A trace of envy flashed in Lin Fan's eyes.

How high is the queen?

He is the same kind of person as the gods; he is the person who stands on the top of the world.

But he actually cooks pastries for his only daughter with his own hands.

The pastries arrived, and they were exquisite; nothing short of those top pastry masters.

Princess Jue stuffed herself with a piece of Lingling Cake, feeling comfortable and satisfied, her face was full of happiness.

Lin Fan looked at it, feeling so envious, he tried: "Can I have a piece?"

Princess Jue's eyes widened: "Of course, just eat."

Really delicious, lingering on the lips and teeth.

The Demon Empress hid aside, she was crying, but she was happy. She looked at the Demon Lord. This was the first time the child ate something I cooked. "

Mozun gritted his teeth tightly and said nothing.

After tasting the pastries, the narration continued of course.

As the sun set, Lin Fan's story had just finished.

"Dou Nei Thief, Kill the Crown Prince, Enter the Holy Land, Kill the Sword Son, Escape to Another World, Break the Barrier of Two Worlds, Ascend to the Holy Throne, Integrate the World, Slaughter and Hunt"

Princess Jue's eyes were full of brilliance, she just looked at Lin Fan and said, "It's so exciting, this is the life I want, it's magnificent."

"Wonderful?" Lin Fan said with a wry smile: "If the years can be quiet and peaceful, who would like to be displaced and fight bloody; the so-called magnificent waves are just a kind of unwilling struggle."

Princess Jue's heart sank slightly, she seemed to be affected by Lin Fan's words, she was silent for a while, and then said: "What about after ascending to the sky?"

There was a cold look in Lin Fan's eyes, and he said, "After ascending to the sky, it's just another fight, but compared to the next one, this day's human world cannibalize people without spit out bones, it's too dangerous."

Lin Fan seemed to be telling other people's stories, neither happy nor sad, very plain.

He came to the world of heaven and man for a short time, so the story is of course very short, so although the story is very slow, it still didn't take long to finish it.

"Damn the Celestials, I really want to set up my soldiers and horses at this time; attack and kill them all, and wipe them all out." Princess Jue breathed coldly, and Bingsen said.

Gritting his teeth tightly, the human world really deserves to be damned for targeting Lin Fan again and again. Many times, if Lin Fan hadn't strategized, he would have died long ago.

"There is also the uncle's mansion, hmph! Damn it for daring to have a live autopsy; the main palace of the Heavenly Human Realm is temporarily incompetent, but this uncle's mansion" said this, Princess Jue's voice suddenly became cold: "They should not think about it."

Lin Fan looked at Princess Jue, frowning slightly.

Princess Jue is too excited and angry.

This is very unusual.

In fact, Princess Jue's attitude towards Lin Fan seemed weird from the very beginning, not at all like a high-ranking princess treating a criminal or a subordinate.

"Princess Phoenix is ​​as gentle as water and domineering, Princess Qingcheng is the most resourceful in the world, and she is the mother of the world. Nightmare is fierce and dares to love and hate, and Qingluan is as cold as snow lotus. I really want to meet them. We will definitely become close friends." Jue The princess changed the topic, smiled, and said: "There is also Xiao Nuo, a hero among people, a dragon and a phoenix chosen among millions, and I really want to see him."

There was infinite tenderness in Lin Fan's eyes, but he said desolately: "Naturally, they are all rare and wonderful women in this world, but unfortunately I, Lin Fan, have let them down too much, getting together less and leaving more often makes them worry, indeed Not a good husband."

Princess Jue comforted: "You have the world in your heart, you want to wipe out all potential enemies, and you want to find out the root cause of the war between the gods. You have a big burden, so naturally you can only do this. On the contrary, I think you are great."

Lin Fan was noncommittal, is it great?

He never thought of himself that way.

"Hey, I think that in Father's study, there seems to be a certain solitary book, which has been handed down from before the battle of the gods. It has gone through many years, and it records all kinds of things about the great sage."

At this moment, Princess Jue's eyes flashed.

"What? About the only copy of the Great Sage?" Lin Fan was shocked and surprised.

You know, this great sage is only in the legend, he has searched all over the world and found a few useful words, but there is an isolated copy hidden in the demon king's palace.

It can only make him fear the might of the Demon Lord.

"Princess, may I?" Lin Fan's eyes were a bit complicated. What is his identity? To put it mildly, he is just the king of a county. To put it bluntly, he is just the servant of the princess, and he is indeed not qualified to ask for someone else's copy. .

"You want to read the lonely copy, right? What's the problem? It's just that you can't go to the study of the emperor." Princess Jue said, and then smiled slyly: "I'll go and steal it for you, you wait .”

Lin Fan opened his mouth, but didn't say anything.

The princess left, and Lin Fan sat under the flower tree alone.

in the library.

"Lin Zhen, you coward, it's fine if you don't dare to kill the world of heaven and man, don't you even dare to wipe out the uncle's mansion under your command?" The queen was furious and scolded the demon king.

"Yao'er, this is not a matter of courage, but will cause turmoil." Mozun smiled wryly.

"Hmph, what you are worried about is the world, but I am thinking, whoever dares to humiliate and hurt my sons, then I will let them die."

The Queen's eyes were cold and stern, her figure flickered, and she disappeared immediately.

At this moment, Princess Jue pushed the door open and came in, sticking out her tongue, Mozun gave his daughter a hard look: "Did you hear that?"

Princess Jue said: "This time, I am on the queen mother's side. Regardless of the fact that the heavenly and human world is beyond the reach, but in this heavenly and human world, the insults my brother has suffered must be paid back in blood."

Mozun frowned, then sighed, took out a solitary book that condensed the breath of endless years from his arms, put it into the hands of Princess Jue, and said: "The Heavenly Demon Pool in Mozun's palace can help him break the shackles of his physical body, but If there is another woman who needs to guard the soul for him, you can arrange it."

Princess Jue nodded.

"Here, which is the only copy." Princess Jue casually stuffed the copy into Lin Fan's arms, and said, "Go back to the guest room and browse carefully."

Lin Fan said goodbye.

in the room.

Lin Fan was mesmerized, the complete Dasheng Road was recorded on this solitary book, and someone carefully marked various precautions for modification with the Dao pattern.

At this time, Lin Fan realized that the so-called great saints also have different levels.

According to the records in this solitary book, he is not considered a great sage at all at this time, and the so-called physical sanctification is just the first step on the road to becoming a great sage.

The Great Sage has two levels.

The first realm - the great sage.

The second realm - Hengsheng.

According to the records in the book, the Great Sage is invincible in the holy realm, and killing Emperor Lin is as easy as picking leaves.

And the great sage can fight the emperor, and if he reaches the peak of the great sage, he can fight the emperor.

The most peculiar thing is that after the great sage breaks through the emperor, he is the emperor of heaven; and it is different from the four realms of the emperor's realm known all over the world.

"In the past, I took it for granted. I thought that the Great Sage is a realm. As long as you break through to the level of the Great Sage, you can fight fiercely against the Emperor." Lin Fan smiled wryly.

Afterwards, he was fascinated, carefully and carefully watching all kinds of things on this solitary copy.

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