Twin martial arts

Chapter 1963 Princess Jue

I really want to vomit blood.

Even though the strong man on the killing list was ordered by his master, the holy alchemist, he was the one who stepped forward and arranged for it.

But the result was that all the strong men he personally invited to move were killed.

Moreover, Lin Fan exchanged those heads for countless money, and at this moment, he was suppressed so that his face was blushing, and he couldn't get off the tiger.

"Master Tianshi, please say something anyway, are you still participating in this auction?" Lin Fan said slowly, it was a tone that made people want to kick a few times when they heard it.

Su Yang grinned: "Boy, the price of this celestial master can scare you to death!"

"Oh?" Lin Fan blinked: "The primordial stones on the left and right do not belong to me, so I will play with you."

Hearing this sentence, Su Yang roared directly.

"5000!" Su Yang was vicious, staring at Lin Fan with vicious eyes, like a wild beast that wants to choose and devour, aiming at its prey.

At this moment, Suyang wished he could tear Lin Fan's corpse into thousands of pieces!

He can't afford this sky-high price at all, he can only sell some treasures that he regards as his life.

"Six hundred million." Lin Fan glanced at Suyang sideways, and said slowly: "The bounty is indeed not six hundred million, but after killing those who kill the top, each person has one or two hundred million, which can be accompanied You played."

"Lin Fan!" Suyang roared.

His face was white and white, and his expression kept changing.

This frightened Lin Fan a lot.

This guy, don't run away, or the [-] million spent will be too much.

Literacy does want to give up.

It's just a struggle between face and property.

"Hehe, shit heavenly master, that's all."

Lin Fan spoke coldly, sneering and sarcastic.

"Little bastard, you've angered me!" Suyang yelled, slapped the carved wooden chair in front of him to pieces, and roared, "5000 million and [-] million!"

After finishing speaking, he stared at Lin Fan viciously, and said, "Little bastard! You have the ability to bid! You bid!"

"7000 million." Of course Lin Fan wanted to speak.

"Six hundred and eighty million!"

Suyang popped out the number from between his teeth.

At the same time, the eyes are gloomy.

He had already made up his mind that as long as Lin Fan dared to accept this fault, he would not bid, just to cheat this ignorant brat hard.

"Seven" Lin Fan blurted out the word, but suddenly noticed Su Yang's eager eyes, and suddenly took back the word "billion"!

This old boy.

He even had the same idea as him.

"Hahaha boy, what's the matter? Are you scared by this number? I haven't played enough, I have to raise the price to billions." Suyang's face changed slightly, but it was ridiculed After saying this sentence, he squinted at Lin Fan: "A sinner is a sinner after all, how can he be willing to smile with so much wealth?"

On Lin Fan's face, there was just the right amount of anger, and he shouted: "Old Dog, I don't care about money, it's just that you are too stingy, and you can only increase the price by tens of millions at a time. Do you want to go to one billion to get the year of the monkey?"

Suyang was murderously yelled at by Lin Fan one after another, and said with a grinning smile, "Then what do you want?"

"Hmph! One price increase must not be less than 5000 million!" Lin Fan roared angrily.

It's like being stimulated by Suyang's words.

Su Yang's eyes narrowed.

He stared at Lin Fan closely, not missing even the slightest expression.

What kind of person is Ke Linfan?

How could this Suyang get a glimpse of what was in his heart from his expression?

"Okay, my celestial master agrees." Suyang sneered.

"Hehe, let's start with the 7000 million of this deity." There was a light in Lin Fan's eyes.

"Why?" Su Yang sneered.

What if Lin Fan just surrendered as soon as he opened his mouth?

What will he do?

"It doesn't matter to the deity." Lin Fan shrugged his shoulders in a very bachelor way: "Now you offer 9000 million, if it's a big deal, you can take it."

Su Yang's eyes turned cold.

But he heard a alchemist beside him stand up abruptly, and said: "Tianshi, there is no need to argue with this kid, so he just quit this auction. Who dares to say anything more? I'm afraid it would be a fool to buy a dance for hundreds of millions." This kind of thing."

Suyang stared at the alchemist coldly.

Anxiety in mind.

This offal.

He didn't choose the time to flatter, but he said it like that, fearing that it would wake Lin Fan up.

Stealthily looking at Lin Fan, fortunately, Lin Fan didn't seem to have heard this sentence, he felt relieved, and said, "How can I be afraid of you?"

"Okay. Please quote." Lin Fan stretched out his hand.

"Hmph, boy, listen carefully, 2000 million!" Suyang grinned grinningly, looking a little crazy.

"make a deal!"

Lin Fan clapped his hands hard.

There was a mocking and narrow smile in his eyes.

"What did you say?" Suyang seemed unable to believe her ears and eyes.

Lin Fan said innocently: "I only have 7 million stones on me, how can I still bid with Master Tianshi? Although I am unwilling, I can only admit defeat; hey, it is a pity that I missed the opportunity to watch the fairy dance."

At this time, Su Yang's heart was broken.

He fell for it?

In the hands of this kid?

Needless to say, he knew it.

Lin Fan didn't have the capital to bid as he said at all, but he knew his plan, so he offered him a bid.

"Lin Fan! You're playing tricks!" Suyang roared angrily.

Lin Fan sighed, and said innocently: "At first, I wanted to compete with you, but that brother was right, buying a dance for hundreds of millions is an idiot's behavior, so in order not to become an idiot, I had to give up. .”

Su Yang's face gradually became gloomy.

But Lin Fan seemed to suddenly realize that he had said something wrong, and said anxiously: "Of course, didn't I call you an idiot again, although you are really an idiot, bah, I'm not saying you are an idiot."

"Lin Fan!!!"

Su Yang roared.

The alchemist who had just reminded Suyang got up, and said in a sharp voice: "Lin Fan! Don't shout!"

Before he could finish his sentence, Su Yang slapped him on the cheek, and all four teeth flew up, accompanied by blood.

"Look, the flattering is on the horse's hoof." Lin Fan gloated.

Suyang grabbed the alchemist like a sandbag, and beat the alchemist viciously, directly beating the alchemist into a pig's head, and then threw the alchemist into a change, and said viciously: "Boy, this time Let me admit it! See you on Dandou!"

After finishing speaking, he actually walked towards the door like this.

Lin Fan's eyes turned cold: "Just leave like this?"

How could he let Suyang escape so easily?

Suyang moved forward without stopping, but a domineering voice sounded: "This primordial stone, if I don't give it to you, anyone who dares to ask for it will follow."

Murderous intent flashed in Lin Fan's eyes, and he took a step forward, ready to strike directly.

But I heard a cold voice coming from outside the Tianque Tower: "No, you must give this primordial stone!"

The sound made Lin Fan startled.

Princess Jue!

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