Twin martial arts

Chapter 1878 Heaven and Hell

"Lin Fan, how can the grievances between you and me involve the innocent dragon and beast brothers?"

"Lin Fan, you are so insane! The Dragon King has only given birth to one son in the past ten thousand years, but you have resorted to bloody tricks to make him die before he has seen the true face of this world! You should be cut to pieces!"

"Damn it!"

All kinds of words, uttered from the mouths of these saints whose lives were deliberately spared by Lin Fan, were very upright and upright.

But in fact, if you listen carefully, you will be able to hear that these saints are all using the most powerful and Lingran words to hate Lin Fan.

He felt that it was not enough for the Dragon Beast King to slap Lin Fan to death, and he wanted Lin Fan to suffer all kinds of tortures before he died.

Their goal has indeed been achieved. Although the Dragon Beast King has never said anything at this time, the hatred and murderous intent in his eyes are getting stronger and stronger.

"Lin Fan, should you throw you to your subordinates and let them share the food, or should you do it yourself, cut off your flesh and blood, and crush your spirit little by little? You choose yourself."

The tone of the Dragon Beast King's words was as calm as water, without any ups and downs, but the words he said were creepy.

Whether it is sharing food.

Or something else.

It's all extreme punishment and torture.

"Senior, although the crimes of the younger generation are unforgivable, the younger generation still suggests that he should be eaten." Cheng Yefei said with a tragic face, "Since he dared to attack the Dragon Beast Brother, he killed the Dragon Beast Brother and beheaded the next generation of the Dragon Beast. The king, Hegai has this fate."

Cheng Yefei had a tragic face, but there was cruel pleasure in his eyes.

He has already made up his mind.

After this incident happened, I absolutely couldn't get rid of it.

But sin is not unto death.

No matter what punishment he took, as long as Lin Fan died in endless pain, everything would be worth it.

"The younger generation also thinks Brother Cheng's suggestion is very reasonable."

"The juniors think so too."

All the saints spoke cruelly.

There is nothing more frightening and painful than watching yourself being eaten by beasts.

The Dragon Beast King closed his eyes.

Of course he knew that these people were uneasy and kind.

so what?

This Lin Fan was supposed to die.

Moreover, he died in a sinful and miserable way. Only in this way can the hatred in his heart be alleviated.

He glanced guiltily at his wife who had temporarily blocked the demon spirit with great means and made him sleep.

At that time, maybe it really shouldn't be fulfilled.

If he didn't fulfill that promise, how could he have such an ending.

When she wakes up, how will she face it?

"Lin Fan, why don't you speak? Aren't you pushing the invincible hand horizontally, but you have a golden lotus on your tongue? Why don't you defend yourself?" Cheng Yefei was cruel and proud, questioning Lin Fan.

He was so looking forward to seeing Lin Fan struggling to the death.

But Lin Fan's eyes remained calm, even with a hint of sarcasm, and he didn't speak.

"Lin Fan, you are too arrogant. You should have this catastrophe. A war servant should look like a war servant. You are born humble, so you should be a servant. If you want to show your face, you should end like this."

"Hehe, Lin Fan? What is it? It's just an outcast from another world, a sinner in this world."

Those arrogances are all gloating.

"Senior Dragon King, while Brother Dragon Beast's heroic spirit is not far away, let's quickly send Lin Fan on the road as a companion."

Someone suggested.

The Dragon Beast King opened his eyes, his big hand stretched out, it didn't block out the sky, but all the people here felt their spirits screaming in fear, as if they were just ants under this ruthless big hand, if this one The hand has a bit of murderous intent on them, and they will all die.

But everyone's eyes are full of pleasure.

Lin Fan is about to die.

Lin Fan had been calm all this time, but at this moment, he also looked at the Dragon Beast King: "Does the Dragon King not want to know the whole story?"

The ruthless hand pressing on Lin Fan's head stopped.

Cheng Yefei's face changed slightly, and he scolded: "Then what happened? The facts are all in front of you, do you still want to offend?"

"Hehe, Lin Fan, you really deserve to be damned. It's okay to treat us as idiots, but you dare to say that Senior Dragon King is also an idiot? The crimes you committed are vivid in your memory, and it's useless for you to argue."

The saints are also terrified.

Therefore, they spoke out one after another, trying to use various means to bring about Lin Fan's quick death.

The Dragon Beast King looked at Lin Fan: "What do you want to say?"

Lin Fan sneered: "Dragon King, don't you think it's a coincidence? Don't you think it's strange? The dragon beast egg is so terrifying and full of vitality. This junior never underestimates himself. If the dragon beast egg is not concealed, how can this junior be unable to tell the difference?" Beast eggs and killer weapons?"

Dragon Beast King frowned, suspicion appeared in his eyes for the first time!

He glanced at Cheng Yefei, but still didn't speak.

"Nonsense! At that time, I was in a hurry, and there were many killing weapons in the talisman ring. At that time, I just wanted to save my life, and I really didn't know the difference.

This is all my fault, first I will disable half of my soul to atone for my sin, and then I will let the seniors punish me later. "

Cheng Yefei is really too ruthless!

In order to convince the Dragon Beast King, he really cut off half of his soul body, the soul blood flowed, and the silent wailing made the Wanli region seem to be shrouded in sorrow.

The suspicion in the Dragon Beast King's eyes dissipated.

Cheng Ye Fei's ability to do this shows his magnanimity.

This Lin Fan really deserves to die!

How dare you tease him?

More murderous.

But Lin Fan was still calm, looking at the Dragon Beast King: "Does the Dragon King want to see a certain memory fragment?"

Panic suddenly appeared in the eyes of Cheng Yefei and the others!


Especially Lu and the others thought of a possibility!

That holy emperor who was swallowed by Lei Hai in a single encounter!

Thinking about it now, it's too strange.

No matter how strong Lin Fan is, it is impossible to easily kill a Holy Emperor in a single meeting without any aftermath of the struggle!

not good!

"Why does the Dragon King listen to the words of villains? What in this world cannot be faked? Let alone mere memory fragments?"

Cheng Yefei snorted coldly.

The saints also postscript.

The Dragon King's eyes are more murderous.

But soon, with Lin Fan's words, the Dragon King's murderous intentions were exhausted, and the faces of all the saints were pale, and they were almost scared to death.

"Then what about the fragments I directly intercepted from the Holy Emperor's soul?"

It was this sentence that made Cheng Yefei and others wish they could die now!

Everyone's soul is unique, and no one can imitate and replace it.

As for Lin Fan, he bluntly said that the memory fragments in his hand were directly intercepted from the soul, rather than imitated.

In the eyes of the Dragon King, the murderous intent was even more terrifying, and the situation stirred up.

"I want to take a look." The Dragon Beast King had only one sentence.

Let Cheng Yefei and others' hearts fall to the bottom!

Lin Fan smiled, and he took out the fragment of the soul, and the soul of the Dragon Beast King swarmed out, trying to distinguish the authenticity of the fragment of the soul.

After a long while, the Dragon Beast King's chest heaved and expanded several times, and then he inhaled suddenly, as if he had sucked all the air in a radius of thousands of miles by himself.

"Hahahahahahahaha! Good! Good! A group of juniors, using the life of the deity's children to mislead this king! Good! Really good! The future generations are awesome! The future generations are awesome!"

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