Lin Fan sighed, and said: "Indeed, a hundred thousand troops were dispatched from this world, and they took the lives of civilians as a threat to bring me into this world. thing."

"Hehe." A big man sneered.

Lin Fan recognized him, and he was also a great enemy. He killed his heir, and wanted to attack him at the hunting conference last time, but was frightened by his fighting power and retreated in despair.

"What are you laughing at?" Lin Fan looked at him.

"Hmph, my deity laughed at you for not knowing what to do. What kind of person is a holy alchemist? How dare you speak out loudly and let others throw the bet first? Are you afraid that your wild words will not be retracted?" The big guy sneered.

The holy alchemist pretended to be reserved, and said: "You have to forgive others and forgive others, why bother with such criminals? Let him show his bet first, and the deity will take it all."

After finishing speaking, he sighed: "Don't be too shabby, otherwise it doesn't make much sense."

Everyone laughed.

Some people even mocked: "Lin Fan, do you want me to lend you three hundred yuan stones?"

They are all mocking.

This made Princess Jue stare coldly, each and every one of them wrote down the big things they laughed at in their little books, and waited to settle them one by one. Unfortunately, these people didn't know it at all.

Lin Fan sighed: "Hey, I only have to show my ugliness. I really don't have a long body. Hey, when I think about it, I can't be too shabby."

"Hurry up, please, don't wait for the Heavenly Master to crush Meng Ke to death."

"Yes, hurry up, don't try to procrastinate, wait until the Dan Dou is over."

"Hurry up, I can't wait, I desperately hope to see the treasure that will open my eyes."

They were all joking and smiling.

"Hey, I found this thing on the left and right. You can see if it suits your wishes."

Lin Fan opened his mouth, and he took out a yellow-brown 'stone' the size of a thumb.

"This is"

Princess Jue's eyes moved, and then she smiled happily.

The big eunuch's body vibrated directly.

"My God! Mysterious Yellow Mother Gold! This is Mysterious Yellow Mother Gold, true and true!"

The eunuch exclaimed.

"What? Xuanhuang mother gold? In this world, there really is such a rare treasure?"

"Oh my god! It's an eye-opener. This trip is worthwhile. I actually got to see the true face of my mother Jin. I have the capital to brag in this life!"

The great eunuch's exclamation shocked the whole world, everyone was looking at the things in Lin Fan's hands, their eyes were shining with greed.

Lin Fan hesitated, he looked at the holy alchemist: "I don't know if this thing is 'not shabby' enough, but can it still enter the eyes of the holy alchemist?"

The holy alchemist's face was pure and innocent.



Where did Lin Fan get the mother gold from?

This is the top treasure in the world, there is nothing more precious than this mother gold in the treasure list!

He didn't!

"It's really a good baby, I'm even envious of you." Princess Jue said, and looked at the holy alchemist, and said slowly: "Sacred alchemist, since Lin Fan has already placed the bet, according to your words, it's up to you to take the bet at this time." Come out with something equivalent, quickly, to facilitate this bet, delay is not good."

The face of the holy alchemist suddenly turned red!

How to do!

Everyone looked at the Holy Alchemist with pity.

This bullshit is blowing up, and it won't come back.

Bullying Lin Fan is worthless.

Bully Lin Fan as an abandoned disciple.

Kuang Yan no matter what treasures Lin Fan puts up as a bet, he will accompany them.

But at this time, can he take it out?

Uncle Guo's face gradually became gloomy, his eyes were cold and stern, he stared at Lin Fan gloomyly, stood up suddenly, faced Princess Jue, and said, "Your Highness, Lin Fan is hard for a strong man to find, and it is difficult for him to find a strand of gold for hundreds of millions of years. Betting on such treasures is in itself overwhelming others with power."

Lin Fan sighed innocently: "In the beginning, I asked you to place the bet first, but you said that was bullying me and asked me to place the bet first; if you stay with me, let me take it out, and you said that I used power to overwhelm others, which made me What should I do?"

Princess Jue's silver-bell-like laughter never stopped, she thought for a while, and said, "Does Uncle Guo mean to ask Lin Fan to change the bet?"

"It's Your Highness, such a heavenly thing as Xuanhuangmujin, who can get it if there is a heavenly fate?" Uncle Guo replied.

Princess Jue nodded, looked at the alchemist, and said, "Are you sure that after Lin Fan changes a bet, you can take it out? I don't have time to waste too much time on this matter."

The holy alchemist's blood surged, and he felt that his head was about to explode from his shame and anger.

He even felt that the entire space was mocking him.

Standing up abruptly: "If after Lin Fan changes the bets, this deity cannot come up with a corresponding bet, this deity would like to apologize to Lin Fan in public, admitting that this deity has eyes but does not know Mount Tai."

"Okay, I also feel a little deceitful." Lin Fan spread his hands innocently.

He completely ignored the murderous gaze of the holy alchemist, slowly groped his body, then sighed, and said: "Thinking about it, this is the only thing."

Then, a piece of strange iron with twinkling stars appeared in his hand again.

This strange iron was only the size of a thumb, Lin Fan held it in his hands, and it supported Lin Fan like a god, as if he was standing in a vast starry universe!

"Damn! Why is it another kind of mother gold!"

The eunuch exclaimed: "This is the starry sky mother gold, each strand contains the vast power of the starry sky! The starry sky mother gold, which is as big as a thumb, can become the ultimate rough weapon if it is sacrificed properly!"

"Boom." The holy alchemist's eyes were lost!

He slumped back onto his seat feebly.

How is it possible that another piece of mother gold appeared?

Did Lin Fan eat a fairy fart?Endless fate?

"Lin Fan! What's the difference between what you did this time and last time? You're all using your mother's money to suppress people!" Uncle Guo roared.

"I only have these two valuable things on me. You're right. I'm not worth anything, and I'm a criminal. I can't get anything else." Lin Fan was innocent.

Uncle Guo flashed a murderous look.

But Princess Jue snorted coldly and said, "Uncle Guo."

Uncle Guo's murderous aura flashed, but in the end, the murderous aura dissipated. With the princess by his side, he dared not move unless he wanted to rebel!

"Sacred Alchemy Master, fulfill the agreement quickly and apologize to Lin Fan. Now you are making the bet, and Lin Fan will accompany you. Hurry up and make this bet happen. The alchemy battle between Meng Ke and Suyang has already heated up and is about to end." Jue The princess spoke.

The holy alchemist froze!

That gaze fixed on Lin Fan, as if he wanted to swallow Lin Fan in one gulp!

"What? The words of this palace don't work? You want to disobey?" Princess Jue narrowed her eyes, and with awe-inspiring aura, she ruthlessly oppressed the Holy Alchemist.

"ho ho"

A strange sound circulated in the throat of the holy alchemist.

Ask him to apologize to Lin Fan.

It was worse than killing him.

But he knew that if he didn't apologize, it wouldn't be worse than death, but he would really die.

Taking a deep breath, all the exposed skin was red, and the meridians were hideously exposed, and the murderous intent in his chest was about to bury his rationality.

"I'm sorry Lin Fan himself has eyes that don't recognize Mount Tai."

This sentence is too difficult, just a few words, the holy alchemist said it for at least a few minutes.

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