full of desire for survival cannot be careless and cautious.

"Xuyang, you have found a treasure! This is a big treasure, a heavy treasure!" Lin Fan took a deep breath and said solemnly.

"Tell me about the effectiveness of this pill, don't tell me that there is something about it." Xu Yang said, but there was obviously a hint of urgency.

"You can extend your life by 20 years!" Lin Fan paused every word.

"20 years?" Xu Yang frowned.

Lin Fan looked into Xu Yang's eyes, but he deliberately provided the tone: "Yes! And the life of Emperor Yan is 20 years. If it is a saint, even Emperor Lin can extend his life by 80 years!"

"What? Can it prolong our life by 20 years?"

"Admiral, is it true?"

"Admiral, you are joking!"

Lin Fan's body shook, and he smiled as if he had suddenly come to his senses: "This is just me deceiving Brother Xuyang. How can there be such a pill in the world."

If Lin Fan didn't act like this, the emperors would be suspicious, but the more he tried to hide it, the more the emperors believed him.

Xu Yang snorted coldly, and said: "Why are you so careful? So what if it's true? Do they dare to rob? Are you afraid that the father will raise [-] troops and wipe out their ten clans?"

Lin Fan's face was complicated, and he said, "It can indeed extend your life by 20 years."


Lin Fan clearly felt that the air in the entire Admiralty City was sucked clean by the emperors at this moment.

Then, bunches of terrifying and greedy eyes stared straight at the thin yellowed paper in Lin Fan's hand!

"Can the governor refine it?" Wang Xiong was the first to ask.

"Hmph, Dudu is the number one alchemist today. He deserves his name. If he can't make alchemy, there are still people in this world who can do it?" An emperor began to flatter him.

Lin Fan said: "I can indeed refine this pill."

The eyes of the emperors are even brighter.

But I saw Xu Yang squinting at a group of emperors: "Don't look at my brother with that look, I didn't promise to give this pill to others, and the supply of old and immortal people in the general's mansion is still in short supply, how can it be your turn? "

Lin Fan turned around abruptly, bowed to Xu Yang, and said, "Brother, I beg for a pill to give to Senior Wang."

Xu Yang narrowed his eyes slightly: "But, he is kind enough to repay his kindness, let me give him a reward from my brother!"

Immediately, Wang Xiong became the target of public criticism, a group of envious and jealous eyes almost stared Wang Xiong to death.

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