Twin martial arts

Chapter 1998 Kill

The skinny old man was full of fear.

This turned out to be a holy king!

What's more, he is the kind of person who climbed out of the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood. It is different from him who has reached this level with the help of treasures such as pills. The two are not on the same level at all.

Damn Shen San!

The old man roared in his heart.

After hearing Anu's stern shout, his eyes suddenly changed, but no matter how he thought about it, there was no such person.

"Hero, did this old man accidentally offend you?" the old man said.


Anu stepped hard and broke seven or eight chest ribs of the old man, and said sadly, "Yeah, how could you recognize me."

The sole of the foot was raised high, and it was about to be stomped down fiercely. There is no doubt that if this foot was chopped off, the old man would definitely be crushed alive, and even his soul would not be able to escape.

"A Nu." Lin Fan opened his mouth and flew across the sea leading his daughter.

The appearance of Lin Fan made the old man panic even more.

Before the battle, he had already scanned with his soul to make sure that no one was around, but after this person made his voice, he was actually ten feet away from him.

Anu didn't stamp her foot.

Lin Fan shook his head slightly: "Leave him to deliver the message."

Anu didn't say anything, just walked aside and sat on the ground with her head in her arms.

Lin Fan looked at the old man and said, "Go back and tell Tianmenke that we won this primordial stone in a fair and reasonable manner. If we just let it go, it's fine. If we still refuse to let it go, we will bear the consequences."

The old man just lowered his head firmly, not even daring to lift his head.

in the city.

"In that battle to the death, I was the one who died." Anu tore at her hair in pain.

Lin Fan sighed.

Before Anu and him, it was just a tool to make fun and make money. The brothers who had known each other for many years deliberately gave him an advantage in an arranged decisive battle, so he lived until now, and his brother died.

Patting Anu on the shoulder: "I promise you, no matter who he is who arranged this decisive battle, he will die, and the old man you mentioned, I will let you kill him personally."

The light in Anu's eyes burst out suddenly, but then dimmed: "They are too strong, they are all great clans, there is no need to make more enemies, my lord."

"Say something stupid." Lin Fan cursed with a smile.

Not long after Lin Fan and the others left, Tianmenke personally led many strong men to the beach. He was excited and hideous.

He thought that those two bastards who didn't know what to do would be captured and died in the most miserable battle as part of his servant battalion, and the primordial stones he exported would be brought back.

The result was that the ground was bloody, with broken arms and stumps everywhere, and his right-hand man, the Holy King, was wriggling on the ground, as if he wanted to close his body together.

"What happened?" Tianmenke shouted.

The old man howled miserably.

"How dare you!" Tianmenke roared.

How dare you threaten him?

With a ferocious expression on his face, he said: "Send word, post the portraits of these two people all over the city, if he can still see today's sunset, this young master will chop off his own head and feed it to the dogs."

From now to sunset, two hours.

But under his command, no one would question the truth of Tianmenke's words.

On this day the Outer Islands.

Tianjia is the only ruler.

The entire Tianwai Island went crazy. Two pictorials were posted, which bluntly stated that these two madmen stole one billion top-quality Yuanshi from the battlefield. Cut off the heads of these two people and send back the primordial stones, and they can directly become the offerings of the Tian Family!

Great reward. ,

In these three thousand islands, if one can have a little relationship with the Tian family, then they are worthy of the name of the royal relatives, and they can walk sideways.

The whole city was shocked by this incident.

They were all looking for Lin Fan and the others.

At the center of Tianwai Island, Tianwaitian is hosting a group of distinguished guests. The guests and hosts are enjoying themselves with all smiles.

But at this moment, a housekeeper rushed over with a slightly pale face.

Tianwaitian's complexion changed slightly, and after he confessed, he came directly to the housekeeper.

"Patriarch, something is wrong." The butler said that.

Tianwaitian's eyes turned cold, the housekeeper hurriedly opened two pictorials, and Tianwaitian's eyes changed from Bingsen to horrified to terrified!

"What the hell is the boss doing? Why did you provoke this evil star!"

Tianwaitian lowered his voice and roared.

The housekeeper hurriedly told the whole thing.

Tianwaitian's face gradually became gloomy: "Go get this guy who wants to die early."

Not long after, Tianmenke came, staring at his father with a puzzled face, his face was blacker than the bottom of the pot.

Bang, Tianwaitian took two wanted posters on the table, and said coldly: "Nizi, do you know who he is?"

Tianmenke's heart tightened, feeling sensitive that he had provoked someone important, he hurriedly said: "Go and revoke the arrest warrant, boy, and tell the outside world that this is a misunderstanding."

After finishing speaking, he hurriedly ran outside.

"Wait a minute." Tianwaitian said with gloomy eyes, "wait a minute, this is a big bad thing, but before it happens, we can't have a big opportunity."

"What's the explanation, father?" Tianmenke narrowed his eyes.

"Hmph, during this time your father-in-law has been tortured enough by this kid, and suffered a lot from being dumb." Tianwaitian said with a sarcasm.

"Father means that one of these two is Lin Fan?" Tianmenke's eyes widened.

"Hmph, what else?" Tianwaitian's eyes kept changing, but finally turned ferocious: "Since he intends to hide his identity, then we will make the wrong mistake, treat him as a passerby, and kill him directly."

"A wonderful plan! A wonderful plan!" Tianmenke laughed: "Father is really scheming. Under such circumstances, Lin Fan was directly beheaded. Even if the palace pursues it afterwards, it can probably be pushed back and forth, and I don't know. Everyone is dead, do you really want to fight us to the death?"

"Go, make arrangements, that kid is powerful in battle, it is said that it is easy to kill the emperor." Tianwaitian slightly raised a point.

A cold light flashed in Tianmenke's eyes: "Don't say that it's just the fighting power of the emperor. On these three thousand islands, even an emperor can't make waves."

in the room.

"Get ready, go to Tian's house." Lin Fan waited for Anu's mood to ease up a little before opening his mouth.

Anu frowned.

Lin Fan didn't explain, but just said: "This way, take good care of your little girl, and don't let him get hurt."

Pushing the door open, there was a group of cultivators carrying various soldiers, who had already surrounded the inn where Lin Fan was staying. There were all kinds of cultivators, including two or three saints.

Lin Fan didn't care, followed by Anu, and Anu led his daughter down the stairs slowly.

Every time he takes a step, the many cultivators who besiege them will take a step back.

When Lin Fan walked out of the inn, the encirclement was more than ten times larger than at the beginning.

Lin Fan still moved forward slowly, and the sound of footsteps spread far away on the silent island.

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