Twin martial arts

Chapter 1911 Weird

This will not let him go, and forced him into an extremely embarrassing situation deep in the ground. He was almost in danger several times, and the pain of being mutilated and remnant still lingered in his mind, as if engraved in the bone marrow. , which can no longer be erased.

"Damn you!"

Pianjiang roared, his eyes were red, half ashamed and half angry.

Those who dare not speak out will be ridiculed by the world.

At this time, Lin Fan's current body was pinching the cause with his left hand and holding the fruit with his right hand, opening and closing, blasting and killing the generals, the power of cause and effect was entangled, and there seemed to be invisible karmic fire burning the heavens.

And the future body is dignified with the rules, and between the heavy halberds, the power of time and space is used to the extreme. The so-called so-called horizons, horizons, etc., are constantly being shot in his hands, and the void is like rolling waves. fold.

As for the partial general, he was in the midst of being besieged by the two of them.


Pianjiang was really terrifying, with a bone spear in his hand, there was a phantom of a dragon appearing on the bone spear, killing everything with the spear.

The folded time and space, the entangled karma, and the karmic fire that burned the heavens cannot touch him, mainly because he is too violent and the spear in his hand is impenetrable.

The demon dragon is ferocious, curling up its body from time to time, protecting its general in it, resisting many injuries with its strong dragon scales.


Lin Fan's attack is coming, and now he wants to test the limit of his combat power.


The heavy halberd pierced the sky, the halberd light pierced the long sky, the mountains collapsed and the ground cracked, the mud layer exploded inch by inch, and the magma deep in the ground was lifted up, as if sending the halberd light on a long journey.

"I can't do it with you." Pianjiang laughed wildly, he held a spear in his right hand to fight against the present and future bodies, and with his left hand he punched out an invincible fist print, which thundered away, and there were strange stars in it.

The ten thousand zhang halberd light was strangely swallowed up by this fist mark like this, nothing remained, only the remnant light was still in the sky.

These stars are too heavy and terrifying, and the void explodes under the pressure. Each one is absolutely extremely heavy. Ordinary saints will die in this terrifying gravity quagmire.

But Lin Fan is extraordinary, the power of his body surpasses the realm of the holy way, with a roar, he suddenly leaps high like a tiger, his body stretches suddenly, and he throws the heavy halberd viciously.

call out.

The whole world is filled with the sharp sound of the friction between the air and the heavy halberd.


The fist seal was broken, many strange stars turned into dust, Lin Fan seemed to shrink into an inch, and with only one step, he chased down from the high sky, and the heavy halberd was held in his hand again.

Lin Fan's speed shocked even the generals.

It was too fast, and with just a blink of an eye, he was in front of him, and he saw two golden fists blasting towards his face.

The golden fist was cast like mother gold, giving people an invincible intuition, and the fist print became bigger and bigger in his pupils.

With a strange howl, he drew a circle with his hand. He was using the rules of space to cut the void in front of him, trying to lead Lin Fan's two punches into the void.

Lin Fan raised his arms, and the invisible field guarded his body. His fist marks were not affected in any way, and he still directly attacked and killed the general.


With a roar of broken mountains and rivers, the general opened his mouth to roar, at this time Lin Fan saw the general's roots.

This is a murderous creature that has some of the features of Jade, and when he growled vigorously, that face turned out to be that of Jade.

The sound wave is rolling, this is not a simple sound wave attack, there are various terrifying killing moves, and various complex runes are shot together.


Lin Fan's mouth was shaped like a dragon, and he uttered the roar of a dragon, as if the dragon king was here to show his majesty.

Large tracts of mountains and rivers have been annihilated. If this place is not a barracks, living in the wilderness, how many lives will be robbed, and they will definitely die.

This shocked all the soldiers. It was impossible to imagine that this Lin Fan was so fierce that he could fight against the Emperor's Saint for so long without falling behind.


Suddenly, a strong man of the holy way struck out a long knife, which was green and shiny, and one could tell that there was poison in it.

He came to kill, this was a sneak attack, coming from the rear, he wanted to kill Lin Fan to death.

The saint grinned.

He is just a saint. If he really went up to fight Lin Fan, he would definitely not be able to withstand three or two moves, but at this time, he would definitely be able to make great achievements in a sneak attack. If you don't die, you will peel off your skin.


"Ha ha"

Many people laughed.

Just because Lin Fan's ferocity really frightened them, they could not help but worry in their hearts that he was able to fight with this big man of the county prince's mansion for so long.

But now there is no need.

The green long knife stabbed away, the timing was so perfect, it could be said to be so wonderful, Lin Fan didn't notice it at all.

However, the result was beyond the expectations of the saint, and beyond everyone's expectations.

When there was no time left, Lin Fan looked back slightly, and his left hand appeared behind him with a strange stroke, as if his left hand was different from ordinary people and grew out of the vest.

Two fingers pinched the green long knife, and with a click, the long knife broke and fell into the sky.

What kind of divine power is this?

You know, this long knife is the soldier of this saint, nourished by the rules of the holy way, but now it is broken like a rotten tree.

"Do you want to kill me?"

Lin Fan's words were sonorous and too concise.

There was fear in the eyes of the sneak attacking saint, the soldier who had surrendered his life was torn apart, and he spewed blood. At this moment, he retreated rapidly, trying to hide among many soldiers and strong men.

He succeeded, hid behind the crowd, grinned grinningly, and was too proud: "Lin Fan, should I say you are stupid or what? How dare you touch my soldiers with your palms, wait for death, even God can't save you. "

The other soldiers also laughed.

Although the shiny green long knife didn't really kill Lin Fan, but in fact its purpose had already been achieved. The most fundamental purpose of this long knife was to let Lin Fan touch Mie Hun San.

"You mean this?" Lin Fan frowned, and he looked at the weird black silk thread above his two fingers.

"You wait to die." The holy man roared.

"Hehe, I saved my effort." The general was also happy, smiling: "Du Gao, you are very good, this time you have made great achievements, I will reward you."

Du Gao's eyes brightened instantly, but only for a moment, horror appeared in his eyes, and he screamed: "How is it possible!"

Everyone saw that Lin Fan's fingertips were glowing white, and his fingers were as moist as jade, but the black silk just faded away until it disappeared.

A trace of sarcasm appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he said, "You have no idea about the power of the holy way of flesh."

Ben smiled and his face suddenly darkened, but soon, his eyes widened and he roared: "If you still kill people in front of me, I will not have to live!"

"It's not that I haven't killed before." Lin Fan said contemptuously, and at this moment, his whole body was burning with a golden light, and he went to kill where the crowd was densest. The purpose was too obvious. The strong are crushed to death.

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