Twin martial arts

Chapter 1869 Murder

If you are close to the water, you don't necessarily get the moon first.

But if you get close, you will have the chance to win the moon. If you can't get close at all, then everything is just nonsense.

Princess Jue is too tall, higher than the moon in the sky.

Throughout the seventh session, only major generals can often see the real face of the princess; there are not many others.

But if you can get this opportunity

Even if the long-cherished wish does not come true in the end, Princess Jue is destined to become the next generation of demon kings. If I follow her at this time, then I will belong to the servant of the dragon.

The light is in the eyes of all ambitious people; this opportunity should not be missed.

"Lin Fan, I am very optimistic about you, don't let me down." The princess smiled, and she looked at Lin Fan, her eyes full of expectation.

This kind of look and tone made a group of people feel cold in their eyes.

"The most urgent thing is to kill him first." A chief of a big clan said to the young man beside him, very cold and stern, with unlimited murderous intentions.

The young man narrowed his eyes, looking at the proud Lin Fan, with a sense of powerlessness in his eyes.

At this moment, who doesn't want to kill Lin Fan?

If he could kill him, he would gain the friendship of countless big clans, and he would become famous and rise to the top.

Question, can you kill?

Can you kill it?

"He is a stumbling block, and he must be taken down first."

A leader of a faction looked serious. He warned and exhorted the evildoers who would join the battle to kill Lin Fan before talking about other things.

The princess's attitude is too obvious, she is very optimistic about Lin Fan, with this preconceived idea, other people may not be able to do well even if they perform well; they cannot replace Lin Fan's position.

Lin Fan was speechless.

What does this princess mean?

Is this making him jump into the fire pit?

Saying these words so openly and making him a target of public criticism is basically cheating him.

The sinister and gloomy eyes were all concentrated on him, making him feel his muscles tense. This was the reaction of the sacred body after being stimulated by killing intent.

In the past, the champions of hunting events were judged based on the number of warriors killed by the contestants and the number of holy monsters hunted and killed.

This time, of course, is the case.

It's just that the war servants in the past were too passive, and they were not allowed to take the initiative to kill the contestants. They could only passively wait for the contestants to attack themselves before they could fight back.

But now, Princess Jue has changed this rule, and the war servant has also taken the initiative, and can kill the contestants without scruple.

Following Princess Jue's words, the last competition of this hunting party will begin immediately.

In the first match, of course Lin Fan won, no one was more brilliant and amazing than him.

Strictly speaking, as long as Lin Fan gets an upper-middle ranking in this last competition, then this time the champion will be his.

The major general smiled wryly. He looked at the saints and the emperor behind him, and said, "Go and participate, too."

A holy emperor frowned and said: "Young master, my general's residence has never been involved in this matter."

He is reminding.

The General's Mansion has indeed never participated in the so-called hunting party.

The status of his general's mansion is high enough, and there is no need to make a splash.

"Today is different, since she wants to change the rules, how can I not listen to her."

The major general spoke, with endless admiration in his tone.

The people behind him all smiled.

For their General's Mansion, it would be the best if the Major General could really walk with Princess Jue, so their General's Mansion was also making great efforts to facilitate this.

"Okay." The Holy Emperor agreed, and pointed out three top saints.

"Wait a minute." The Major General looked at the Holy Emperor and said, "It's just an attitude for you to participate in the war, and I don't want you to get any good rankings."

"Young master, don't worry, you won't fall into the prestige of the General's Mansion." The Holy Emperor said proudly.

The major general said: "Listen to me, I only have one request for you to participate in this competition, you must protect Lin Fan and don't let him have trouble."

The Holy Emperor frowned: "Young master, you are just a criminal, but a war servant"

The major general raised his eyebrows: "When do I need to explain to you?"

The holy emperor's face changed, but he heard the major general's words softened: "There are some things you don't know yet, but what I can say is that Lin Fan's status is higher than you think, higher than mine, and higher than mine." Most people in this world are taller."

This said, for these holy emperors, is it more than a horror?

It's just scary.

"That's all for now, what to do, you can figure it out." The major general was helpless.

Some secrets, from the moment you know it, mean there is always something to reveal.

Patterns are densely covered, and there is a hazy brilliance flickering on the edge of the tens of thousands of meters of hunting palace.

Lin Fan raised his eyebrows slightly. When he first entered this place, he was still very strange.

Why in this hunting palace, there are obviously so many holy monsters, but they are not chaotic at all. They didn't think about leaving this place, so they wanted to be imprisoned in a large formation.

It's just that this big formation is so incredible that it can even imprison a group of great monsters in the holy realm.

"Go, I'm here waiting for the champion to be born." Princess Jue waved the golden command arrow in her hand, and a golden light suddenly shot out from the command arrow, looking at the hazy pattern, and immediately, the pattern rippled like water.



The Hunting Palace, which was originally very quiet, was suddenly disturbed by the opening of the formation pattern, and the roar of monster beasts shook the world. Everyone was still outside the formation, but they could already feel the wild atmosphere in it.

Lin Fan's expression was dignified, and when that barbaric aura rushed towards his face, he sensed that there were no less than a hundred holy emperor-level monsters inside, and there were even some hidden ones, but it made him feel heavy. The breath is hidden in the deep mountains or underground caves.

That is at least a beast of Lindi level.

"Hehe, I hope we don't meet so soon later."

A young man walked past Lin Fan, and at the moment they missed each other, he spoke coldly.

This made Lin Fan frown. He looked at the young man, but he could only see the back of his head.

"You are still alive, very good. I will avenge my brother. This hunting palace is where you will be buried."

Someone spoke again, and the voice was so erratic that you couldn't tell who he was or where he was speaking from.

However, who is Lin Fan?

His soul power was comparable to that of the top-notch Saint Lindi, and he locked anyone who opened his mouth in an instant.

This is a woman, wearing a blood-red robe, her hair is also scarlet, and she looks extremely demonic.

"A ghost cave."

Lin Fan whispered in his heart, the ghost wanted to kill him that day, but he didn't dare to come because of his prestige in the end, he didn't expect this woman to dare to speak like this at this time.

The eye of the rune flashed in his eyes, and he instantly realized the cultivation level of the woman in red, the Holy Emperor.

This made him sigh, such a young woman is a figure of the Holy Emperor, and she is indeed the pride of heaven.


Soon, Lin Fan noticed something unusual.

It stands to reason that these people have already understood his combat power, so they shouldn't dare to provoke him like this.

But at this time, they are all like this, so it can only prove that these people are allied!

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