It is a pity.

God is jealous of talents.

A character like Lin Fan, if he had a deeper background, would definitely become a hero of a generation, and looking around the two worlds was also considered to be the pinnacle of existence.

But at this time, he must die.

This makes people sigh. Of course, there are also people who feel like a big stone fell to the ground. Lin Fan's immortality is a huge mountain in front of many people, which cannot be crossed at all.

A look of amazement flashed in Princess Jue's eyes.

Her elder brother is too famous, especially under her special collection, so he knows every bit of Lin Fan too well.

But today he just realized that his elder brother is even more evil than in the legends, the so-called rare encounter in ten thousand years is enough to describe it.

Everyone except the major general and her didn't know that Lin Fan had been suppressing his cultivation from the beginning to the end, he didn't want to expose too much, and wanted to kill everyone.

She was thinking, if her elder brother really exploded with full power, would he be able to kill the enemy across a great realm.

At this time, Princess Jue was looking at Huang's gloomy expression, and also at her brother's weak appearance, which he tried to pretend to be weak.

She wanted to laugh.

Standing up, looking at Lin Fan, he said: "You are very good, you have defeated three famous people in a row."

Lin Fan frowned.

Of course he knew that this was the only Highness Princess of the seventh session, and it was very possible that she would be the next generation's demon king.

The reason why he frowned was that when he saw Princess Jue, he felt a throbbing feeling in his heart, which was so strange.

Since coming to the seventh session, this feeling appeared for the second time. Could it be that the source of the first change also came from Princess Jue?

But, how is this possible?

"What a guts!"

Suddenly, an eunuch beside Princess Jue yelled angrily, his eyes widening.

How dare a lowly war servant look directly at the incomparably noble princess?

Lin Fan untied his frown, saluted slightly, and said, "His Royal Highness has flattered you, and I'm doing my best. Thinking about it, I don't have the strength to fight anymore."

No one could have noticed that when Lin Fan saluted the princess, the princess turned her body slightly, not daring to bear the salute.

Princess Jue smiled like a flower, and said: "If you can win five people in a row, I can make an exception and change your status."

"Thank you princess." Lin Fan cupped his fists.

He didn't want to go anywhere else, he thought it was good to stay beside the major general, at least he didn't have to be restricted.

Moreover, for a person from another world, even if Princess Jue really raised his status for him, so what?

Not everywhere.

If there is a cold light in the shining eyes of the stars, at this moment, she is like the queen who dominates the dark part of the entire Mozun Palace. Who dares to move the Seven Realms?"

Lin Fan remained silent, but Ke Huang's expression became even uglier.

Today, the princess didn't give him any face at all.

Those words said that she wanted to protect Lin Fan.

Indeed, if Princess Jue said she would not allow anyone to touch Lin Fan, then who would dare to touch Lin Fan in the Seventh Realm?

Can only use insidious tricks.

But if you use the power of those dark worlds, who can compare to Mozun Palace?

Murderous intent flickered in the emperor's eyes.

In fact, it wasn't just him, many princes and aristocrats who had a deep hatred against Lin Fan, or major cultivators, all had cold eyes.

Many sharp eyes immediately focused on Lin Fan's body.

It is no exaggeration to say that if this Lin Fan had not been a holy body with great strength, the gazes of so many saints and emperors would have been enough to kill him.

However, the gathering of these gazes still made him feel the boundless pressure.

"Please fight."

Suddenly, an old man sitting in the westernmost seat spoke, with a celestial demeanor and a fluttering white beard, but the vertical bloodstain between his eyebrows slightly destroyed the kindness of his face.

"Fairy Saint."

"It looks like the immortal and sage of Jiuweng Mountain face to face."

"Jiuweng Mountain hangs hundreds of millions of miles away, but rarely comes to the mainland. Why is this fairy and saint so close this time?"

"Hehe, in the last war between the two worlds, Lin Fan beheaded a certain celestial arrogance of great status, and according to gossip, that celestial pride of great status was actually the only heir of this immortal saint."

"Hiss, this enmity will be a big one!"

"Yes, Jiuweng Mountain Taoism is strong and domineering, but because it is too strong and domineering, it is extremely difficult to give birth to an offspring. It is said that this fairy saint also had an offspring when he was nine thousand years old."

"I don't want to die, I really don't want to die."

There was a lot of discussion.

From the conversations of everyone, Lin Fan knew the person's name and birth.

It's just that he doesn't know who he beheaded to death, who coincidentally is the heir of this immortal saint.

This really doesn't blame him, the battles continued, and in his mind, he never remembered those opponents who were killed in a few moves.

There was a hint of worry in Princess Jue's eyes, but at a certain moment, she received the reassuring look from the major general, she felt at ease, she remained silent for a while, looked at the emperor, and said, "Do you still want to challenge?"

Before the emperor had time to speak, he heard the immortal sage say: "Your Majesty, please give me the opportunity to kill this flirt, and pay the blood debt of the dead son."

Huang frowned: "He also has a blood feud with me, you should know that."

"Hmph, why let you? My only son also died in his hands, and I want to kill him too." Another big thing said, not afraid of immortals and saints at all.

At first, it was the emperor who challenged him, so he didn't dare to say anything.

But what is this fairy saint?

Dare to get ahead of him?

"Hehe, you want to kill him? Does your subordinate have that ability?" A gloomy voice came out, it was Zhengnan.

Originally, all directions were crowded with people, but Zhengnan was an exception. It was very spacious, and there were only a hundred people. All of these hundred people were dressed in uniform black clothes, exuding a cold aura.

"A ghost cave, heavenly ghost."

Everyone took a sharp breath.

This ghost cave is a well-known evil organization, which does all kinds of evil. I don't know how many times it has been confiscated by the Demon Lord's Palace, but it will always be revived. Unexpectedly, this time, the ghosts dared to come directly to the Demon Lord's Palace to hunt.

Princess Jue also narrowed her eyes, but she did not speak. After all, this is the rule set by his father. As long as you come to this Demon Lord Palace to hunt, regardless of your past, everything will be based on your achievements.

Even if you want to pursue it, you have to wait later.

"No matter what, it will not be your turn. If Your Majesty gives up revenge, it will be my Su family's turn."

Everyone was shocked again, and they all looked at Lin Fan in disbelief, how many evildoers from aristocratic families did Lin Fan kill.

Why are there so many enemies?

Lin Fan Gujing Wubo, just looking at it like this, he forced him to force the green hills to blow the hills, the revenge has been taken, and those who want revenge, just come.

"What kind of decency is the noise? Let me sit down."

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