Lin Fan didn't say anything, he walked to a stone that was half buried in the sea water, and stood like this, looking at the sea, he just felt that the sky was high and the clouds were calm, and the sea was wide enough for fishes to jump.

Not long after, seven or eight large ships came through the waves, and there were many men with grim faces standing on the deck.

Lin Fan frowned, Meng Ke said: "Predator."

After listening to Meng Ke's explanation, Lin Fan knew the origin of the so-called predators.

After all, just like the pirates on the blue planet, they lived by plundering.

Lin Fan sighed, finally understood the reason why the old man was so wary of them, and turned his head away, leaving him alone.

Every place has its own rules of survival, and he doesn't have the will to meddle in other people's business.

When the boat docked, a group of lawless marauders rushed into the small island where the people lived, and soon they were flying around.

Lin Fan frowned slightly as his spiritual thoughts swept over, because the predators at this time drove all the people on the island to the beach like they were driving pigs.

These people were trembling, and the young children were clinging tightly to their mother's arms, and some children who were a little more sensible did not dare to vent their anger.

And the condensed essence cultivator with the highest cultivation base on the island was standing next to the burly man with a broad sword on his shoulders, as if he was talking about something.

Suddenly, the broad-sworded man kicked the Yuan Ningyuan cultivator until he vomited blood, and said with a ferocious expression: "Wu Lao Wu, if it were any other time, I would forget it, but this time it is the birthday of the venerable, and the nearby three thousand Dao, who dares not to be filial? You take out three hundred yuan stones, it's like getting away with it?"

Wu Laowu curled up on the ground, he was just a cultivator of congealing essence, but this broad-sworded man was at the ancestor level, how could he be an opponent?

With a kick, he felt that his internal organs were all tangled in one place.

Struggling to get up, he boldly said: "Half a month ago, the king searched for 3000 yuan stones from our isolated island. During this period of time, the storm was so dense that he dared not go out to sea. These [-] spirit stones are already all the yuan stones on the entire island. Please! Your Majesty raises your hand high."


Wu Lao Wu had just finished speaking when he was slapped by a sharp-mouthed monkey-cheeked Lunar man who slapped his three white teeth and said with a grinning grin: "I don't care! If you can't get the primordial stone, I'll take someone else."

With these words, all men, women and children on this isolated island changed color, and those with daughters trembled all over their bodies.

Nannan hid her whole body behind the old man, only showing her timid eyes.

"Well, what Shouhou said is very good. There are a few women on your isolated island who are beautiful, and you can always sell them to a kiln for a few primordial stones." young women.

"Your Majesty can't do it"

The old man opened his mouth, he was the one with the most backbone, at least he was not trembling or shivering, and looked directly at the man with broad sword.

"Yo huh? It's you old ghost again." The broad-sworded man grinned, and kicked the old man until his chest collapsed, breaking countless ribs.

Nannan was also knocked flying, with a sharp stone behind her, if this elf-like little girl hit the ground according to this trajectory, her little head would definitely be smashed.

The residents on the isolated island screamed horribly, and some timid people dared not look at it, but the predators laughed very heartily, as if they liked to see such cruel things.

Just when everyone thought the little girl was bound to die, a gust of gentle wind lifted the little girl up and stood on the ground steadily.

Of course it was Lin Fan who made the move.

Even if he didn't want to meddle in other people's business, he couldn't let him watch a girl like an elf die in front of his eyes.

"Who's so meddling in my own business!" the broad-sworded man grinned.

No one noticed Lin Fan's trajectory, but he had already arrived beside her, lightly patted the dirt off her body, and said with a smile, "Are you all right?"

The girl's eyes were clouded with tears, her little mouth was twitching, she looked like she was going to cry soon, Lin Fan rubbed her head, and said, "You can't cry in front of bad guys, the more you cry, the more they will look down on you."

As expected, Nannan tried her best to hold back her crying, and ran to her grandfather again. When she saw her grandfather was covered in blood, she couldn't help it anymore, and the little girl's crying was particularly worrying.

"Boy, I don't care who you are, if you don't tell me you're ugly today, don't even think about leaving this island alive." The thin monkey grinned grinningly, waving the big knife that was notched in his hand indiscriminately.

Lin Fan glanced at him and said, "According to the usual practice, how much protection fee do they have to pay?"

"Hehe, so he's still a rich man." The broad-sworded man had a strange look of yin and yang, he stretched out his palm, and the lion opened his mouth wide: "Five thousand top-quality primordial stones."

Lin Fan frowned slightly, but Nannan said, "Brother, he told lies, and at most three thousand low-grade primordial stones can keep him safe for a year."

There was a hint of coldness in Lin Fan's eyes, but he didn't care about it. For him, five thousand top-grade primordial stones were just a drop in the bucket. Looking at the man with the broad sword, he said, "Here's your primordial stone, don't embarrass them."

The broad knife man's pupils shrank suddenly, and he said with a smirk: "Boy, I have changed my mind now, I must get [-] top-grade primordial stones, otherwise not only this isolated island, but you will all be dead."

The thin monkey's eyes sparkled, and he regarded Lin Fan as a big fat sheep, as if he saw a pile of primordial stones waving to him, and said with a smirk, "Brother Dao Scar, the three thousand top grade primordial stones don't even blink their eyes!" , [-] people probably won't like it."

The man with the broad knife slapped the thin monkey to sit on the ground: "You are treacherous, but I like it."

He turned around and looked at Lin Fan with a smirk: "Boy, except for your robe, leave everything else to me, and get out."

Lin Fan's eyes turned gloomy and cold, and he said slowly: "Heaven's sins are forgiven, but you can't live your own sins. Within three breaths, get out of this deity's sight or you will die."

He originally wanted to calm things down, the left and right were nothing more than primordial stones, but since these people wanted to die, he made it happen.

"Hey? What did I hear? In the three thousand miles of sea around here, there are still people who dare to let me go?"

The broadsword man laughed.

The thin monkey also followed, grinning grinningly, and said, "Little bastard, so that you can see and see, this is the second expert in the nearby three thousand li sea area, now obediently leave money, kneel down and apologize, maybe you can save half of your life in the sea." .”

"A Nu." Lin Fan shouted.

Anu suddenly appeared in the crowd, there was no nonsense, I saw him spinning around in the crowd, except for the man with the broad sword, the rest were all dead.

"Plop." The broad-sword man was scared to pee, and limp on the ground: "The hero, spare your life, the hero, spare your life."

He now knows that it is really the Raptors crossing the river.

Lin Fan glanced at him, and a stream of energy rushed out of his body and entered the old man's body. The old man's broken bones were all healed in an instant. He stood up and looked at Lin Fan with a complicated expression.

Lin Fan waved his hand, signaling to the old man that there is no need to be polite, then he looked at the man with the broad sword and said, "Who is the lord you are talking about?"

The broad-sworded man said: "In the entire Three Thousand Islands, who else dares to be honored?"

His expression kept changing, and he was thinking about ways to escape.

"You mean Tianwaitian?" Lin Fan asked.

Everyone's expressions, including Gu Dao's, changed drastically.

This name is known to everyone in the Three Thousand Islands, but no one dares to call it directly, and anyone who dares to be disrespectful will die.

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