Twin martial arts

Chapter 2019 The Great Sage Shocks the World

When he yelled those four words, Tian was so ashamed that he wanted to die!

How embarrassing and embarrassing!

Words can't describe the heartbreak.

He seemed to have witnessed the astonishment of Baisheng who was watching the battle with his own eyes. He seemed to be astonished and at a loss as to why he, who just kept saying that he wanted to kill Lin Fan alone, needed others to come to his rescue.

Lin Fan's expression was cold and stern, without any emotion, his holy power surged, and his ferocity permeated, like a fierce beast that had been dormant for a long time and suddenly killed its prey, wanting to tear it apart with its sharp claws.

"Lin Fanxiu has succeeded!"

Bruce roared wildly, and he threw the bloody spear in his hand as a javelin from a distance, killing Lin Fan's head, attacking the enemy must be saved, this is the best way to rescue.

"Hmph!" Lin Fan snorted coldly, he punched out, and he could see the golden light of his fist piercing the sky, dragging beautiful scratches in this dark and boundless void.

Lin Fan shook his bloody spear, kicked the sky away with one kick, pointed at the two of them, and shouted: "So what if one kills all of you?"

He really retreated, and he would not be victorious if he didn't chase after him.

All the saints exclaimed.

They all sensed my invincible arrogance in Lin Fan's heart, and he didn't even bother to take the opportunity to kill Tian Busheng.

There is no need to doubt that if Lin Fan is willing, after shaking Bru's bloody spear, he only needs to blast out that invincible fist mark, and he can blast Tian Wushen's head.


The sky roared uncontrollably, like a wounded tiger.

For him, he would rather Lin Fan pursue him and kill him at his fingertips than live like this, what is that?


Or ignore?

No matter what it is, it makes him want to kill all the creatures in the sky and the earth.

"What are you screaming for? I'm giving you a chance, hurry up and fight." Lin Fan roared softly, his fighting spirit tearing through the sky, and everyone saw the rays of light gushing out tens of thousands of feet from Lin Fan's heavenly cap, shaking the stars above Lin Fan's head. I don't know how much it was lifted.

He has decided not to hide it anymore, to completely release his realm and combat power, to show the most invincible posture, and to forcefully suppress these two people.

Pearls should not be covered by dust and sand, but should shine brightly in the world.

The main reason is that he is sure that Mozun Palace will not let him die at this time no matter what the purpose is. Moreover, he feels that if he robs, before the high mansion is overturned, Mozun Palace will die. will protect him.

"Hey jie jie Lin Fan, missing that chance to kill this young master is the biggest mistake of your life."

Tian couldn't help but grinned, he turned the anger and fire in his heart into murderous intent, and he seemed to be much stronger than the original momentum.

This earned him a lot of face.

At least, he didn't lose his strength in one blow, otherwise he would live up to his reputation.

"This deity can't think of how you can match the strength of the two of us."

Bruce also spoke, with a complicated expression on his face.

In fact, he was not the same as Tian Wusheng He Zeng. He wanted to kill Lin Fan alone, but in the end, he was reduced to a joint effort of two people.

"Really? I hope you don't think I'm too bullying later on." Lin Fan smiled lightly. He was walking in the starry sky, and many big stars retreated under his feet.

This kind of words made everyone click their tongues and shake their heads.

Lin Fan was too arrogant, even in Bufan, but his opponents were two peerless arrogances, so overwhelming that the heroes couldn't lift their heads, how dare they speak like this?

"Lin Fan, with two against one, the victory is not without force. In order to express my respect to you, I will unleash my strongest combat power." Bruce said, very serious and solemn.

This made all the saints frown.

Soon, they knew what Bruce was hiding. He solemnly took out a jade pot, which was so crystal clear that it seemed to be refined with Ganges sand to fill a whole void. Suddenly, a dragon chant, and a real dragon rushed out Come out, the air of terror soars to the sky.

The dragon chant shook the sky, and the black dragon scales were dense. This is a real dragon facing the emperor, not weaker than Bulu.

"Old friend, help me kill the world's greatest enemy." Bruce shouted, he flew up and stood on the dragon's head, one man and one rider integrated into one body, and his combat power soared many times.

"My God! This is a fallen dragon, and it was tamed by Bruce to become a mount!"

"Lin Fan will be robbed! This is an unequal fight, the three emperors will kill together, who can bear it?"

"Haha Lin Fan will eventually pay a big price for his arrogance!"

Everyone was shocked and horrified.

The degenerates live in the abyss where the sun cannot be seen, which is a forbidden area, but this Bruce can tame a real dragon who is facing the emperor. At this time, the combat power is superimposed, it is too terrifying, just the perception makes people despair.

"Okay! Brother Bruce, you and I will kill Lin Fan together!" The sky was overjoyed.

The kill, which was not accidental, is even more sure. It must be the emperor who made a move, otherwise no one would be able to save Lin Fan.

"Roar" Wang Xiongzhen yelled, and opened his mouth to spit out a galaxy, wanting to traverse the void, roll Lin Fan to his side, and isolate this unequal battle.

However, a measure of sky ruler was shot out, cutting off the galaxy, and Tianwaitian said coldly: "Emperor Wang Xiong, please stop, this is a matter between juniors."

"Really? Do you dare to let your son fight alone with the governor?"

Wang Xiong roared loudly, and the Qingfeng sword in his hand slashed out again, intending to cut through the shining light that measured the sky, and take Lin Fan away.

"Senior, don't worry, killing these two waste materials is like picking weeds." Lin Fan said with a smile, thanking Wang Xiong for his help.

Everyone couldn't believe it, they all looked at Lin Fan, they dared to speak out when they were about to die?

Is it better to lose face than lose face?

"Captain." Wang Xiong yelled, "He can't stop me, so I'll take you away."

Lin Fan smiled and shook his head. Walking in the starry sky, a terrifying aura completely different from that of a saint bloomed. He was like a true god who had been banned for a long time. combat power.

The stars trembled, falling apart from the inside, the starry sky trembled, crackled, and the heroes rustled, even the Holy Emperor, felt that the spirit was warning him, and he wanted to get away quickly.

Especially those saints and emperors, they wanted to kneel down in front of the man walking in the starry sky, as if they had met the only master, and they couldn't bear the power of heaven.

"This is"

Thirty thousand miles under the sea, an old and deep voice resounded. He was startled by this energy, and woke up from his slumber. The terrifying light beam tore through the sea, and directly probed the sky.

"Great Saint."

The emperor asserted, and he came here with a ray of Tao, with his hands behind his back, and his pupils released immortal brilliance, blooming like a celestial glow, he looked at Lin Fan for a long time, and then sighed: "A living great saint, Many epoch-unrevealed myths emerged."

"Indeed, this is a great saint. This emperor has seen myths and miracles, as if he has witnessed the invincible emperor of heaven in his childhood."

The emperor spoke again, Leng Sensen, the prison cow he was sitting on was too thin.

"What? Great Sage?" A Holy Emperor asked in horror.

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