Twin martial arts

Chapter 1965 Returning to the Devil's Palace

Even an idiot would know that Fairy Mo must have a good backing if she can still emerge from the mud like a lotus in the face of a bunch of men who covet her beauty.

Otherwise, the so-called so-called showmanship would become a joke, but today is different!

Su Yang was extremely humiliated.

Of course he didn't dare to vent this hatred to Princess Jue, so she, one of the culprits, of course bear the brunt of it.

It is not uncommon for people to do anything when they are angry.

I didn't see that in this scene, those alchemists who were trying their best to flatter Suyang all lowered their heads, looking like that, they almost wanted to stuff their heads into their crotches, or there was a deep hole in the ground, which could Hurry up and bury yourself.

That's because they were terrified in their hearts. Suyang's ugliness was seen by them today, and they were afraid of causing a bloody silence, so they were trying to reduce their sense of existence.

Lin Fan looked at Fairy Mo and smiled apologetically.

Fairy Mo was involved in the storm; it was her own fault.

Outside the Tianque Building, Suyang's eyes were gloomy. He glanced back at the building, and the murderous intent in his eyes was about to swallow his reason.

"Lin Fan! Princess Jue!" growled in a low voice, like a wild wolf preying at night.

"Okay! Very good! More than seven hundred million! More than seven hundred million! How dare you, Lin Fan, cheat me for more than seven hundred million! Haha, it's ridiculous. I, Suyang, have been so proud for half my life, but I was trapped by a little bastard!"

"There's still Princess Jue." Thinking of this, Su Yang's eyes showed evil!

He was forced to pay a sky-high price of more than [-] million yuan, but in the end he got nothing!

"You must be laughing, right? Wait, we will settle this account slowly!"

Lin Fan, Fairy Mo and Princess Luan drove to Mozun Palace.

"Fairy, I'm sorry." Lin Fan was full of apology, apologizing.

Fairy Mo said: "You don't have to be like this." She sighed, and said with a wry smile: "Suyang is narrow-minded, it's not the first time she has harassed me, but she's used to it."

Lin Fan frowned, and said in a low voice: "Fairies are like celestial beings walking on dust, why don't you leave this sea of ​​snow and moon and find a good place?"

Fairy Mo's eyes showed yearning, but in the end she said bitterly: "I can't help myself, how many people in this world can control their own destiny?"

She paused for a moment, and then said quietly: "Perhaps only a celestial girl like Princess Jue can control her own destiny and control her own life."

These words made Lin Fan sigh deeply.

In this world, how many people can control their own destiny?

Usually, you think that you have been able to dominate your fate and escape from the arrangement and shackles of fate, but the end result is that you are still a doll of fate and fate after all, struggling in the fixed track without knowing it.

"The king of the county became famous at a young age, and his power shocked the two worlds. How can he sigh?" Fairy Mo forced a smile.

Confusion appeared in Lin Fan's eyes, and he said, "Maybe I'm the one manipulated by fate."

This sentence is definitely from the heart.

In fact, after coming to this world for more than a hundred years, I have been confused and angry, but in the end I had to accept my fate, walking alone in this cannibal world, staggering in the sea of ​​blood.

How can it be possible to forget the scene that I saw for a moment?

Lin Fan looked at Fairy Mo, with a bitter smile on his lips, and said, "At least you know that you are you, but I still don't know who I am."

Fairy Mo was puzzled, but the road had come to an end, and the Mozun Palace had arrived.

Fairy Mo was properly arranged, and a court lady took her away, while Lin Fan was invited by Princess Jue and went directly to the Princess Mansion.

"Lin Fan, are you interested in Fairy Mo?" Princess Jue smiled.

Lin Fan was stunned, and smiled wryly: "Princess, don't make fun of me. Fairy Mo is such a person, I have never had unrealistic ideas."

"Hmph, Zuo Zuo is just a woman. If you want to, I will go and ask Father for an order to give her to you." Princess Jue snorted coldly.

Lin Fan was really taken aback, and said: "Princess is paranoid, I really don't care about her, and I already have a family, a virtuous wife and a filial son."

Princess Jue narrowed her eyes, and suddenly smiled: "Then can you tell me about your beauty, your heir?"

Lin Fan frowned slightly, and also smiled: "As long as the princess is not too boring, I will voluntarily tell the story."

"I like listening to people tell stories the most. How can it be boring?" Princess Jue smiled. She even moved two chairs by herself, under the flower tree in the Princess Mansion, and asked people to prepare all kinds of exquisite melon and fruit snacks. Wait, it's obvious, ready to listen to the story.

Lin Fan smiled, his heart was filled with longing, and his eyes couldn't help but softened.

He began to tell, starting from Dalin County, one after another, all the things were told in his calm tone.

"Father disappeared and I was expelled from the family. During that time, it was really bleak." Lin Fan used a tone of teasing, as if telling someone else's story, telling the darkest and most tragic years. .

"Don't think too much, maybe father is the emperor and honor in one world now." Princess Jue's eyes began to mist.

Lin Fan inadvertently saw the mist in Princess Jue's eyes, and was shocked.

Princess Jue was too involved in listening to the story, but she didn't think too much about it. Instead, she smiled and said, "I don't want my father to be the emperor, but I just hope that he is still alive in a certain corner of the sky, that's enough." .”

Princess Jue thought for a while and said, "Then you have never seen your mother?"

Lin Fan sighed: "Maybe I have seen it before, but it must have been too young at that time. In my soul sea, there is no memory about my mother."

Princess Jue couldn't help feeling pain in her heart.

But I heard Lin Fan continue: "The last time I came to the Demon Lord's Palace, I overheard the maids in the Princess Mansion talking about how the Demon Queen made cakes for the Princess with her own hands. I was so envious. Daughter, is a good mother, Her Royal Highness should be very happy."

"The queen mother is fine." Princess Jue muttered.

Lin Fan was talking, and Princess Jue was listening.

But they didn't know that beside them, there were two people crying.

One, of course, is His Majesty the Demon King, and the other is of course the Demon Queen.

After wiping off the tears, the Queen's figure disappeared. Not long after, the Queen's figure appeared in the imperial dining room. She was cooking cakes with her own hands, but the dough in front of her was soaked with tears.

At this point, she is asking is it worth it?

She protected the seventh realm, but at the expense of her parents and children.

does it worth?

As time passed, Lin Fan's story was very exciting. At this time, not only the princess was listening, but also some maids and guards who were serving from afar were attracted and listened carefully.

"Your Highness, the Queen, knowing that His Highness is returning to the palace, made some cakes with her own hands and sent them to the food officer."

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