Twin martial arts

Chapter 1925: Alchemy in Public

Lin Fan cast a mocking glance at the hall master, and then a pill appeared in his hand.

This elixir, everyone can tell at a glance that it is the elixir from the uncle's mansion, which is very different from the elixir they refined, like pearls and stubborn stones.

"Just such a low-level pill can stump you. Could it be that the king of this county can't be disappointed?" The pill rolled between Lin Fan's fingers.

"Unbearably low-level?" The hall master smiled slyly, and then said: "The county king is not a person in the alchemy world, so it is not surprising to say such ignorant words."

"Your Majesty, you speak so loudly. The Three-breath Hemostatic Pill produced by the Uncle Guo's Mansion has really been refined to the peak. I don't know which master's unilateral recipe. It's too great. It should be respected by all the friends in the alchemy world. In your mouth, it is so unbearable." The Great Elder spoke again, his eyes full of mockery.

A group of people were mocking Lin Fan with every word they said.

Said he didn't know the heights of the sky and the earth.

It is said that he has eyes but does not know Mount Tai.

Say all sorts of nasty things.

But to put it bluntly, these people have only one meaning in what they say - you, a waste material who doesn't know anything about alchemy, what right do you have to judge whether the pill is good or bad?

"Finish?" Lin Fan was very calm, his indifferent words accompanied by his indifferent eyes shocked the group of people.

The second elder said: "Your Majesty, although the words of fellow Taoists are disrespectful, what can be said is also true. Most of the purchases in the army are various healing elixirs, but the elixirs produced by this country's uncle's mansion are indeed considered to be the peak. Waiting is really useless.”

"Hehe." Lin Fan chuckled, he casually threw the pill in his hand on the ground, and said, "Just this bullshit pill, it's still at its peak? If Dantang of the Tangtang Prince's Mansion says such things, he's not afraid of others Laugh your teeth out?"

The hall master's face turned cold: "Your Majesty, your waist doesn't hurt when you stand and talk, and you keep belittling this pill. Could it be that you have a more powerful medicine in your hand? Or, you can refine a medicine that is better than this three-breathing hemostatic pill?" Do you want a heaven-defying holy product for healing?"

A group of people sneered.

They all looked sideways at Lin Fan.

Although they didn't speak, they all showed one meaning - if you have the guts, you should show real evidence to prove that your words are not arrogant, otherwise just shut up and go where you are cool.

"Unfortunately, this king is really able to refine the heaven-defying holy medicine for healing." Lin Fan smiled.

"Oh? Then I'll just wait and see." The hall master sneered, and said, "We really want to know what kind of heaven-defying pill your Excellency the county king can concoct."

A group of people laughed.

Talk about alchemy in front of them?

Is this Lin Fan going to use a big ax in front of Lu Ban's gate and a big knife in front of Guan Gong?

Did this Lin Fan, want to make fun of them and see them distressed, so he came here specially to relieve their boredom?


The monstrous flames suddenly rose between Lin Fan's palms.

The sudden appearance of flames caused the temperature in the alchemy hall to rise sharply by at least one hundred degrees, and in just a short while, everyone was sweating profusely.

Everyone's expressions froze.

This is Danhuo.

Moreover, Lihuo is still extremely impressive!

Just this move proves that Lin Fan really knows how to make alchemy, and it shouldn't be too bad.

"Hehe, it's my hall master's eyesight that's clumsy, the county king is really a person in the alchemy world, disrespectful and disrespectful." The hall master smiled.

I started to feel a little uncomfortable on my face.

How could Lin Fan care about him?

Hundreds of medicinal materials appeared, all floating in the air in an orderly manner.


Someone sucked in the cold air and said, "This is the Three Lives Hemostatic Grass! Liehuyao Pills are essential raw materials for refining high-quality Hemostatic Pills!"

"Could it be that this county king can really refine a pill that is even more heaven-defying than the Three-breathing Hemostatic Pill?"

Some people began to be suspicious.

It's because Lin Fan's posture is too strong, surrounded by Li Huo, making his whole body blurred.

"Hmph, it's flashy, it's just a show, it's just a sensationalist, how can he refine a heaven-defying elixir?" The hall master sneered.

It's just because he has ridiculed and ridiculed Lin Fan in various ways. If Lin Fan really succeeds in refining it, then those satires and ridicules will eventually become slaps on his ears.

"Hmph, why do you believe him? He has been here in the Seventh Realm for a long time. If he really has a good alchemy skill, surpassing the master of the uncle's mansion, then even the princess' mansion and the general's mansion will hand it over. How could it be that difficult?" The Great Elder also said with a grim expression.

"My God! What is he going to do? More than 100 kinds of raw materials are thrown into the fire like this!"

"Could it be that the king of the county wants to refine the essence of these hundreds of medicinal liquids at once? How is this possible!"

"I have seen it, I don't need a pill furnace, but I can use fire as a furnace out of thin air. Based on this alone, no matter whether the county king can really become a pill, he can already get the title of a master!"

A alchemist spoke in shock.

But their shock was really only the beginning.

You know, Lin Fan's alchemy skills are full of praise even for people like Phoenix Lord, let alone them.

Balls of liquid medicine appeared, held in the mouth by fire dragons, scorching hot, like dragon balls.

"It's done!"

"Smelting more than 100 kinds of medicinal liquid at one time, even the hall master, even the great elder can't do it! The county king's alchemy is unfathomable!"

A group of people screamed, completely ignoring the hall master and others whose faces were gloomy.

"Hmph, you know, alchemy focuses on the final alchemy, and the rest of the steps are just tidbits, so what's the point?" the Great Elder said coldly.

In a word, it stabilized everyone's emotions.

Indeed, no matter how delicate your process is, the most important thing about alchemy is the result after alchemy.

"Look! The county king is starting to condense the pill!"

"What kind of method and skill is this? It's too mysterious. The transformation of the skill is dazzling, and all kinds of alchemy principles are infused into the medicine group. It is exquisite!"

Everyone exclaimed, of course, the crowd who exclaimed definitely did not include the Hall Master and others who were the first to mock Lin Fan.

In fact, Lin Fan didn't use the most complicated method of congealing alchemy, just congealing the soul, but this seventh realm, the realm of alchemy is already barren, where has he seen such a wonderful method?

Therefore, in Lin Fan's view, the most common method of congealing alchemy, in the eyes of all alchemists, it is simply a stroke of genius, shocking like the lower realm of alchemy.


With a roar, Lin Fan went deep into the burning Lihuo with one arm, and grabbed the ball of liquid medicine. Everyone's hearts were also tightly grasped by Lin Fan's palm.

In the end, did it work?

"Your Majesty, why bother to play tricks? We are only your subordinates, even if you fail, what would we dare to say?" The hall master felt sad.

He concluded that Lin Fan failed in alchemy.

The main reason is that Lin Fan's alchemy method is too mysterious for him to understand.

"Tsk tsk, county king, what's going on, you have to let your subordinates see it, why cover it up? You can't hide it, even an ugly daughter-in-law has to see her parents-in-law."

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