Twin martial arts

2020. Chapter [-]

Countless horrified and shocking gazes stared at Lin Fan, especially those saints, as if seeing gods.

This is a great sage, the only one in several epochs. He proved that the legend was not fabricated by the ancients, but happened in reality.

The reason why it has been invisible to the world is that the world has never gone so far.

At this time, they knew that Lin Fan was not arrogant, but really had that ability, Great Sage.

Bruce felt the real dragon trembling under his feet. He is a real dragon of the fallen clan, but after all, he also has the memory passed down in his blood.

Knowing the era when the great sage was rampant, there was no saint in the world when the great sage came out.

"Old man, are you afraid?" Bruce said softly, as if he was muttering to himself.

Without waiting for Zhenlong to respond, he continued to speak: "Hehe, I'm afraid too, it's ridiculous, I want to kill such a character alone, am I ridiculous?"

What responded to him was a dragon roar.

The sky is overwhelming, and the eyes are full of jealousy!

Why, the Great Sage is not him?

"So what about the great sage? The three emperors, if you don't believe me, you can't be killed!" He grinned grinningly, and went forward to attack and kill. The red-tasseled spear in his hand killed [-] times in an instant, pouring down like a rain of guns.

Lin Fan just raised his head and glanced, then stretched out his hand to touch the void, buzzing.

The void seemed to be ironed by an iron, and it seemed to be kneaded into a solid by someone. The rain of guns attacked and killed, blocked by an invisible barrier, and the fire splattered.

One person and one dragon charged forward, bloody spears crossed the sky and earth, with a swoosh, like a river of blood rushing to kill, the whole sky and earth were blood red, but Lin Fan's response was too simple, he took a step forward, clenching his fists to kill.

Ding! !

Gold and stone clash.

It is unbelievable that this is a fight between the flesh palm and the immortal god iron. Lin Fan's flesh body is so strong that he can really live forever. Even if he dies for hundreds of millions of years, this flesh body can last forever.

The hearts of all the saints trembled, and of course they were also dazzled. Is this the power of the great saint?

Raising your hand can destroy the river of blood, and slicing your palm across the sky can make everything stand still.

The real dragon roared, and the dragon's tail slashed towards Lin Fan, casting a large shadow, making the space make the sound of being overwhelmed and making teeth sore.

Lin Fan snorted coldly and let out an angry roar. He hugged the dragon's tail as thick as a mountain with his hands. With his waist, he could hear the heartbeat like a drum beating. The golden holy power burst out. He used this dragon as a whip to kill everywhere.

The shrill dragon chant never stopped, the dragon scales fell off, and the dragon's blood gushed like a long river. This real dragon was too long, hundreds of feet, but in Lin Fan's hands, it was really like a plaything. Everywhere is empty.

Bru and the sky are driven out like a stray dog. It is a true dragon of Lindi, how strong is its body?

In addition to being swung by Lin Fan, if it is hit, it will definitely become a powder, there is no need to doubt it.

The defeat was revealed too early, it was crushing.

"Ah!" Bruce was furious!

That was his mount and his best friend, but at this time it became a weapon to kill him in the hands of the archenemy, making him restrained.

"Bru, are you still the benevolence of a woman?" The sky couldn't help shouting, and the red-tasseled spear in his hand suddenly multiplied by more than ten times, becoming ten feet long, shining like a sky knife.

Bulu screamed, his eyes tearing apart: "The sky is overwhelming, how dare you!"

He saw what Tian Busheng was going to do, he clearly wanted to cut off the real dragon's body, and it was best to send him on the road.

"Hmph, it's just a beast, if it doesn't die we will die."

The sky couldn't help scolding, and he really made a move, the red-tasseled spear in his hand slashed away, facing the real dragon swung by Lin Fan.


The sound is too crisp, like a sharp sword cutting a steel wire.

The real dragon was broken into two pieces, and the dragon body rolled, crushing many stars.

"Ah!" Bruce roared sadly, his eyes were red, he stared at the sky and roared angrily: "If I still have life after this battle, I will kill you with my own hands!"

Lin Fan chuckled, tearing his hands fiercely, directly tearing apart the half of the dragon body he was holding in his hands, and stepped on it, his footsteps just stepped on the dismembered dragon body, immediately became powder, and disappeared from the world.

"Boring." He said, looking at the two of them calmly.

The great sage can attack Lindi horizontally, this is not just talk, at this time he definitely has the invincible strength to kill Bulu and Tian with a single gesture.

He also knew that the so-called loss in Xuyang's hands this day must have been a prank played by Xuyang when he was laughing at the world. If Xuyang really cares about the sky, he should kill him within ten moves.

A dharma appeared from heaven and earth, standing up to the sky and standing on the ground, shouldering against the sun and the moon.

This is Lin Fan's Dharma image. The golden soles of his feet stepped on the top of Tian Bu Sheng's head, covering the sky for thousands of miles. It was useless for Tian Bu Sheng to roar and struggle. This hit.

Abandoning the snatch, and roaring, he crossed his fists and raised them above his head, resisting forcefully.

"Kneel down!" Lin Fan roared, golden light burst out, click——

Tian Busheng's calves were all shattered, and the golden soles of his bent body stepped on his head, subduing him forcefully, preventing him from moving at all.

Bulu shouted loudly, his fighting spirit rose to the sky, he also attacked and killed Lin Fan with the bloody spear in his hand, but Lin Fan's punch sent him flying, and the bloody spear was directly twisted into pieces by Lin Fan.

The soldier was captured and destroyed, Bru coughed up blood, but Lin Fan's ruthless golden palm came to cover him, just one shot, and he flew thousands of miles away, smashing countless stars.


Lin Fan yelled, the golden storm between his palms was horrifying, Bruce, who had chosen to escape, was taken back; he was suppressed by Lin Fan's palm.

Fist shakes Bruce, kicks the sky invincibly!

The two most outstanding heroes of Three Thousand Islands were all defeated.

But when everyone was shocked, Lin Fan suddenly turned his head, looked towards the unknown distance, and sternly shouted: "Dare!"

He stretched out his vacant right hand, traversed countless millions of miles, and landed on the isolated island!

Tianmenke led a gang of dogs to slaughter the island!

It was because he believed that Lin Fan must die, and this small island, which was said to have a lot to do with Lin Fan, naturally became the target of venting.

But at this moment, a golden palm descended from the sky, bursting out with monstrous suction, and all those who invaded the isolated island were sucked away!

Withdrawing the hand, a group of trembling crowd knelt down in the palm!


Lin Fan felt wronged, and a group of kings were crushed into fine powder!

But Lin Fan was still murderous, if he hadn't moved for a long time when he left the island and let go of a divine thought, he would have made a big mistake today and would bear big karma!

Between the two fingers, he held Tianmenke, as if catching an ant: "How do you want to die?"

"The governor is merciful." Tianwaitian ascended to the sky, shouting anxiously, of course he saw murderous intent and terror in his eyes, the sun and the moon sank in his eyes, and the stars exploded in it, a scene of destroying the sun.

Lin Fan narrowed his eyes slightly: "What if Ben Du doesn't let go?"

Tianwaitian sneered: "Captain, this is Three Thousand Islands."

"Are you threatening me?" Lin Fan laughed.

"If the emperor can't even keep his own heirs, what qualifications do he have to rule this sea area?" Tianwaitian paced forward, the emperor's prestige filled the air, and all the saints bowed down, unable to bear the terrifying pressure.

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