Twin martial arts

Chapter 1935 Smoke Lawson

Undoubtedly, with a few simple words, the Holy Alchemist stole the limelight from Lin Fan and Suyang Tianshi.

The whole world is heartbroken for the Holy Alchemist.

All kinds of flattery also appeared.

What a master's demeanor.

What seniors and others.

But when Lin Fan heard the words of the holy alchemist, his face suddenly sank.

This holy alchemist, on the surface, looks dignified, just like the high profile of a senior expert.

But in fact, those words should not be too vicious.

First, he advised his disciples not to be vain and not to be burdened by fame.

Next, he sighed at Lin Fan's background, which was equivalent to reminding the entire Seventh Realm that Lin Fan was just a person from another world, how could he be allowed to shine?

And the previous sentence.

It made Lin Fan laugh out of anger.

It was clearly Suyang who wanted to fight with him all the time, and it was Suyang who started the war first.

But at this time, after the words of the Holy Alchemist, the world would definitely think that all of this was provoked by him, Lin Fan.

If it is this Dan Dou, it would be good for him, Lin Fan, to be able to laugh at the end.

But what if you lose?

How would the entire seventh world comment on him?

You provoked the competition yourself, but in the end you were trampled underfoot.

But with the words of the holy alchemist in front, all the alchemists in the seventh realm will definitely target him specifically, how difficult is it to win?

"Tsk tsk, what a holy alchemist, this soft knife can be used extremely well."

Anu smiled sinisterly. He looked at Lin Fan and said, "Your Majesty, what are you going to do?"

Lin Fan's face was also a little ugly.

I really don't know what the devil is doing in the palace, why did it come so suddenly, it really caught him by surprise.

"What can we do? Just prepare for the battle." Lin Fan was a little annoyed, looked at Meng Ke, and said, "We don't need to be selected for the three-thousand-mile ban. When the time comes, you will go and participate in the competition with me."

Meng Ke was shocked, and said with a wry smile: "The king of the county is too high to see that it is mere downfall. With my little alchemy skills, it is better not to go up and embarrass the king of the county."

"Hmph! Since they want to play, then let's play with them in a big game, isn't it alchemy?" Lin Fan's eyes were cold.

At this moment, he felt that the quota given by the princess was really too small. If there were more quotas for each county, he really wanted to round up the top ten.

At the same time, the Princess Mansion.

"Ninny, it's too reckless of you to do this." The queen looked at Princess Jue reproachfully.

Princess Jue stuck out her tongue: "Didn't Father say that elder brother's alchemist is unfathomable?"

The queen said: "What does your royal father know?"

Princess Jue suddenly became nervous: "I made such a big move just because I want to make my brother famous in the shortest possible time, so that I can find a reasonable reason to let him quickly enter the center of power. Don't make a wedding dress for others."

"You, you." The queen nodded on Princess Jue's smooth forehead, and said, "It's okay, our family is the one who decides the world. Didn't you announce the reward? Just keep procrastinating until the final result." I'll watch after it appears."

There was light in Princess Jue's eyes, she nodded fiercely, and said: "There is also that holy alchemist, heh heh, if he dares to bully elder brother with a soft knife, he will definitely not be able to make it easier."

The entire Seventh Realm was boiling, and every county was extremely lively.

Many alchemists who were rarely seen once appeared, and they all gathered in the princely cities of various counties. In a very short period of time, many outstanding alchemists indeed emerged.

And the selection of the counties is also very fast. In just half a month, the selection is basically completed. The next step is to wait for the order from the Princess Mansion to start the next round of selection.

Three thousand li ban.

Lin Fan's arbitrary selection method naturally attracted a lot of anger.

Because, the Sanqianli ban originally has abundant resources of medicinal materials, so naturally many alchemists have also been cultivated.

All the alchemists had originally thought about using this alchemy to show off their skills and become famous.

But when they headed to the county palace with great interest, they were told that there was no election for three thousand miles.

This makes people uncomfortable.

County Palace.

"My lord, I'm afraid I won't be able to convince the crowd like this," Anu said.

Lin Fan frowned. He was angry at the time, and he really didn't think clearly. Thinking about it now, he was indeed too arbitrary and authoritarian.

In the past half month, Lin Fan never took a step out of the alchemy hall, and devoted himself to teaching Meng Ke.

In Lin Fan's words, even if this Meng Ke is really just an idiot, he has to inflate the idiot in a very short time.

Meng Ke was obediently standing aside at this moment.

However, the way he looked at Lin Fan was very strange.

There was horror, there was awe, and there was gratitude.

What he has experienced in the past half month is really beyond the knowledge of outsiders.

But he knew that everything was worth it, in just half a month, at least it allowed him to complete the journey that many alchemists could take most of their lives.

As for the power of the soul that alchemists are most particular about, Lin Fan used an almost barbaric method to help him improve.

Thinking of that way of promotion, he is still numb all over.

"Master, since the others are dissatisfied, let's select one time. The disciple will compete with them to convince them." Meng Ke said.

Lin Fan frowned: "I've said it thousands of times, don't call me Master."

Meng Ke smiled indifferently.

Lin Fan thought for a while: "A Nu, you go make arrangements, and confirm the personnel within today."

Soon, all the alchemists in Sanqianli forbidden laughed, and of course there was contempt in their eyes.

What about the county king?

Could it be that he dared to offend dozens of their alchemists all at once?

Under the coercion of so many alchemists, it's not that the method has been changed, the original quota for the competition has to be re-selected.

Thinking about it, Lin Fan must be upset, right?

But he is upset, what does it matter to people like himself?

On the second day, the selection was held in the Martial Arts Field behind the Prince's Mansion.

This martial arts arena is spacious enough to hold alchemy fights, which is enough.

Lin Fan didn't go there.

For him, these alchemy competitions are really not worth watching.

Meng Ke, on behalf of Lin Fan, stood on the high platform, cupped his hands and said, "Master didn't think carefully, and neglected fellow Taoists, and I still hope that fellow Taoists will forgive you."

He was very polite.

After all, they are all people who live in this place.

"Master?" One person sneered: "The master you are talking about, could it be Lin Fan?"

Meng Ke's eyes narrowed: "Yan Lawson, show me some respect in your words. My teacher is the king of the county, so you can speak your real name?"

Yan Laosen chuckled strangely, and said: "Meng Ke, I'm afraid that I will treat you with admiration for three days, you, a waste material who was crushed by me in the alchemy fight, dare to speak nonsense in front of me at this time? "

Meng Ke's expression suddenly changed!

The other alchemists and the audience laughed loudly, and their probing eyes turned around Meng Ke and Yan Lawson.

These two people actually used to fight alchemy in private, and, this Meng Ke was crushed?

That would be so much fun.

You know, this Meng Ke is the head of the alchemy hall of the county prince's mansion at this time, and he is also Lin Fan's apprentice.

But was crushed.

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