In this sea, the name is a taboo.

The broad-sworded man suddenly let out a sinister laugh: "How dare you call your lord by his name."

Anu taunted: "Could it be that my lord has called out to heaven, what else can happen?"

"Tsk tsk, boy, I'm not afraid to tell you that in this sea area, the name is Tian." The broad-sworded man grinned, "Now that I've been released, I'm giving you one hundred and eighty thousand yuan. A few words of kindness from you will save you from death."

"Sovereign Sea Shaker?" Lin Fan frowned, looked at the terrified daughter, and immediately understood something.

Raising his hand, he wanted to slap the broadsword man to death with his palm. At this moment, there was a piercing piercing sound towards Lin Fan's temple, and the palm that was about to slap the broadsword man to death pressed to the side.

This is a silver arrow, made of exquisite materials, it is not ordinary at first glance, it belongs to the holy level.

Lin Fan raised his eyebrows slightly, finally a more decent one came.

"Where did you come from this brat who doesn't know how to live or die? It depends on the owner to beat a dog. How can you kill me if you want?"

A cold voice sounded, and Lin Fan saw a man wearing colorful clothes; stepping on the back of a big fish and riding the wind and waves.

"My lord, save me." The broad-sword man's eyes shone brightly, and he met his savior.

"Hmph, useless things." The man said coldly, the big fish that had just lifted him up with his toes was trampled to pieces, and the sea water suddenly turned red.

He came to the arena, glanced at Lin Fan casually, and said, "What's going on."

The broad-sworded man explained the matter clearly in a few words, and the man snorted coldly: "Boy, do you know what you are doing?"

"Sovereign Sea Shaker?" Lin Fan raised his eyebrows slightly.

The man's face turned cold: "That's my father, my son's name is Long Ni."

"What? Young Master Longni?"


The residents on the isolated island screamed, and all knelt on the ground, begging for mercy, and their clothes were soaked in cold sweat from fright.

Long Ni's eyes glanced, without any emotion, and suddenly, his eyes stopped on the little girl who was hiding behind Lin Fan, showing a small head, and said coldly, "Just this little girl?"

The broad-sworded man grinned sinisterly: "It's her fault."

And he was ready to get up.

"Did the deity make you move?" Lin Fan's eyes turned cold, and the holy-level coercion burst out suddenly, and he pressed on the broad-sword man. The half-stand-up broad-sword man immediately spurted blood, and after a miserable howl, he knelt on the ground fiercely, The kneecaps were cracked, and the sand was stained with blood.

"What a brave dog." Long Ni scolded coldly, the might of the Holy Monarch broke out, separated Lin Fan's energy blockade, and said with a grinning smile: "So it's a saint."

Lin Fan smiled lightly.

Long Ni smiled strangely: "Boy, I will give you a chance to redeem your life. I will throw the little girl behind you to death and kneel down to apologize. I will spare you."

"Hahaha little bastard, you are nothing more than a mere saint, and you are nothing more than an ant in front of the young master, so hurry up and do it!" The broad-sworded man collapsed on the ground, but at this moment he gave out a creepy and sinister smile.

Frightened eyes appeared in the little girl's eyes, and she backed away again and again, staring at Lin Fan and the others with fear on her face, hiding behind the old man who was holding the hatchet tightly in his hand.

Lin Fan smiled and didn't speak, just took a step forward.

Long Ni's face changed: "Are you disobeying my words?"

"A Nu." Lin Fan yelled, and Anu slaughtered Xiang Longni like a tiger!

"If you don't eat the toast and eat the fine wine, I will behead your servant first, breaking your spine, and make you kneel in front of me like a dead dog." Long Ni grinned, making a bow with both hands to shoot at the sun shape.

A big bow appeared in the empty hands, and the bow was shot out like a full moon arrow, bang!

Like a dragon coming out of the water, after the arrows are shot, the vast sea of ​​water boils and turns into seven or eight dragons, which together with the arrows shoot and kill the leaping Anu.

"Hahaha, my son is so good at cultivation, shoot him to death! Kill him!" the man with broad sword roared.

Lin Fan looked up and lost his mood, but turned his head to look at Nannan with a smile, and said, "Big brother is not a bad person."

Nannan looked at Lin Fan suspiciously, while the old man's hand holding the hatchet was trembling, staring at Lin Fan firmly, as if as long as Lin Fan dared to take a step forward, the hatchet in his hand would kill Lin Fan.

The battle didn't last long. After a scream, Anu twisted Long Ni's arms, crushed his spine, and was suppressed to kneel on the ground.

The man with the broad sword was almost scared to death.

Looking at the young master who was suppressed and knelt in front of him, he only felt that he had fallen into the most terrifying dream.

Lin Fan looked at the fearful grandpa and grandson, smiled, and looked back at Long Ni who was kneeling on the ground: "Do you still want to kneel?"

Long Ni's body was in severe pain that pierced her heart and penetrated deep into the bone marrow, but she was indeed very strong. Even though the pain made the corners of her eyes twitch, she still didn't call out pain or beg for mercy. Instead, she stared at Lin Fan with a ferocious face, and said with a grinning smile: "Little bastard, you are all going to die, you are all going to die, none of you can survive."

"A Nu." Lin Fan called out.


Long Ni's entire arm was chopped off and fell to the ground.

"Hahaha, go to hell! Go to hell with me!"

Long Ni seemed to be insane, a piece of scarlet jade pendant arrived in his palm at some point.

Lin Fan just watched carefully.

The jade pendant was crushed, and the aura that belonged to the peak of the Holy King and even had a little taste of the Holy Emperor burst out suddenly——

"Who dares to hurt my son!"

With a loud roar, the whole island trembled.

An old man with a blue face appeared in mid-air. After seeing his son's miserable appearance, his eyes showed a terrifying murderous intent: "Who dares to hurt my son of the Venerable Shaker."

Lin Fan raised his head: "This seat."

"Father, kill him! Kill him!" Long Ni roared.

Venerable Shaking Sea laughed strangely, he looked at Lin Fan: "How do you want to die?"

The people on the isolated island were all desperate, they only knew how to kowtow and plead guilty, and even blamed Lin Fan for meddling in their hearts.

"Don't want to know the reason?" Lin Fan looked at Venerable Shaking Sea.

"Jie Jie, I am the king of this sea area, and I am right." Venerable Shaking the Sea laughed wildly.

"A nest of snakes and rats, the upper beam is not upright and the lower beam is crooked." Lin Fan said flatly, raised his finger slightly, and the explosion of energy was many times more terrifying than the Venerable Shaking the Sea. Under Lin Fan's aura, Shaking the Sea The Venerable is like a flat boat in the sea, which will capsize at any time.

Fear appeared in the eyes of Venerable Shaker Sea, and he roared, "My lord, misunderstanding, misunderstanding."

"No misunderstanding."

Lin Fan opened his mouth coldly, his raised palm suddenly grew bigger, he held Venerable Sea Shaker in his hand, squeezed hard, and with a bang, the still tall Venerable was directly crushed to death.

"who are you?"

On an island thousands of miles away, an angry roar suddenly came out.

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