Twin martial arts

Chapter 1997 Tianmen Guest

In the luxurious room, Tianmenke, the eldest son of Tianwaitian, restrained a beautiful maid and insulted him wantonly. When he got up, the door was knocked.

"Who? If you can't tell me the reason for Lao Tzu's approval, you know the result!"

Tianmenke, whose good deed was interrupted, had gloomy eyes.

"My lord, someone is gambling."

The person outside the door spoke.

"Big bet?" Tianmenke frowned: "How much is the bet?"

"Seven hundred million top grade primordial stones."

"What?" Tianmenke was shocked.

He has been in charge of this battlefield for too long, and the heaviest bet he has taken is nothing more than the [-] million top-grade primordial stones of Major General Xu Yang, which has become an eternal myth in the gambling world.

But at this time, someone bet [-] million!

It was more than twice as much as Xu Yang's bet.

Sit up straight unconsciously, and said, "Who is the pressure?"

"Wang Chan."

Tianmenke's hands trembled slightly, and the closed door suddenly opened wide, and the servant standing outside the door was suddenly knocked out coughing up blood, Tianmenke's cold voice sounded: "Do you all want to die? How dare you take this?" Waiting for a bet?"

The servants who were knocked and coughed up blood and flew far away did not dare to make a sound. They got up gruntingly, and anxiously argued: "At that time, there were too many bets. If we refused, I am afraid that those high-rollers will see the clues. .”

Tianmenke's eyes were cold.

"Remember who the bet was?" he asked.

"The little ones will be followed by someone, and they can be picked up and killed at any time."

"Idiot!" Tianmenke yelled angrily, and said: "How can someone who can make such a big bet be an ordinary person?"

His eyes kept changing, he waved his hand, and said: "Take 1 yuan of stones from the warehouse and send them, the bet is cancelled, 1 yuan is considered to be a friend."


It has to be said that being in it, it is easy to be infected by the excitement of others, and become hyperactive yourself.

At this moment, the crowded crowd lined up, and the two walked towards Lin Fan holding a red plate.

Lin Fan frowned slightly, his eyes seemed to be smiling but not smiling, but he didn't bother to answer, he wanted to see how Anu would handle this matter.


"Young Master, can you take a step to speak?" The third director of the Battle Beast Field came forward in person, and he was indeed a corporal, at least in the eyes of Tianmenke.

Anu sneered: "I'm doing a good job, and I don't have any friendship with your battlefield, so I'll just borrow a step."

The third director's eyes were slightly cold, but he was not an ordinary character after all, and he saw some clues. He no longer looked at Anu, but looked at Lin Fan, and said with a smile: "My son said that he is willing to make friends with you."

After finishing speaking, the three supervisors looked high and high, as if his son's willingness to befriend Lin Fan was Lin Fan's luck in eight lifetimes.

Lin Fan laughed, "Say it straight."

No matter how cold the eyes of the third director were, he glanced around slightly, and then transmitted the voice, saying: "Friend, my son said that all bets will be refunded. If you just want to earn some pocket money, the 1 yuan stone will be regarded as my son's entertainment for the two brothers." .”

"Ten thousand?" Lin Fan's eyes were strange, but he didn't transmit the voice, but said, "It's less."

The third director's eyes were even colder: "My friend, accept it as soon as you see it."

Lin Fan didn't bother to answer, the third director sneered, and said: "Then add 1. If I, Shen San, are in front of the young master, the owner of the [-] stone can still do it."

Lin Fan applauded, just because the woman named Wang Chan grabbed a level of Peihuang sand and sprinkled it on the enemy at this time, and successfully avoided the fatal blow with the help of the enemy's slight dodge. It was indeed extremely exciting.

"Friend, my young master always likes to give courtesy first and then fight." Shen San spoke again.

Lin Fan smiled: "You guys are so small, you should know how much I can earn, [-] million, let's forget about getting [-] million out, I know you can't be the master, go back and ask your master."

Shen San chuckled twice, and as expected, he backed away.

"One hundred million? What a big appetite." Tianmenke smiled sinisterly, and he squinted at Shen San: "Maybe you can see his roots?"

Shen San frowned: "I can't see through it, but I'm sure it's not a person from Three Thousand Islands, but a foreign visitor, and it is most likely that they came here for the holy fruit."

Tianmenke was silent for a moment, then asked: "Could it be someone from that palace?"

Shen San directly shook his head: "Impossible; I'll ask a few people to investigate."

Tianmenke waved his hands with a smirk, and said domineeringly: "No, as long as he doesn't belong to that palace or mansion, can he be older than my father-in-law? Doesn't he like to gamble? Then let him win, and if he wins, he will have his life. "

Shen San also smiled slyly: "Shen San understands."

Lin Fan thought that Shen San would come again, but it turned out that Wang Chan had successfully fought back, but he never appeared again.

Moreover, when Anu went to exchange the bets, it went extremely smoothly without any embarrassment.

Anu frowned tightly: "How could it be so smooth, could they be thinking?"

Lin Fan chuckled, and looked at certain directions in the stream of people swarming out with dark eyes.

On the lonely sea rock, the girl was not afraid of the water or the surging waves, and had a good time, while on the beach not far away, there was a bloody scene. Anu killed more than [-] people by himself, but his cultivation was the highest. Those are just the pinnacle of rules.

"My lord." Anu said.

Lin Fan glanced at him and turned his back. At this moment, terrifying murderous intentions gathered, a skinny old man smashed towards Anu Tianling Gai fiercely with his hands like eagle claws.

Anu punched upwards, and the old man took advantage of the momentum to fly back, grinning and said: "Where did the dog thief come from, how dare you slaughter people from Tianwai Island!"

"Ask me knowingly, give me a punch." Anu yelled, his straight fist in his hand blasted up to the sky, and the fist print rumbled to kill him.

But the old man let out a strange laugh, took advantage of the situation to fly back, and suddenly roared: "The man who killed me on Tianwai Island dares to be so arrogant, this old man can't get around you!"

A cluster of blue fireworks suddenly exploded in the sky.

After that, there were countless crackling sounds.

Anu was surrounded by it.

"Big Brother, don't you want to help Brother Anu?" Xiao Nannan was a little nervous.

Lin Fan said: "It's okay, Brother Anu is amazing, these people are not his opponents."

The little girl said, "Then why didn't they come to arrest us?"

Lin Fan laughed and said, "Because they can't see me and Nannie."

Xiao Nan Nan seems to understand but does not understand.

The story is very old-fashioned, nothing more than a big hat.

Someone testified that Anu was the bandit who broke into Yuanshiku of the battlefield just now, and then the skinny old man immediately sentenced Anu to death, and the next step was to fight.

Lin Fan didn't bother to look at it.

Among this group of people, only this skinny old man looked decent, and he was a saintly figure like Anu, but how could he be a holy man like Anu who had been honed in countless battles in the battlefield and hunting?

Soon, the skinny old man was cut into two by Anu's sword, and he stepped on the old man's chest with the sole of his foot, his face was too ferocious: "Old bastard, do you still remember me?"

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