Twin martial arts

Chapter 1926 Expulsion

The Great Elder also spoke, he was looking sideways at Lin Fan with malicious intentions.

He is also like the hall master, he is sure that Lin Fan will fail in alchemy, because he has never seen such a method of alchemy, even Qian Zi, who is called a holy alchemist, has never seen such a method of alchemy.

"Hehe, pretending, but the subordinates dare not complain. Knowing that the county king has good intentions, it's just a bit of a boast, which is completely understandable."

The Second Elder also spoke, and he smiled. On the surface, he seemed to have good intentions, but in fact, he was driving Lin Fan to a dead end.

The so-called king has no jokes, the so-called good words, Lin Fan is the king at this time, if he breaks his promise, how will he govern the mountains and rivers of a hundred thousand miles in the future?

In fact, not only the First Elder, but also the Second Elder and Hall Master, some alchemists also spoke up, saying that there is no need to hide, they can directly announce the facts, they already have a clear understanding.

Of course, there were also some alchemists with complicated eyes, staring at Lin Fan's clenched fist, they desperately hoped that Lin Fan could really refine the heaven-defying pill.

They were born and raised in Sanqianlijin, and they knew that if the sales of alchemy were cut off, the blow to Sanqianlijin might lead to civil uprisings and so on.

"Hehe." Lin Fan smiled: "This king never jokes, in your eyes, it's great, and the pinnacle of medicine is not as good as shit in my eyes."

"Really?" The hall master smiled, very cold: "Who wouldn't say big words? I even suspect that this three-breath hemostatic pill came from the unilateral prescription of the holy alchemist, or from the hands of the holy alchemist's high-level disciples. Don't you may exceed."

"It is indeed impossible to exceed." The First Elder and the Second Elder agreed.

Moreover, the Great Elder said: "What are you talking about so much? It is serious to show the elixir quickly."

The second elder smiled slyly: "If the king of the county can really refine the elixir that defies the sky, it will be a blessing for me to be banned for three thousand miles."

They all spoke, their smiles were cold and cheap, they were waiting to see Lin Fan's jokes, and they said bluntly, if Lin Fan can really refine the heaven-defying pill that surpasses the Three-breathing Hemostatic Pill, from now on, let Lin Fan do whatever he wants. dispatch.

It's useless to procrastinate, some things are accepted as soon as they are good.

After a short trial, Lin Fan knew that the alchemy hall was really a mess, and it almost became the hall master's one-word hall. It was too obvious to form cliques.

Is this still available?

When Li Chuang was in charge before, he couldn't control it.

But now, since he is the king, he can only be the master of the entire county palace.

He wants to use this county palace and this county throne to create an invincible army, and he will not allow possible troubles anywhere.

The clenched fist was loosened, and in the palm, there was an extremely round elixir, emitting a hazy light, and a delicate fragrance filled the air, and everyone couldn't help sniffing deeply.

"how is this possible!"

"how is this possible!"

Two unbelievable exclamations came out.

Those are the Hall Master and the First Elder.

"Why is it impossible?" Lin Fan's eyes turned cold, he didn't want to act.

"Hmph! The king of the county has a good method. This is obviously the elixir prepared in advance. What's the point of taking it out to deceive us at this time? Do you think we are easy to deceive?" the hall master roared angrily.

The First Elder and the Second Elder immediately echoed, saying: "The king of the county has good means, he cheats the sky and crosses the sea, steals the beam and replaces the pillar, powerful, powerful."

Lin Fan's eyes became colder, and he looked at an elder who had always had a complicated expression.

This is the person with the highest status in this alchemy hall, he is the third elder.

"What's your name?" Lin Fan asked.

The third elder said: "My subordinate's name is Meng Ke."

Lin Fan nodded and said, "Is there a way to prove whether this pill is currently refined?"

Meng Ke said: "It has its own secret method to verify."

"Okay, then you come." Lin Fan nodded, and threw the pill in his hand to Meng Ke.

"Meng Ke, you are so brave, you are not a low-level person in this alchemy hall, even if you want to verify it, is it your turn?" the hall master sternly shouted.

How can he let Meng Ke and the secret method verify?

To let his confidants test it, no matter what the pill is, there is only one excuse, that is, this pill was refined by Lin Fan in advance.


The extremely loud slap sounded in the empty hall, and there was an echo.

"How dare you! Do you dare to comment on the matter sent by the king?"

Of course it was Lin Fan who made the move. He was already suffocated with this hall master, but now that this slap had knocked out seven or eight of his big teeth, it made him feel a lot better.

Lin Fan's sudden move shocked everyone.

You know, when Li Chuang was in charge before, he regarded these alchemists as gold bumps. The county prince's mansion can take whatever resources it wants, let alone attack them?

As I said before, there are very few alchemists in the Seventh Realm. Li Chuang really put in a lot of effort to gather these alchemists.

The people in the entire county palace did not dare to provoke them at all.

"This pill hall is about to change."

These are the words that suddenly appeared in the hearts of all alchemists.

"Meng Ke, go ahead and test it out. Be fair and just. If anyone dares to speak too much, this king will execute him." Lin Fan's words were sonorous, full of murderous aura.

These alchemists were all cultivators, but they were not good enough in front of Lin Fan and were easily suppressed.

Meng Ke's eyes were dignified. He really achieved fairness and justice. The secret method he used was well known to everyone, and it was often used in the verification of pill competitions.

The result came out, the elixir was still warm, and the elixir still contained the breath of Lihuo, it was obviously refined on the spot.

"What else can I say?" Lin Fan looked down at the hall master and others, coldly.

There was a vicious look in the eyes of the hall master, but on the face he was shocked and delighted: "Haha, the sky is not dead and I am forbidden for three thousand miles. Since the king of the county has such heaven-defying alchemy, it is not difficult to defeat the sniper of the uncle's mansion." !"

The great elder's eyes flashed, and he said: "God bless my king, please don't blame my king, we were really confused by the sniping of this country's uncle's mansion, so we questioned our king more than once."

They opened their mouths one after another, very shameless; it was obvious that they were looking down on Lin Fan from the bottom of their hearts, but in their words, they offended Lin Fan because they were worried about the three-thousand-mile ban and caused restlessness. .

"Hehe." Lin Fan smiled: "Do you still think that this king, like Li Chuang, doesn't understand alchemy, so he listens to you? Do you think that I'm just like Li Chuang, and it's up to you, so you don't care what to do?" Whatever happens, this king can take care of it for you?"

When Lin Fan opened his mouth, everyone's expressions changed!

"Come on!"

Lin Fan shouted angrily.

The door was knocked open.

Anu came in with seven or eight soldiers who had just been subdued today.

"Export this, this, and this from the three-thousand-mile ban, but if I stay within the three-thousand-mile ban for one day, they will not be allowed to enter, or they will die." Lin Fan said coldly, and he ordered at least 30 people in a row!

These are all those who deceived the hall master, the first elder, and the second elder, and demeaned Lin Fan in various ways.

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