Twin martial arts

Chapter 1866 How many lives do you have to fill

Princess Jue's eyes glanced coldly, and everyone who was still making noise died down and watched quietly.

Princess Jue snorted coldly, her eyes were even colder, but she asked the emperor: "Do you still want to send people to fight?"

The emperor frowned. He looked behind him, and there were only three or two people who could fight against Lin Fan. They were his holy arms along with the green snake.

This person is a pterosaur, and his cultivation base is stronger than that of a green snake.

The pterosaur looked at the emperor and said, "My lord, please fight."

There was sadness in his eyes.

The green snake and him have always been inseparable from the weight, and the weight is inseparable from the weight, but at this time, they are separated forever, and they can never see each other again.

"Kill him." The emperor said lightly.

"Yes, I will avenge the young master, and I will avenge the Green Snake Brothers. I will cut off Lin Fan's head." The pterosaur's voice was too cold.

People from other forces sighed.

The saddest thing is that the enemy is clearly in front of him, but even the chance of revenge has been taken away.

Lin Fan watched the pterosaur rush towards Ruo with the fastest light. The speed of the pterosaur was indeed too fast, maybe it really surpassed the speed of light.

But at this time, his rune eyes were no small matter, like the lightning-like pterosaur, in his eyes, it was extremely slow, just like that snail.


Lin Fan raised his arm suddenly, bent his right arm, and blocked the fist that was attacking his right cheek. His left fist slammed out, and with a bang, the sky and the earth exploded. With one punch, the boundless void was instantly scorched into steam. , the steam was boiling, extremely hot, thousands of meters high, and flew away with the blow of the fist.

A strange howl followed the attack of the fist seal, and a figure retreated sharply in the fist seal.

After Lin Fan roared with ice-cold eyes, his bent right arm stretched out, directly covering Tianyu in the direction in which the figure was fleeing.

"Pa." With a dull sound, everyone felt that after this palm was pressed, the whole planet was shaking. In this hunting ground, I don't know how many demon saints roared, and I don't know how many creatures were frightened.

"how is this possible?"

Huang stood up suddenly, staring at Lin Fan with disbelief.

be cheated!

He discovered that Lin Fan was covering up his injury, and he knew that Lin Fan was preserving his strength.

However, he didn't dare to think that Lin Fan had concealed so much strength, it was simply unfathomable!

This level of combat power, even for an ordinary Saint Lindi, would be very difficult to resist.

"call out!"

Lin Fan took a step forward, and he was a thousand feet in an instant. When he came back again, he was already holding a half-dead cultivator in his hand!

This cultivator is the emperor's arm - pterosaur!

This cultivator was the one that the emperor had placed high hopes on, and believed that he would surely kill Lin Fan—the pterosaur!

"Lin Fan!" Huang Yazi wanted to burst.

A few people died, nothing.

Not even his help.

It's just a holy emperor. With his identity and status, it's not difficult to recruit him.

But, he is so majestic, he can't see through the disguise of a mere saint!

This is worse than killing him tens of thousands of knives.

The onlookers gradually recovered from the shock.

Afterwards, he looked at Lin Fan with a strange face.

It turned out that he was not injured. It turned out that he was stronger than he imagined.

Then, they all looked at the emperor, and then, their eyes lit up.

It turned out that it wasn't just me who was stupid, and it wasn't just me and others who couldn't see Lin Fan's disguise.

Even the emperor didn't see it.

The pterodactyl was really like a dead dog. Lin Fan grabbed the back of his neck and twisted it in his hand like this. The blood kept spilling out from his body, and soon stained the ground red. land.

"Is it cool?" Lin Fan looked at Huang and chuckled.


The emperor almost bit his own teeth!

Lin Fan smiled, but the smile was cruel. In front of the emperor, he kicked and kicked the pterosaur to pieces, crushing the pterosaur's body with the soles of his feet.

During the whole process, the emperor didn't speak, but his face became more and more serious, and the whole world was full of heavy coercion.

Clapping hands, the applause was crisp, Lin Fan seemed to have done an extremely trivial thing, and said: "So, how many lives of the saints do you have to fill?"

Everyone's faces became serious!

This is a fact.

If Lin Fan doesn't fall, who can defeat him in this hunting ground that strives for fairness?


The emperor took a deep breath.

He sensed from afar that the terrifying Emperor Soul locked all his movements.

The coercion released by this emperor soul is ten thousand times stronger than him.

Then, who is the only one who locked him with the soul of the emperor!

Is this warning him not to break certain rules again?

Turning around, going back to his seat and sitting down, Huang looked extremely calm, as if he had calmed down all his thoughts the moment he turned around, but in fact, every time he took a step, the ground would crack. , The place he was sitting on collapsed into a black hole, and it seemed that he couldn't control the surging murderous intent, and the overflowing strand pierced the ground into an abyss.

"Which one of you will come next?" Lin Fan smiled, his eyes immediately locked on to the saint who was the first one who proposed to dissect him in the Longlong Camp that day: "Are you coming?"

The saint's thighs were trembling, his face was pale, and his cheeks were fighting.

he comes?

How can?

He can guarantee that if he goes up by himself, he will be patted into pieces of meat in the first time.

Even the pterosaur is not Lin Fan's general, so what is he?

At this moment, he regretted it so much.

If there is regret medicine in this world, he can buy it with 1000 years of lifespan, and he can't torture Lin Fan on that day. This is a killer star, a demon.

Because, when Lin Fan suppressed and killed the pterosaur, he actually unsealed the crucified Tianlong Sacred Emperor!

He didn't even die!

But at this time, the Heavenly Dragon Sage Emperor was no different from dead, his eyes were dull.

Anyone who sees their close relatives and old relatives dying in front of him one by one, and there is nothing he can do, will probably collapse.

"Or, are you coming?" Lin Fan looked at another person again.

This person is just a sage, but when he tortured Lin Fan, he was too joyful. He once said that if you want to serve wine with a golden heart, the taste of tasting the heart of a top monster is different from that of ordinary people.

But at this time, when Lin Fan looked over, he really wanted to hide in his crotch, wishing that he had never appeared in this world.

"Enough!" The emperor scolded angrily, and said, "Lin Fan, the future will last forever."

"I don't like the future, I like the present, so at this time, I will kill all the saints under your command, come together, or single-handedly, it's up to you." Lin Fan's indescribable domineering.

If one person wants to pick and kill all the saints under the emperor's command, whether it's a one-on-one fight, or all of them add up to fight him, he has no fear.

Can the emperor dare to accept it?

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