Meng Ke was very calm.

Suyang, who used to be like a fairy in his eyes, now, in his eyes, is nothing more than that, nothing outstanding.

He knew deeply in his heart that this was the confidence that Lin Fan gave him. Lin Fan had shown him the kindness of knowledge and cultivation, so how dare he not give up his life to repay him?

"What condition? Just ask for it." Meng Ke was too calm.

"Gambling for life." Suyang grinned grimly.

That day in the Tianque Tower, I lost half of my life, how can I not take bloody revenge today?

Meng Ke frowned slightly.

The other alchemists were in an uproar.

All the spectators exclaimed!

In the seventh realm, there are too few alchemy fights, and even if there are, they are mostly carried out in unknown places.

This is the first public Dandou involving the whole world.

But they never expected that in this first alchemy fight, the alchemist's blood would be splashed on the spot.

Su Yang said gloomyly: "You are just an ant, and the left and right are just Lin Fan's servants, how can such people be worthy of being a celestial master?

Left and right can only use your life to make this celestial master interested. If you dare not, just get out and let Lin Fan get up. "

Princess Jue narrowed her eyes: "Suyang, you're messing up the game like this, do you still have me in your eyes?"

Suyang's face was slightly stiff, but he turned around and said, "It's not that there is no princess in my eyes, but I'm telling the truth. After watching more than a hundred alchemists participating in the competition, only Lin Fan can make me look sideways, and, I already had a Dan Dou agreement with him, and I still hope that the princess will make amends."

At this time, Uncle Guo also smiled, and said: "Your Highness, I think that Suyang is not hiding his emotions, he is an outstanding person, and his alchemy is the true biography of a holy alchemist. I know it. Have the qualifications to underestimate alchemists in the world."

The holy alchemist chuckled: "Uncle Guo praised it, it's just the arrogant words of the villain."

Uncle Guo said: "Why should a holy alchemist be humble? Your alchemy is unrivaled in the world, that is to say, your status is too high, and you don't want to compromise. Otherwise, you are the number one in the world, and you deserve it."

The holy alchemist smiled reservedly: "Always leave some opportunities for the younger generation, and, I also believe in Suyang, there is no alchemist here who is his opponent, and he can push everything aside."

The two of them sang together, unexpectedly interrupting Princess Jue's anger and the following words invisibly.

Princess Jue's eyes were gloomy.

But at this moment, the Holy Alchemist got up and said: "Your Highness, you don't shy away from relatives if you are a virtuous person, and the poor Suyang, who gets my inheritance, can get the champion position, and the reason why he wants to fight Lin Fan is just because he has an agreement first. It wasn't intentional. I also ask the princess to allow this alchemy fight."

When he opened his mouth, many dignitaries with status supported him, and Uncle Guo also opened his mouth.

Princess Jue narrowed her eyes slightly, looked at Lin Fan from the corner of her eye, and saw Lin Fan nod slightly, then she snorted coldly and said, "Since that's the case, this palace is the beauty of an adult, it's just that Dan Dou gambles with life and death, if Some people talk nonsense after the results come out, but don't blame me for the blood on the three-foot Qingfeng."

The princess's words are a promise to have a different type of pill fight before the pill fight.

Suyang laughed loudly: "Thank you Princess for making it happen."

He looked at Meng Ke and said with a sinister smile, "Ants, how dare you agree?"

"Why don't you dare?" Meng Ke smiled calmly: "You have the inheritance of a holy alchemist, and I also have the king's careful guidance, so how can you be afraid of you?"

"Tsk tsk, Meng Ke, you are too presumptuous. How can Lin Fan's superficial alchemy skills compete with the holy alchemy master? How ridiculous are you to compare Yinghuo with Haoyue."

"Hahaha, what a joke in the world. In this world, someone dares to provoke the lineage of the holy alchemist in alchemy. I really laughed out loud."

Many big shots burst into laughter, as if they had heard the funniest joke. Of course, these are all big shots from the uncle's mansion.

Meng Ke was indifferent, his eyes glanced at many laughers, and then he looked at Suyang: "How much authenticity do you have as a holy alchemist?"

Su Yang said proudly: "My family teacher studies heaven and man, and I will not be able to fully grasp the essence in my life. At this time, it is only five or six out of ten."

Meng Ke smiled slightly: "But I only got two points of inheritance from my family's king."

This sentence; let the faces of the people including the holy alchemist and others sink.

"Why talk too much, just start the Dan Dou. This time, the Dan Dou is up to the palace. Who dares to cheat, kill directly, and even the master, and kill them thoroughly." Princess Jue spoke, and listened. Not used to these mouth cannons.

Both Meng Ke and Su Yang walked towards the high platform, one on the left and one on the right, and when they looked up, they could see everything the other was doing.

Alchemy started.

Lin Fan was very satisfied. He looked at Meng Ke, neither arrogant nor impetuous, and very cautious and conservative. He clearly taught Meng Ke the more defiant golden elixir, but Meng Ke didn't use it, but chose the next level. The Wunian Pill that can guarantee the refining of Pill Cloud.

Everyone is staring at each other.

But in fact, few people went to see Meng Ke, and most of their eyes were on Suyang High Terrace.

It's just because Suyang is too famous and known as a celestial master, while Meng Ke is a character who appeared suddenly. If you pursue the past, it will be very unbearable and desolate.

The two are not comparable.

"King Lin Jun has a lot of courage. From my point of view, Meng Ke's soul is still stable, and his pill fire is also extremely extraordinary. It would cost a lot of money to cultivate such a character, but at this time, it is so calm to watch him walk the road to hell. .” The holy alchemist smiled.

Lin Fan raised his head, glanced at the holy alchemist, and said, "Your Excellency, you mean that my alchemist is doomed?"

The holy alchemist's eyes sank!

Suyang was his best disciple.

But it was only Lin Fan's Dantong who fought against Suyang.

Comparing the two, it seemed that he was a head weaker than Lin Fan, and he snorted coldly, and said, "Could it be that Duke Lin thinks that Meng Ke can win? How ridiculous, what you said is like a stupid pig killing a tiger."

Lin Fan smiled and said: "Of course Meng Ke will win, and it will be very soon. The tiger and the stupid pig in your mouth will switch places and become a laughing stock."

"Really?" The holy alchemist smiled contemptuously.

"Hee hee." Princess Jue's melodious laughter sounded: "I see that the two masters are full of intent to compete, so why not start a gamble."

The eyes of the holy alchemist flashed: "Of course it can, but I don't know if the king of Lin County dares to bet, but there is something that this deity can look up to."

Lin Fan glanced at the holy alchemist: "No matter what bet you place, the king of this county will accompany you."

"Hahaha" the holy alchemist laughed: "If that's the case, isn't it bullying you? You are just an abandoned disciple, even if the princess loves you and wins the county throne, what is it to this deity?

You just place a bet, and I will accompany you. "

These words made many people who are close to the Holy Alchemy laugh.

This sentence is too embarrassing.

The sage alchemist is almost saying clearly, what qualifications do you, Lin Fan, have to accompany me?

What family background do you have?

What treasure do you have?

You just pick the best ones, I'll take them all.

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