"Lin Fan! Why bother to force him!" Cheng Yefei's eyes were terrified, and his words were stern.

"I gave you a chance." Lin Fan still said the same thing.

When the two fought for the first time, Lin Fan was able to slap Cheng Ye Fei to death.

But at that time, he gave Cheng Yefei a chance, just to let him go back and talk, but what happened?

But it was Cheng Yefei who was constructing the biggest trap for him to kill him.

"call out!"

Cheng Yefei was crying, but in his talisman ring, there was another big killer, which was the blood-stained divine clock.

Lin Fan's expression became serious for a moment, this divine clock is very remarkable, of course it does not refer to the body of the clock itself, but the scarlet blood stained on it.

I don't know what age the blood was left over, and how many ages it has flowed through, but until now, it is still scarlet and has a pungent bloody smell, and there is a violent way of killing hidden in the blood.

Lin Fan looked carefully, this pool of blood seemed to be imprinted with a real history of war.

He vaguely saw the shocking battlefield. A peerless powerhouse who was at least near the gods was besieged and killed by three people. His blood was splashed on the sky, and his scarlet blood was splashed on a divine clock. All the souls of the gods and bells were killed.

Lin Fan was terrified!

This divine clock turned out to be only half a step away from being the ultimate supreme warrior, but the soldier's soul was killed just under that impending kick.

But even so, the divine clock itself can be immortal, let alone the blood of a god-emperor who died, full of resentment and hatred, it will surely be able to easily corrode the spirit of the cultivator.

"God hide!"

Lin Fan roared, and the golden ring enveloped him; a golden bell flew up to envelop him, and the divine bell struck and killed him. Lin Fan kept picking and killing with the heavy halberd in his hand, and finally changed the trajectory of the divine bell. , brushing past him.

But just like this, it still made his blood churn, and his body was about to burst.

If it wasn't for the most critical moment, when the Lightning Martial Soul washed out strands to protect him, maybe his body would really be torn apart, even the flesh in the Holy Realm couldn't resist, unless he became a great saint, it would be possible to resist.

"You surprised me."

Lin Fan sighed.

This Cheng Yefei actually has such a big killer.

If he hadn't been hiding all the time and suddenly threw out with the divine bell during the battle, maybe he would suffer a lot if he was caught off guard.

A trace of regret appeared in Cheng Yefei's eyes.

This divine clock was already his great weapon of death, and he would basically not use it. He originally thought that if this great weapon of death could kill Lin Fan.

Then there is no need to go any further, and he can still think of ways to take away the dragon beast.

In fact, it wasn't just Lin Fan who was surprised, even the Dragon Beast King who had been paying attention to this place was suddenly surprised.

He asked himself, if this kind of weapon suddenly attacked and killed him, he would be very embarrassed. There was no fear of his life, but he would definitely be in a mess.

He smiled and said, "That old friend of mine seems to have left behind a lot of good things."

The beautiful woman didn't speak, but just looked into the distance in a daze.

For some reason, she always felt that something big would happen today.

"Lin Fan! Please walk around me once. For the rest of my life, I am willing to serve you like a cow or a horse." Cheng Yefei cried.

"It's late." Lin Fan approached, raised his fist, and the fist imprint rumbled, wanting to suppress and kill Cheng Ye Fei completely.

"Then let's die together!"

Cheng Yefei roared loudly, and one after another big killers flew out of his talisman ring.

No one noticed that there was a bit of luster hidden among these flying big killers, but the luster was taken away by the light of various big killers.

"is that useful?"

Lin Fan laughed loudly, and shot out the heavy halberd a thousand times in an instant. The shadow of the halberd flew across the sky, and all the big killers were wiped out.

But a ray of light pierced through Lin Fan's halberd shadow, attacking towards his eyebrows, trying to kill his sea of ​​souls directly.

"Hmph!" Lin Fan snorted coldly. He withdrew the heavy halberd in his hand, retracted his entire right arm by half an inch, and shot out with the halberd. Within a short distance, there was a sonic boom.


The Dragon Beast King was surprised, but soon, a terrifying light appeared in his eyes: "Slow down!"

The couple was also startled, trembling all over, and sternly said: "No!"

They saw what it was!

That was clearly their unhatched child!

But at this time, he was right in front of Lin Fan's halberd.



With the sound of this sound, the streamer shattered, and a large amount of terrifying life energy passed away. All the vegetation and plants within a thousand feet in this radius grew in an instant, surpassing the brilliance of thousands of years in the past.

"Ah" the beautiful woman screamed bitterly, she flew away, and tried her best to regather the scattered vitality, but it was useless, those vitality returned to the heaven and earth, swallowed by all things, and could not be taken back.

"Lin Fan!!!" The Dragon Beast King's tongue burst into spring thunder, and with a loud roar, a black hole exploded in the sky!

"Damn you!"

The Dragon Beast King's voice was extremely cruel.

"My child!" When the beautiful woman's shrill voice sounded, the corners of the Dragon Beast King's eyes would twitch violently.

Cheng Yefei's face was full of panic: "How could this be! How could this be? My brother, I'm sorry to ignore you."

He burst into tears and beat his feet and chest.

"Senior, please kill me and be buried with my brother whom I have never met."

Cheng Yefei was crying and begging, hoping that the Dragon Beast King would kill him.

The Dragon Beast King turned his head suddenly, his eyes burst into brilliance, he was watching every move of Cheng Ye Fei, and he would not let go of any smallest move.

But who is Cheng Yefei?

From his appearance and demeanor, all he could see was his guilt.

After a while, the compelling light in the Dragon Beast King's eyes dissipated.

"Lin Fan, I didn't want to do anything to you, but at this time, you should be hacked into pieces!"

The voice of the Dragon Beast King was too cold.

Of course, he was not as hoarse as the beautiful woman, at least he still maintained the demeanor of a king.

The most important thing is that he knows that it is useless to do everything, and it cannot be redeemed.




All kinds of emotions erupted in his chest like this.

"Senior, I'm sorry."

Cheng Yefei added fuel to the fire, he was nailed to the body, but his spirit escaped from the shell, and he just knelt in front of the flesh.


The Dragon Beast King vented his anger and said, "You are duty-bound to do this, but death is not a crime."

The Dragon Beast King spoke, he really understood Cheng Yefei's actions just now.

When you know that you must die, you risk everything and want to catch up with the enemy and die together.

Therefore, he said, Cheng Yefei is duty-bound, the crime cannot be pardoned, but the crime does not entail death.

He is king.

Can distinguish many things.

Lin Fan didn't speak the whole time, just watched Cheng Ye Fei's performance like this.

Now this Cheng Ye Fei acted more realistically.

Later, he will die more painfully.

At the same time, Lin Fan recalled one phantom body after another, all turned into billowing energy and merged into his body.

And those saints who Lin Fan kept his hand on purpose, and were not in a hurry to kill, also came here full of joy.

They were waiting for Lin Fan's death.

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