Twin martial arts

Chapter 1870 Ye Fei

He has no fear at all.

Even a group of ants can't be a match for a black dragon.

Of course, we must also be careful of the explosion after this group of ants brainstorm.

Stepping into the hunting garden, there was a fresh scent that hit Lin Fan's mouth, which made Lin Fan speechless. There must be rare medicinal materials that are more than ten thousand years old, worth hundreds of millions of gold.

At this moment, he suddenly understood why there were so many people who had no hope of making their mark, but they still came to participate. It turned out that being able to enter the hunting garden itself was already a kind of wealth.

The contestants walked past Lin Fan one by one, keeping away from him and not daring to get close to him, because a group of people stared at him and lined up not far ahead, blocking Lin Fan's way.

"Why, do you want to fight now?" Lin Fan chuckled.

He has no fear at all.

There are only three or five holy emperors, and seven or eight holy kings, who can be easily crushed to death.

"Don't worry, it will take a long time."

A holy emperor spoke, he smiled and said, "My holy name is Duan Cangtian."

Lin Fan said: "Very good name, very domineering."

"Thank you for the compliment." Duan Cangtian smiled, and then, he glanced at the saints beside him, and said, "We all want you dead."

"And then?" Lin Fan didn't expect that these people would be so straightforward and want him to die directly.

"So, you must die." The other holy emperor grieved.

Lin Fan chuckled: "Can ants kill Qinglong?"

"Ants? Qinglong?" Duan Cangtian shook his head and laughed, and said: "Only those who survived are qualified to say such things."

"Indeed." Lin Fan nodded approvingly, and then said: "So, you are making such a big show just to tell me this?"

Duan Cangtian chuckled: "Of course, this is a declaration of war."

"Declaration of war?" Lin Fan's eyes became strange, fierce murderous intent surged up, and countless small tornadoes appeared on the spot. This is because his murderous intent caused partial changes in the outer world.

Duan Cangtian's face suddenly changed: "Lin Fan! What are you going to do?"

"What? Of course I want to kill you!"

Lin Fan shook lightly.

"You can't do this!" Duan Cangtian's complexion changed, and he scolded: "If the two countries are at war and you don't kill them, you can't do this!"

"The two countries are at war? Which country do you represent?" Lin Fan mocked.

Moreover, he didn't stop taking a step, approaching Duan Cangtian step by step, every step he took, the coercion emanating from his body would increase.

"Lin Fan! If you dare to do this, no one will spare you."

Duan Cangtian roared.

He really didn't expect that this Lin Fan was so careless.

Of course the most important thing is that this Lin Fan is not a gentleman.

Only a gentleman can deceive him.

They just wanted to be good-looking and courteous in front of those high-ranking young masters, so they waited again, wanting to give Lin Fan a blow as soon as he entered the hunting garden. what

"If everyone doesn't spare me, then I will kill everyone."

Lin Fan was extremely domineering, and at this time, he made a move, protruding a big hand, I don't know how many feet, each finger is as thick as a mountain, and there is a thunder dragon coiled around the fingertips.

"Fight him!"

"Kill! He will never let us go!"

"Let's do our best to fight!"

Each of these roadblockers yelled loudly, wanting to burst into tears.

They were wrong.

Lin Fan didn't have any rules at all. For him, as long as he was an enemy, he would push all of them horizontally when he could kill them.

These people are really powerful. They all play out their own laws, flooding the world, making the void at the entrance boil, as if they are going to evolve the origin of chaos, and all kinds of ways and methods are turbulent.

The palm finger that entangles the thunder light is ruthlessly wiped away, like a lotus that purifies the world, all Tao and Dharma are wiped out, and turned into a part of the power of the palm finger.

With a sound of "Boom!", nothing ceased to exist.

A large pit appeared, and there were countless bones in the pit.

Of course, there is also the wailing of the dying soul, which is a special sound wave that can be heard by all cultivators. It is so shrill and eerie that it makes one's scalp tingle.

Lin Fan withdrew his protruding palm fingers, stepped across the deep pit, stepped on the many bones, every step, there was a burst of white light, and the light pierced into the deep pit, those remaining souls They were purified one by one, leaving no trace in the world.

Stopped and looked at the sky mockingly: "Is it so useless?"

Everyone looked at Lin Fan.

This is really a peerless fierce man, there are no rules and regulations to fetter him, he can kill everything as he pleases.

They hadn't woken up from the shock that Lin Fan had wiped out a group of saintly beings with one palm, when they heard Lin Fan's words again.

Is this someone hiding in Skyrim?

Could it be that there will be another bloody battle soon?

"Lin Fan, aren't you afraid that all the heroes will attack you when you kill them with such blood?"

Sure enough, a figure appeared in the sky, this is a handsome man, but at this time his face is dark, ruining his handsome appearance.

These people came to demonstrate against Lin Fan with his approval, but when these people were in trouble, he didn't dare to rescue them at all.

He seemed to be able to hear the accusations of the dead against him in hell.

"Rise up and attack? Isn't it just you trash?"

Lin Fan smiled, but suddenly frowned, and said, "I don't have the habit of looking up at people."

The figure's complexion suddenly changed, and he said in a stern voice: "Could it be that you want to kill me too?"

"Why not?"

Lin Fan laughed wildly.

"This is the number one hero in Qingxiao Mansion."

"It's him, Cheng Yefei!"

"In Qingxiao Mansion's [-]-mile territory, no one dares to stand shoulder to shoulder with him. It is said that he has already beaten the Holy Emperor invincibly in that territory."

"Hehe, interesting, there will definitely be a big battle."

There was a lot of discussion.

Lin Fan flew up, and a scepter appeared at some point in his hand, and silver thunder light flowed on the scepter, as if it was forged by thunder.

"call out!"

Holding the scepter to kill Cheng Yefei, the thousand-foot thunder snake turned into a sharp sword, trying to nail Cheng Yefei's eyebrows.

"Lin Fan!"

Cheng Yefei roared.

He didn't dare to fight Lin Fan at all, knowing that he was no match for Lin Fan at all.


The big bang sounded.

This simply shocked everyone.

No loss, they are all famous monsters.

The first confrontation between the two was already so terrifying, far surpassing the life and death battles of other holy emperors.

Everyone desperately hoped that someone could restrain Lin Fan's ferocity and domineering arrogance.

This is a criminal who came from another world, but he shows his power in their world, what is this?

When the big bang sounded, everyone's eyes were blurred, and they were instantly blinded by the blaze. They didn't know where they were, and only their ears were rumbling.

"Want to escape? Leave something behind!"

But in a daze, he heard Lin Fan's roar.

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