Twin martial arts

Chapter 1900 Saint's Tomb, Cave of Kings

Various stars are embroidered on these robes, as well as skeleton kings, etc., and the whole person exudes a strange aura.

Their faces were also extremely pale, perhaps because they had been in the depths of the ground for a long time.

"Be careful, this Luck Pill is something that is urgently needed by the higher-ups. If there is a fork from someone, hehe, don't blame me for being ungrateful." A gloomy voice came from a dark place.

Lin Fan hid himself and looked around!

This is a sage, with a strange red face and confusion in his pupils.

And behind him, there are teams of soldiers from the county prince's mansion.

But Lin Fan clearly saw that the five senses of these soldiers had been ruined.

"So ruthless." Lin Fan was speechless.

In order to keep it secret, these people did not hesitate to turn each soldier into an existence without any senses.

"That's..." Lin Fan was horrified, because these senseless soldiers were actually holding soul chains in their hands, and the other end of these soul chains was tied with remnant souls one after another.

These remnant souls were howling and roaring, but they were useless at all. Lin Fan clearly saw that most of these remnant souls were the souls of the King Realm, and there were also a few souls of the powerhouses of the holy way.

But no matter how hard they struggled, they couldn't break free from the chains that locked their souls.

The ever-burning lamp emits a strange orange light. Under this light, these soldiers dragged their remnant souls and walked on the iron chain bridge in Xuankong.


A fire suddenly ignited, illuminating the dark front, and Lin Fan discovered that the front that he hadn't paid attention to turned out to be a huge altar!

The altar was drenched with blood, and the dark red blood spots made the altar lose its original color.

And that Emperor Lin, who was wearing a strange star robe, was standing on the altar at this moment, dancing like a great dancer, chanting obscure spells in his mouth.

cha cha

Following the chanting of these Lindi mantras, the altar actually made a crackling sound, and a black hole appeared on the altar.

Lin Fan has been hiding his body and watching. At this time, runes appeared in his eyes. This black hole gave him a frightening feeling, as if it contained some extreme evil beast.

"Throw it in."

Someone spoke, and those soldiers without five senses mechanically threw the dragged remnant soul into the black hole.

Lin Fan could clearly hear the jaw-dropping sound of chewing, as well as the silent scream of the remnant soul.


Suddenly, Lindi in the center roared, and a pill furnace rose up, extremely scarlet, with six pipes connecting the pill furnace from nothingness, and in the black hole, flames spewed out, roasting the pill furnace.

"Using the cultivator's soul as the fire, and the plundered luck as the material, refine this so-called luck pill."

Lin Fan's heart trembled.

This is so vicious.

"My lord, do you want to go down?" At this time, Emperor Lin who followed Lin Fan asked.

Lin Fan narrowed his eyes slightly: "No."

He saw something, like this kind of underground altar, I don't know how many there are in the three thousand miles, and going down now is just a warning.

Moreover, these remnant souls cannot be saved at all.

"Separate to find out what's weird about it." Lin Fan said, and at the same time, he turned into a breeze and slowly dispersed.

He found a direction and went, and soon, there was an uproar of people's voices, and he saw the shocking scene clearly through a hollowed-out cliff.


All remains!

These remains all exude a jade light. The bottom remains have been corroded, leaving only a lot of white bones, but the top one has not yet started to rot.

"King!" Lin Fan said.

With his eyesight, he could of course see that these were the bones of kings, but how many kings would it take to fill this deep pit of at least a hundred feet!

When you first entered this cave, did the suffocating stench come from it?

It was really hard for Lin Fan to believe that no one would be able to find out why so many kings disappeared?

Or in other words, all the people who were discovered died?

"My lord, I have made a big discovery."

At this moment, Emperor Lin's voice sounded in Lin Fan's mind, and Lin Fan looked for the direction and left.

This is another shocking scene.


There are graves everywhere.

Very dilapidated, obviously built randomly.

But Lin Fan peeped away with the eyes of runes, and found that there were corpses in the tomb, and they all exuded holy power.

Obviously, these corpses were all saints in their previous lives.

At the level of saints, the body is immortal after death, so, is this a random burial?

"The Cave of the Kings, the Tomb of the Saints!" Lin Fan's eyes were cold.

This county prince's mansion is really damned, not to mention other things, it's just this underground altar, at least a hundred thousand kings and saints have died.

How could there be so many cultivators in a three-thousand-mile ban?

"Is there a close connection between the world of cultivators forbidden for three thousand miles and the world of cultivators outside?" Lin Fan asked via voice transmission.

Emperor Lin replied: "It was very secret at the beginning, but later even if the palace of the forbidden county three thousand miles away invited many times, the cultivators from other domains would not come here."


Lin Fan opened his mouth.

After exploring the underground altar again, Lin Fan and Emperor Lin quietly left.

No one found out.

Good news came one after another. Those Emperor Lin who were sent out by Lin Fan all made great discoveries, and two of them even discovered two underground altars.

"It's time to do it, this is the real evidence." Lin Fan's eyes glowed coldly.

He looked at the several saints who were suppressed here, and guarded them with Lei Chi, cutting off the weird black silk thread.

But what he didn't know was that when he cut off the dark silk thread of these people, the spirit fox in the deepest altar suddenly opened his eyes!

"Your Majesty, something has happened."

Linghu looked at Li Chuang, who was sitting beside him in the pool of blood.

Li Chuang opened his eyes, and the blood red light flashed in his eyes: "What?"

"The auras of six people disappeared strangely, and the luck channel is useless." Linghu said honestly.

Li Chuang narrowed his eyes: "Without these few people, is it possible for Qi Luck Pill to be possible?"

Linghu thought for a moment, and said, "Impossible."

"Then select six more." Li Chuang closed his eyes and said, "It's their honor to be one of the stepping stones of this deity."

Linghu said: "It's not difficult to arrest people, but if we don't find the source of this weirdness, I'm afraid..."

"Linghu, you are too careful. We have been doing this for more than a hundred years and have never been discovered. Even if Zhan Tianjiang came here, he has never found the slightest clue. Why are you worrying?"

When the voice sounded, it was discovered that there was not only one blood pool, but there were as many as ten.

"Maybe I'm really too careful." Linghu sighed.

But for some reason, he always felt that this incident was too weird. You must know that such a thing had never happened in the past hundred years.

"Admonish the six altars, be careful and be careful, if anyone throws a fork, everyone on the altar will be destroyed!" Linghu's eyes flickered coldly.

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