Twin martial arts

Chapter 1859 To Kill All

Of course they won't agree.

In the previous hunts, they could send out a group of monsters and war servants to pave the way for the heroes they wanted to support.

But if it is a point war, this method is useless, and many variables will be added out of thin air.

"Dare to ask the princess, do you have the permission of His Majesty Mozun for all this?" The emperor looked at Princess Jue.

This time, what he wanted to support was his youngest son, who wanted him to join the army and become an officer.

For this reason, he worked hard and cultivated many monsters of the holy way, just for this hunt.

But if Princess Jue changed the rules, all his painstaking efforts would naturally be in vain.

Princess Jue glanced at the emperor coldly, and said, "Doesn't this palace have the right to change this qualification?"

The emperor bowed his head: "I don't dare, but this rule is determined by His Majesty Mozun. If there is no change by his will, I am afraid it will be inappropriate."

Jue sneered.

This old dog.

Her uncle in honor.

Just damn it.

Did so many bad things, do you really think they don't even know about it?

Moreover, this old dog wanted to murder her brother.

Even more damn.

His eyes became colder, and he said: "This palace has the token of heaven bestowed by the emperor."

When the token is issued, there will naturally be an aura unique to the Demon Lord, which cannot be faked, and all the heroes will worship him.

"Now, is there anything else to say?" Princess Jue looked at her coldly.

The emperor was silent for a moment, and said: "Your Majesty has no faults. If you allow it, how dare the old minister speak too much?"

point fight!

Since then, the hunting rules have changed like this.

This is of course a great thing, at least for those who are not nobles, it is very useful.

Princess Jue returned to the throne and said, "Next, all contestants should sign up."

She opened her mouth, and the saint came forward to count.

Soon, it was calculated that a total of 9000 people participated in this hunting meeting.

Among the 9000 people, there are twenty saints who are facing the emperor.

Therefore, the saint who is facing the emperor does not need to participate in the previous battles, and it is the last turn.

The emperor didn't say a word, but just looked at the holy man behind him: "Go to one person first, and kill Lin Fan."

"I'll go." This is a strong man at the peak of the Holy Emperor, only half a step away from the Holy Emperor, and the executioner who opened Lin Fan's chest that day.

Huang frowned: "Okay, you go, you must kill him to pieces, and he will die from now on."

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, you can easily kill him."

The Holy Emperor grinned grimly.

The emperor frowned even tighter.

He is examining whether there will be any exceptions to arranging this person to play.

In the end, the brows were relaxed, thinking that there would be no big problem.

Princess Jue looked at the 9000 people and felt a headache.

How long will it take to kill one by one like this?

But there is no way, in order to let him vent his anger, let's take a longer time.

The 9000 people lined up in unison, standing on the sky, covering the sky and the sun with a majestic momentum, all of them were hostile to each other, and the murderous intent was already surging before it even started.

"Then, who will fight first?" Princess Jue asked.

"Princess, if I want to fight first, it can be regarded as attracting jade."

The holy emperor appointed by the emperor came forward to speak.

Princess Jue narrowed her eyes.

Is this the man who cut open his chest with his own hands?

"Sure." Princess Jue said.

"Thank you, princess." The holy emperor said respectfully, turned his head, and looked at Lin Fan with ferocity in his eyes: "How do you want to die?"

Lin Fan stepped forward and killed him with one punch.

I just don't want to waste a little more time.

The hatred of that day was enough.

She was really cut into the heart by someone!

"Arrogant boy!"

The Holy Emperor is furious!

He hasn't even made a move yet, how dare someone who looks like an ant in his eyes dare to attack him first?


He also punched out with a bang, the wind of the fist was violent, rolled up thousands of layers of clouds, and boundless dark clouds rolled up, forming a fist mark like a mountain, suppressing and killing Lin Fan, wanting to annihilate Lin Fan's fist mark, crushing Lin Fan to death living soul.


The power of Lin Fan's fist seal suddenly more than doubled, crushing and destroying, directly smashing the fist seal of the Holy Emperor powerhouse, and a golden fist descended from the nine heavens, attacking and killing the Holy Emperor's head.

"Lin Fan!"

The Holy Emperor roared angrily.

He actually suffered from underestimation.

This Lin Fan couldn't stand it with common sense at all, surpassing ordinary sages, and indeed possessed the great power of retrograde and cutting down immortals.

In the past, he always thought that Lin Fan's big statement was just a rumor.

Now, he really knows.

"It's just an ant. When the Holy Emperor is serious, what are you?"

He roared, just because he was hit on his chest by the golden fist from Nine Heavens, which made him vomit the Holy Emperor's blood.

What a shame!

"Lin Fan!"

"This is Lin Fan?"

"That evildoer from the Heavenly Human Realm who once swept across our world?"

"Hmph! What an evildoer, now he is just a war servant of our world!"

Everyone exclaimed.

It was because for a long time, this Lin Fan was really famous, he swept away the arrogances of the Seventh Realm twice, and a group of evildoers fell in his hands, with a lot of arrogance under his feet.

There are even rumors that the reason why the emperor dispatched his army to kill the heavenly and human realms was only for him.

"It's a pity, if I had known Lin Fan was him, I should have picked and killed him first." A monster with ugly eyes.

He is a strong man among casual cultivators, and he has swept away more than a few strong men. He is very unwilling at this time, and feels that he has missed a good opportunity to stand out.

Lin Fan has swept away too many arrogance, if he can kill Lin Fan, wouldn't that be the best way to prove that he is better than everyone else?


Lin Fan opened and closed his arms wide, blasting out terrifying fist marks one after another, all of which were as gorgeous as small worlds one after another, surrounding the Holy Emperor powerhouse.


Lin Fan yelled angrily, and with a bang, all the Yu and Zhou double fists that surrounded and killed the Holy Emperor exploded into nothingness, leaving nothing behind.


A scream came from the center of the explosion.

Everyone's expression changed.

Could it be that this Holy Emperor powerhouse was robbed?

He even made such a shrill cry.

Soon, they saw a miserable spirit body that was almost wiped out by the aftermath of the explosion escaping from the flames.

"What? This Holy Emperor powerhouse lost just like that?"

"Impossible! How could his fist prints hurt the Holy Emperor's invincible body?"

Everyone exclaimed.

Of course, there are also people who are discussing that the root cause of everything that happened is that the Holy Emperor has underestimated Lin Fan from the very beginning.

Otherwise, it is impossible for him to be robbed.

"Trash!" The emperor yelled angrily, and stretched out his hand, trying to save the broken body of the holy emperor.

"How courageous!" Princess Jue said coquettishly: "Participating in this hunting party, life and death are at the mercy of God, you dare to move?"

Huang's big hand stopped halfway.

I dare not move.

Lin Fan rushed forward quickly, blasting the broken soul body of the holy emperor with one punch, and stepped on some pieces directly under the soles of his feet, crushing them into fine powder.


I felt that the anger and fire accumulated in my heart had dissipated a lot.

Of course he is not just this level of combat power.

If it really erupts, the Holy Emperor can be killed with a single punch.

He was acting, and he couldn't unleash his full power, just because he wanted to kill all those who insulted him that day.

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