Twin martial arts

Chapter 1934 It's a big deal

In one sentence.

At the end of the inflammation, the souls of the dead all risked.

He seemed to perceive that the experience of waking up in a nightmare more than once would come again?

"Lin Fan! How dare you! I represent the face of the Uncle's Mansion! If you do this, won't you be afraid of the army of the Uncle's Mansion approaching?"

Mo Yan's voice was stern, and he was roaring.

"What's wrong with the uncle's mansion?" Lin Fan's eyes were ferocious: "Even if the old man Huang is in person, I won't give him half a face, let alone you trash?"

Mo Yan is horrifying!


Every pore in his body was dripping with cold sweat.

he looks like.

He underestimated Lin Fan's courage.

he looks like.

Too high to see the status of the uncle's mansion in front of Lin Fan.

Click it.

The bone cracking sound is too crisp.

It was Anu himself who stepped on and broke Mo Yan's limbs.

Of course Mo Yan was screaming and crying.

It was so stern, it made everyone who accompanied him tremble.

Lin Fan's eyes were cold: "You guys are lucky, at least you didn't provoke me after you came here."

All of these people trembled, and they didn't dare to answer at all.

"Throw it out." Lin Fan gave the order, and when Mo Yan was thrown out of the county palace, his brows were slightly frowned, and he shot out a few golden wires.

There are these few golden wires.

Unless someone like Huang personally rescued him, Mo Yan would be useless for the rest of his life.

Mo Yan is miserable.

The experience that appeared more than once in the nightmare reappeared, and he was almost torn to pieces by the furious people in the Three Thousand Miles Forbidden City.

Fortunately, Anu conveyed Lin Fan's words, so Mo Yan didn't really die, but I feel that he is more miserable than death.

He crawled out of Junwang City wriggling like a maggot.

In the county palace.

Lin Fan looked at the gauntlet lying in front of him, his eyes were full of contempt.

This tactic is written by the so-called Suyang Tianshi in alchemy runes.

Alchemy runes, naturally represent the level of an alchemist.

At this time, Lin Fan looked carefully, and knew the depth of this Suyang Celestial Master—but that's all.

Much the same as when he was not sanctified in the flesh.

The entire Seventh Realm fell into a frenzy.

It's just because the king of the three thousand miles forbidden county and the holy alchemist Gaotu Suyang Tianshi will hold an alchemy fight, and the time and place are to be determined.

This seventh world is addicted to martial arts, and there are as many blood-killing fields as a cow's hair, and various arenas are falling into stars, and there are duels between cultivators every day.

But regarding alchemy between alchemists, it is rare to see it in a hundred years.

The closest one to this alchemy fight was the famous battle of the holy alchemist, but that was also a hundred years ago.

So, how can Lin Fan and Su Yang's Dan fight not attract people's attention?

Especially, after hearing what happened to Ri Moyan and the others, the world clicked their tongues.

It seems that this Dan Dou might not be that simple.

When Mo Yan came back to Suyang, it was said that Mo Yan was so angry that he ordered all the troops to kill him for three thousand miles.

You know, Mo Yan is going to declare war on his behalf.

But in the end, this Moyan was so miserable.

It was clear that Lin Fan didn't like him at all.

In the end, it was Mo Yan who exited, and pressed down on Mo Yan's fury for various reasons.

"You're right. At this moment, we must gather all the troops to kill Lin Fan. I'm afraid we will offend Her Royal Highness, but it would be more satisfying to kill Lin Fan with alchemy in front of everyone." Su Yang said coldly.

He accepted Lin Fan's reply letter, and his eyes also showed the same contempt like Lin Fan's.

Ha ha.

Suyang laughed, and then the laughter grew louder: "I thought it was some kind of big shot, but it turned out to be nothing more than that. Lin Fan's alchemy is comparable to mine 20 years ago."

Suyang's words spread to the outside world somehow.

The whole world is in an uproar!

But no one questioned Su Yang's words.

Everyone knows how strong Suyang's alchemy is.

What about Colin Fan?

No one in this world has seen him concocting alchemy!

The world is looking forward to, eagerly hoping that the day of Dan Dou will come soon.

But soon, even more exciting news came.

This news came from Mozun Palace!

"The martial art in my world is prosperous, but the alchemy is weak. If I want to promote the alchemy, I will use the alchemy of the two masters to start the alchemy competition. The specific reason is hosted by my daughter."

Just such a sentence can trigger a huge wave.

His Majesty Mozun hasn't arranged anything for an unknown number of years.

But this time, it turned out to be the Dan Dou Competition that wanted to hold the whole world.

Moreover, it was arranged by the only daughter of His Majesty Mozun.

How important is this competition?

If you don't value it, how can you use Her Royal Highness, just send a minister at will.

Soon, the Princess Mansion posted specific Dan Dou rules.

First, outstanding alchemists will be selected from the areas under the jurisdiction of each county king, and the number of places under the jurisdiction of each county king is limited to two.

Second, the two alchemists selected by the kings of each county will go to the capital for a unified competition, and only the top three will be selected.

Third, after the top three appear, go to the general's mansion for a unified competition to determine the top twenty.

Fourth, the top [-] go to the Mozun Palace and fight in the princess mansion, only the top three are selected.

There was no reward for this, but it still aroused the enthusiasm of alchemists all over the world.

It has been famous since ancient times.

Who doesn't want to chase fame and fortune.

No. [-] in the world.

Second in the world.

The third in the world.

No matter how high your ranking is, as long as the prefix in front is the word "天下", it's great.

And with the formulation of this rule.

The whole world is discussing who is number one in the world.

Nine times out of ten, they all think they are holy alchemists.

Because, the Saint Alchemist a hundred years ago has already been hailed as the number one under the emperor.

Then the number one Dandou in the world must be him.

But what surprised the world was that when the people from the Princess Mansion found the holy alchemist in person, the holy alchemist declined the invitation to participate in the banquet.

Moreover, the holy alchemist said bluntly: "I will not participate in this alchemy conference, I have to give the younger generation a chance to stand out, and, over the years, I have cultivated many alchemists, which can be regarded as an explanation for this conference. "

The appearance of this kind of words has simply convinced the hearts of the world.

How generous is this.

What is most commendable is that the Princess Mansion asked the holy alchemist about the battle between Lin Fan and Su Yang.

The holy alchemist said with a smile at the time: "It's all just arguing among the younger generations. How can I have any opinion? No matter who wins or loses, they are all adding color to the grand event set by His Majesty."

If the first words convinced everyone, then the last sentence made people sigh, this holy alchemist is worthy of the title of a generation of masters, he really has the air of a master.

And he also borrowed the words of the envoy from the Princess Mansion to warn Suyang that the alchemist should not pursue fame and fortune too much, otherwise he will be inferior.

He also expressed regret that the person who can teach Lin Fan and other characters must be a great master, but it is a pity that he is a person from another world, otherwise he would definitely become a close friend with Lin Fan's master.

As soon as this sentence came out, everyone in the seventh realm sneered.

The target of this sneer, of course, cannot be this holy alchemist.

It was Lin Fan!

Indeed, no matter what, Lin Fan was someone from another world.

If this Dan Dou wins in the end.

Then his entire Seventh Realm Alchemist can collectively wipe their necks!

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