Twin martial arts

Chapter 1901 Returning to the County King's Mansion

After Linghu finished speaking, he lowered his eyebrows again, and continued to cast mysterious magic spells with both hands, and complicated runes flew into the alchemy furnace in front of him one by one.

It can be seen that six so-called luck pipes extending from the void are connected to this alchemy furnace, and a strange breath is transmitted.

Among them, Yinhong's elixir is slowly taking shape.

Lin Fan and Anu came directly to the Prince's Mansion.

No doubt they were stopped again.

"Why? Could it be that I don't even want to enter this county's palace?" Lin Fan's words were so majestic that no one dared to underestimate them.

"Master Lin is just joking, how dare a small one block the way of an adult? It's just that the county king and others are no longer in the county palace at this time. If the adult has something to meet with the county king, please come at another time." Guard in the county The soldiers in front of the palace laughed.

"No longer in this county palace?" Lin Fan said with strange eyes, "I'm afraid it's not right, I have been in front of this county palace all the time, but I have never seen Li Chuang and others leave this county palace."

The soldier's eyes flickered slightly, and he said: "The king of the county and others are like gods, come and go, how can someone like me know whereabouts?"

"Good dog, are you saying that my adults are blind and cannot see where Li Chuang and others are?" Anu scolded.

The soldier groaned in his heart.

How does he know where the county king is going?

It's just that since this morning, there have been orders, unless people from the General's Mansion or the Mozun Palace come, otherwise they will all say that the county king is not there and refuse to accept guests.

Lin Fan turned his eyes and said, "Okay, I won't make things difficult for you, since your lord is not here, then I will go to this mansion to wait for him."

With just a few words, Lin Fan dared to conclude one thing.

In this county prince's mansion, there must be a passage to the low altar.

Without anyone noticing, golden lightning spread along the soles of his feet, turning into pedestrians at a certain corner, trying to discover this passage.

What Lin Fan didn't know was that since he came to the county palace, someone passed through the passage and went to the altar to announce his arrival.

"Lin Fan? What is he doing here?" Li Chuang narrowed his eyes.

Linghu said: "Going back and forth, I'm afraid it's uneasy and kind, the king of the county should be careful in dealing with it."

"A mere Lin Fan, how could he be afraid of him!" Li Chuang snorted coldly, he flew up, and the blood soaked in his body was strangely swallowed by him.

Taking a deep breath, the fist was slowly clenched, and he said intoxicatedly: "It's really a power that makes people obsessed. This kind of breath that makes people obsessed."

Linghu chuckled, and said: "It's only been a hundred years, and you've been paying attention to secrecy, so the effect is not too great. If adults can do something big, I'm afraid within a year, you will be able to break through to the level of a saint. The world's top giants deserve a place for you."

Li Chuang's eyes flashed brightly, but finally said: "Some things, it's better to keep a low profile."

Hate flashed across Linghu's eyes, and he said: "General, that Lin Fan is not an easy character, he is waiting alone in this county palace, I am afraid that he will find out some clues."

"I'll meet him when I go out here." Li Chuang snorted coldly.

Lin Fan has been waiting here for a long time, and even drank a few cups of tea.

Moreover, the people in the Prince's Mansion did not allow him to have time alone at all, and kept at least five or six eyes on him.

This made his heart flicker with murderous intent.

It seems that there must be a big trick hidden under this county prince's mansion.

"Hehe, I don't know what it means for King Lin to go and return."

Perfunctory laughter came, and Li Chuang came.

Lin Fan narrowed his eyes, and said with a smile, "Your subordinates said that you traveled far, but it seems to be nothing but falsehood."

Li Chuang said: "In his position, there are always so many cats and dogs coming to see him every day, which is very annoying, so I came up with this excuse."

Murderous intent flashed in Anu's eyes!

This Li Chuang was insulting Lin Fan, and even compared Lin Fan to a cat or a dog.

Lin Fan chuckled: "The so-called seeking government in his position, your actions, I'm afraid it will delay major events."

Li Chuang smiled noncommittally, took the chair, and said, "What's the matter, let's get straight to the point."

Lin Fan smiled and said: "Before I left yesterday, I found a strange black silk thread on the saint's celestial cover. I suspected it was an evil method. After thinking about it, I felt that I needed to speak to the county king. After all, this kind of heresy Evil methods are strictly prohibited by His Majesty the Mozun."

Li Chuang's heart tightened suddenly, but on the surface he remained calm and said, "In the land under the rule of the king of this county, the people live and work in peace and contentment, and the world of cultivators is calm. How can there be so-called heresy and evil methods? This is not what the king of Laolin is worried about." gone."

"Oh? Is that so? I'm afraid that the king of the county will be fooled by villains because of his daily work on important matters." Lin Fan smiled.

At this time, in his soul, there was feedback from the incarnation he had transformed, and he found a strange void passage under the fish pond in the center of the county palace!

Therefore, he is stalling for time.


A sudden roar made Lin Fan's face change slightly!

It was discovered!

In this fish pond, there is actually a Saint Emperor peak powerhouse who refined himself into a living dead!

What followed was the sound of terrifying fights.

"You!" Li Chuang's eyes flickered with murderous intent, and he looked at Lin Fan: "You are so brave! You actually transferred the tiger away from the mountain and restrained me here, but you sent subordinates to investigate my county palace!"

Lin Fan pretended to be surprised, and said: "Your Majesty, don't talk nonsense. I am alone, and fortunately the Major General rewarded Anu to accompany me. At this time, the two of us can be in front of your eyes."

"Don't run away! You want to live after peeping at the majesty of my county palace?"

The strong man at the peak of the Holy Emperor roared.

There was a sound of breaking through the air, and they hurried towards the county palace.

"Do you still want to go?"

Li Chuang, who was still sitting on the main seat, let out a roar, and with just one step, he came to the sky, and slapped Lin Fan's phantom!

"Why should the county king be angry?"

Lin Fan also appeared above the sky, offset Li Chuang's slap, looked at the phantom, and said, "Who are you?"

The phantom said: "You gangster, who do you care about me?"

"What is King Lin's intention? I want to kill the maniac who dared to break into my county's mansion. Could it be that you want to keep him?" Li Chuang's expression turned ugly.

Lin Fan said: "How powerful is the county prince's mansion? Who would dare to come here? Could it be that the county prince doesn't want to know the reason for this man's forced entry?"

Li Chuang narrowed his eyes slightly: "I don't want to, to me, they are all dead."

"Then what if the deity wants to protect him?" Lin Fan sneered.

And at this moment, the voice of the major general sounded: "I also want to protect him, I wonder what Li Junwang thinks?"

"Young master!" Li Chuang's face suddenly changed!

Lin Fan must have discovered it!

Otherwise, how could this major general come by such a coincidence!

The major general smiled and said, "It's hard for you to recognize me as the young master."

Li Chuang said: "The young master has marked the Zhesha mark."

The Major General smiled and looked at Lin Fan: "How is Brother Lin?"

"It's not bad." Lin Fan smiled, then looked at the phantom, and said, "Why don't you hurry up to the Major General? I'm afraid he is the only one who can save your life and let you tell the truth."

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