Twin martial arts

Chapter 1962 I am Lin Fan

The whole place was silent.

Including the other party involved in this matter - Fairy Mo, her eyes widened and her red lips were slightly parted, looking incredible.

Even if her reputation spreads all over the world, she also knows that her so-called solo dance is not worth so much money.

Or in other words, she is not worth so much money.

Moreover, at this time, as long as they are not fools, they all know that the unknown man's bid is fake, and it is true that it is true to embarrass Suyang.

There may really be people who spend tens of millions of dollars in this world.

But definitely not this unknown man.

It was because he didn't look at Fairy Mo the whole time.

Moreover, the eyes are clear and clear, without any desire.

But, who is he?

How dare you go against Suyang?

"Hehe, it's really interesting." Suyang's icy laughter broke the calm. He raised his head slightly, looked at Lin Fan, and said, "Who are you?"

Who are you.

This is also a question that everyone wants to know.

"After the counter-offer, I will tell you." Lin Fan blinked mischievously.

Su Yang narrowed his eyes suddenly: "5000 million and [-] million."

When he said this number, his heart trembled.

This is already all his worth at this time, if he wants to raise money, he needs to sell some of the treasures he regards as his life.

"Not bad." Lin Fan commented, his eyes casually glanced at Suyang: "Didn't you always blame me? Didn't you recognize this deity?"

Suyang narrowed his eyes suddenly, then opened them suddenly, stared wide, and roared angrily: "You are Lin Fan? Why are you not dead?"

Lin Fan's eyes turned cold: "Old dog, the deity will not die even if you die."

"Lin Fan?"

"Is he Lin Fan?"

"My God, is he the county king?"

Someone exclaimed, looking at Lin Fan in disbelief, with complicated eyes.

You must know that the most fundamental reason why they came to participate in this alchemy conference was the alchemy agreement between Lin Fan and Suyang.

They originally thought that after defeating such a formidable enemy as Suyang, Lin Fan would dive into the abyss and hide well. If he wanted to see Lin Fan, he had to wait until the finals.

Many people even suspected that Lin Fan might not appear even in the finals.

Unexpectedly, they all guessed wrong.

Lin Fan did not hide but appeared like this, confronting Suyang directly.

Moreover, from Suyang's words, it seems that there are a lot of tricks.

Everyone's eyes flashed, but they didn't speak.

Su Yang grinned: "Who am I, it turns out that you are a sinner, why can't you wait for the alchemy to start, and now you can't wait to find death?"

His heart was gloomy!

There are so many strong fighters on the list, but they didn't kill this bastard.

Really unexpected.

At the same time, he was also angrily cursing Prisoner Niu in his heart. He didn't even tell him that such a big thing happened, damn it!

If he had known about this earlier, he would have been on guard, and at this time he would definitely not be in such a difficult situation.

Lin Fan glanced at him contemptuously, felt a gaze fixed on him, turned his head, and smiled at Fairy Mo: "It really is alluring."

Two flushes flashed across Fairy Mo's face: "The king of the county has praised you."

Lin Fan laughed, but his voice came down suddenly: "[-] million!"

After following Lin Fan's quotation, everyone's hearts seemed to be grabbed violently!

Sky price!

"Lin Fan!" Suyang's voice said: "Little bastard, don't think that this deity doesn't know how deep you are. You are a mere criminal, even if you are now the king of the three thousand li forbidden county, how can you have such a terrifying worth?"

Everyone's eyes flashed.


This Lin Fan was arrested from the world of heaven and man, logically, he should have been wiped out, and it's not like they don't know what happened in the three thousand miles.

No matter how you look at it, it is impossible for Lin Fan to have such a terrifying worth.

Suddenly, everyone narrowed their eyes.

If Lin Fan came to make trouble sincerely, they might as well have no choice but to

After all, the price of offending Lin Fan is much less than that of offending Suyang.

"Everyone, in all the auction venues in the Demon Lord City, if you don't have the strength to bid indiscriminately, will it be the end?" Suyang stood up and glanced at the audience coldly.

At that moment, a alchemist stood up with a smirk, and said: "Report to my lord, this is disrupting order and disrupting normal transactions at will. There are examples before, so you can kill them directly!"

"Okay!" Suyang's eyes suddenly burst into light: "Who will catch this little bastard for me!"

Immediately, the warriors brought by the three alchemists got up and stared at Lin Fan with murderous intent.

The others also laughed strangely, looking at Lin Fan with cold and mocking eyes.

"Lin Fan, you're looking for death. If you don't have that ability, why are you pretending to be a fool?"

"Tsk tsk, I really asked for a dead end."

"Lin Fan, I advise you to bind your hands and feet, otherwise you may suffer more physical pain."

All the alchemists sneered again and again.

"Hehe, it's interesting, how can you be so sure that the [-] million deities can't get it?" Lin Fan spread his hands.

"You are just a sinner, how long has it been since you got rid of your status as a war servant? If you can come up with the five hundred million, the deity will take your surname."

The alchemist who was the first to stand up and say the rules grinned grimly.

This sentence made everyone laugh out loud.

Lin Fan's eyes suddenly turned cold: "If you, such a piece of trash, had the same surname as mine, I would have killed you directly. Want to be surnamed Lin? You have a good idea."

The alchemist roared in embarrassment and anger, but Lin Fan glanced at him and stopped talking.

"Isn't it just 5 million yuan stone?" Lin Fan said lightly, and then he took out a talisman ring, wiped the ring surface with his hands——


That little talisman ring was spitting out sparkling primordial stones continuously, like a rain of primordial stones.

And what a coincidence, this guy who said he was going to have the surname of Lin Fan was right under the place where Lin Fan dumped the primordial stone!

With a strange cry, this guy flew back immediately!

If he took another step back, he would definitely be buried alive by Yuan Shishan.

At this moment, his face was reddish red, he was shy, and his teeth were gritted continuously.

"Clown." Lin Fan said lightly, and after the alchemist roared in embarrassment, he rushed out of the door. He had no face to show up in this place again.

"So what's your bid now? Master Tianshi." Lin Fan smiled and looked at Suyang, whose face was turning pale.

Of course, Lin Fan is very good at observing people's expressions.

I probably know that up to [-] million is the minimum limit that Suyang can bear.

He didn't take advantage of it, hell, hundreds of millions of primordial stones just to watch a woman dance?

"Your primordial stone came from a wrong path, I doubt it," Su Yang said coldly with a gloomy face.

Just as the others wanted to agree, they heard Lin Fan coldly say: "Someone sent me the top killers. After beheading them all, there aren't many, but it's enough to crush you trash to death with financial resources."

Suyang's complexion changed drastically, and then it turned white!

At this point, he wanted to vomit blood.

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