Twin martial arts

Chapter 1912 I've Had Enough

This is too domineering and unrestrained, treating many soldiers and soldiers who have survived the battle as nothing, and treating the roaring and roaring generals as ants, and rushing towards more than ten thousand people like this, there is no hiding at all.

This is the plan to take the head of the general from the ten thousand horse army.


Pianjiang was furious, and he threw the bone spear in his hand for the first time, bringing up thousands of feet of flames. It was the void that was ignited, and just like that, he took Lin Fan's back and killed him.

But it was useless, Lin Fan's figure was disillusioned as he stepped forward, left and right, the bone spear was dodged by Lin Fan wonderfully, nailed to the ground, and a terrifying deep hole was created.

"Stop him for me!"

Partial general Ya Zi want to split.

If Lin Fan was letting Lin Fan kill someone in front of him, he really wouldn't have to live anymore, he would be bored to death.

The main reason is that Lin Fan's previous words were too slappy.

It was like adding salt to his open wounds.

'It's not that I haven't killed. '

It's a reminder of how miserable he was.

Therefore, he must keep this saint and fight a turnaround.

Tens of thousands of soldiers are all strong men who survived the bloody battlefield, and they are not afraid of anything at all.

When they saw that the bone spear did not nail Lin Fan to death, they played out various laws, and all kinds of terrifying army formation killers rained out of the formation, covering the sky and the sun, everywhere. They are all God Extinguishing Crossbows.

This God Extinguishing Crossbow is not comparable to the Lower Realm, killing a saint can definitely be done easily.

But Lin Fan's figure was too erratic, like a bolt of lightning, always dodging all sorts of certain kills without time.

Moreover, he twisted the void with his hands, and gathered many big killer weapons such as the God Extinguishing Crossbow, which he held under his armpits.

"go with!"

Lin Fan roared angrily, and ruthlessly turned back all kinds of big weapons that had gathered.

Blood sprayed and splashed several hundred feet.

This anti-killing killed at least a thousand people.

Crying like ghosts and howling like wolves, no one could have imagined that this impenetrable attack would still be avoided by Lin Fan, and let him kill so many people.

"Lin Fan! I'm going to swallow you alive!" Pian Jiang roared mournfully.

Once again, this Lin Fan once again killed him in front of him.

Fortunately, that saint is too smart, has been hiding in the deepest part of the crowd, and has not been killed yet.

Lin Fan went on a killing spree in front of him, and the heavy halberd in his hand became a powerful weapon for reaping the lives of the world. Heads rolled down along the way, and mutilated corpses flew all over the sky.

Lin Fan didn't hold back at all, and killed one person in ten steps. Behind him was a cruel scene like Senluo's hell.

The side general twisted the bone spear with his hand, it was useless to stop Lin Fan, his way was indeed stronger than Lin Fan, but he was too far behind Lin Fan to catch up.

Even if he solidifies the void in front of him with the Tao, it is useless, Lin Fan is rampant, and nothing can stop him.

"Ah!" the saint who attacked and killed Lin Fan yelled terribly.

Because there was no way for him to avoid it, there was a cliff behind the barracks, and he was blocked by Lin Fan.

"You're not going to die!" Lin Fan's tongue was full of spring thunder, he passed through the terrifying light curtain shot by the holy man, and reached the holy man with all his strength, tearing off both of his arms.

This made everyone's eyes widen.

In the ten thousand horse army, even one person couldn't keep him, and Lin Fan directly killed him.

"Lin Fan!"

When he was about to arrive, he was still three zhang away from Lin Fan, so he threw a punch, and the enemy would be saved.

But it was useless at all, Lin Fan cut through with one hand, cut off the space between him and the saint, and exiled himself to the void, the punch that was about to attack did not hurt him at all.

"Didn't you say I couldn't kill him?"

Lin Fan was gloomy, and the saint was knocked down by him. At this time, the head of the saint who attacked and killed him was under his feet.

The holy man roared and howled piteously, and the great fear of death came upon him, and he trembled.

"Let him go, it would have given you a good death." Pian Jiang roared, he was searching with the rules of space, trying to find out where Lin Fan was exiled.

Lin Fan mockingly glanced at the general, lowered his head, and looked at the saint: "Remember, most of your death is related to this trash."

The saint trembled, but before he could speak, Lin Fan crushed his head, and his soul was crushed to pieces.

"Look, I killed him, but he is still alive." Lin Fan smiled.

At this time, he felt that there were more than a dozen extremely powerful auras rushing towards here.

These breaths are absolutely strange, and they are full of murderous aura.

There is no need to think about it, it must be the powerful people from the county palace.

Frowning slightly: "It's really fast."

The general finally found out that Lin Fan was in the void, and came to attack and kill him, wanting to force Lin Fan out of the void and come to reality to fight.

But it was too late, Lin Fan kicked the headless body away, stabbed out suddenly with a single-handed halberd, and an extremely long void passage appeared, and he got into it, leaving only one sentence: "Young master, I have played enough!" Already!"

He disappeared, and the void passage closed.


The moment Lin Fan disappeared, there were seven or eight terrifying sharp lights attacking and attacking, almost at the same time, if Lin Fan hadn't walked resolutely, he would have suffered a terrible loss.

He turned his face to the lunar calendar.

He has tried more than once to shatter the space channel and let Lin Fan fall out again, but obviously, Lin Fan expected this kind of thing, and it is impossible to suffer twice with the same method.

"Li Xian, who is causing the trouble?"

Those strong men who came here rushed over, looking at the general with cold faces.

"Lin Fan."

The partial general was named Li Xian.

"What? It's him?" A holy emperor was shocked. He looked down at the blood-soaked ground and said in shock, "Don't tell me that this tragedy was caused by him."

Li Xian's face became even uglier.

"Trash!" A strong man who was also Emperor Lin was furious, scolded Li Xian angrily, and shouted, "Where's Wang Lin?"

"Dead." Li Xian's expression darkened.

"What?" Emperor Lin exclaimed in surprise, and then came: "Who is that with Lin Fan? You can kill one person with the joint hands of the two of you."

This Emperor Lin's face was serious.

With Lin Fan really having strong support, this matter is really difficult to handle.

Li Xian's expression kept changing, and finally he gritted his teeth and said, "He's the only one."

"Trash! Idiot! You have lived in the world for thousands of years!" A Lindi who was at the same level as him roared: "Two Lindi joined hands and let a mere sage kill one person, killing three thousand of our warriors. How dare you! Alright, really strong!"

Li Xian's face was flushed, and he held back for a while, before roaring: "Then Lin Fan is very strange, and he has many tricks, even if you meet him, I'm afraid it won't be much better."

The Emperor Lin sneered: "If I meet him, I will strip him alive."

"Okay, there is no need for us to argue here. Don't you know what is the most important thing at this time? If it is because of you, Li Xian, that the county king's plan is delayed, hehe, imagine the consequences yourself."

A holy emperor sneered.

Li Xian's face suddenly changed, and he disappeared in an instant. Obviously, he went to destroy the evidence. Some things cannot be noticed by the world, otherwise it will be a catastrophe.

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